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Science Is Giving the Pro-Life Movement a Boost

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Active member
Jun 5, 2009


play safe
Jun 3, 2011
We're importing 300,000 immigrants per year (not counting temporary workers, nor illegals), yet it's ok to kill 100,000 kids already here.
you forget the costs of education. importing immigrants is like stealing their education and growing up...
bottom line logic.... if you get the trade off ... is a fundamental principle which seems to work in every century... with a little twist.

for fun:


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
My two cents: I grew up with a single mother who drilled it home to me don't have a kid too young when you're not ready. She swears having a child in her early 20's was her choice and what she wanted, but she probably would have been better off waiting - if she had I wouldn't be here. She did take care of me, but she was a single mom for most of my life and at times we did struggle and had to live without. I have thought about it a lot, and I wouldn't fault her if she decided against having me. She did, but I did spend some time imagining what life would have been like if she said she never wanted to have me.

I believe in pro choice. I think it's incredibly cruel for anyone to say that abortion should be illegal or not even allowed. I don't care what their argument is - it is far crueler for a child to be born into a family or to just a mother who cannot take care of it, does not want to take care of it, or barely has the means to take care of it. You can't even argue that terminating a pregnancy is crueler than giving birth to a neglected child. Neglected children are an epidemic and often can't turn their life around on their own without some serious luck or help. When unwanted birth rates rise so does poverty levels, homelessness and crime.

We are dealing with overpopulation of our planet, an epidemic of uncared for young children, incredibly unhappy and depressed youth, many of whom are turning to crime and substance abuse out of despair. There just simply isn't enough social welfare to take care of every single unwanted child should the government force every impregnated woman to give birth.

What drives me crazy about the religious right wing pro lifers is that as soon as the child is born they couldn't really give a crap if they are a minority, poor, disabled, or non Christian. It's suddenly not their problem and they're just happy they prevented "murder". We don't need more unhappy neglected children in this world.

What we do need is more stable and competent partners having children that they care about that will be a positive to society and this planet.

I only see increased suffering for a mother and fetus forced to go to term against their will without any real means to take care of a child and barely supported by society or the government.

We've come such a long way from backyard abortions and becoming accidentally pregnant ruining a young women's life simply because the guy she was with didn't pull out and made promises to her. When you take away someone's choice over their body and basically force them to deal with caring for a child they don't want or can't take care of you are sentencing that child to a life of suffering - whether it be financial, emotional, or physical or all three.

We live in a world where people are actively having sex for pleasure and not for starting families, but devout religious sects are trying to bring us back to the dark ages, shaming women for getting pregnant, claiming they are solely responsible for the life of their fetus and a criminal if they choose not to go through with a pregnancy.

We have to draw the line somewhere, we are forcing animals to become artificially inseminated to become pregnant for our own means and improving production or species longevity, we can kill almost any animal we want to eat, but we outlaw medically assisted suicide for the terminally ill, and shame those who want to get safe medically assisted abortions due to a lack of ability or desire to care for a child. Because murder is murder but apparently only sometimes when it serves the agenda of the religious right.

I don't understand how right wingers figure their pro life agenda will work in their favour. Most poor Christian white folk are having kids, keeping their babies and are accessing social services to survive. If these same right wingers are so against immigrants, people of other faiths and non white poor people using government provided social services why would they want them to be forced to keep their babies and continue to grow the numbers of people on assisted programs birthing more children doing the same? It just doesn't make sense. Yes they want to produce more voters for their cause, but non whites in North America are having kids at a far greater rate due to desire AND lack of birth control/abortion options.

We allow innocent beings to suffer and be killed in all kinds of instances around the planet, but some draw the line at a fetus only months old maybe feeling some pain or seeming life like? Sure it is cruel to kill anything, but when was the last time the entire world cared about killing an animal or a grown person versus a growing fetus. Why do we care less about animals and birthed babies and grown ups? It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

We are also running into a world crises with the number of people on the planet doubling since 1950. We have never experienced a world running out of resources before, and now the middle class are struggling to make it. What are we going to do if the numbers swing closer and closer to a nation of people living in poverty who can't afford birth control methods having every child they fall pregnant with and not being able to afford to take care of it. Well then look at a third world country and imagine. Children are so abundant in some Asian countries that children who get separated from their parents can't even find them again because of how many people there are. Children are being abducted and used for labour camps or sex slavery because their parents can't afford to put them in school, protect them and care for them so they wander the streets and commonly run into criminals.

Why aren't we interviewing neglected and unwanted children and asking them about their life experiencing and suffering and what we could have done as a society or with the government to better provide for them and take care of them before washing our hands of it saying - welp at least we stopped another abortion?

There is always going to be life and death and kindness and cruelty in the world, I'm of the opinion it is far crueler to force a woman to give birth to a child that she doesn't want and can't take care of, thus further causing more pain and suffering for said child.

Don't even get me started on victims of rape, you have no leg to stand on forcing a woman to give birth to her rapist's child and forcing her to care for it. That's the ultimate nightmare for a woman.
I'm out of th house right now so I don't have time to address everything in your post yet but one thing I can say is that we are happy your mom did not choose to abort. Also, the over-population argument is inapplicable to western nations. Over population is a problem of the Third World, where the populations are booming while populations are declining in the west.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
And I already answered it. You dismissively act like all of these cases the woman wanted to have unprotected sex to fall pregnant and then was stuck deciding if she should have an abortion of not, as if it's all down to "reject the penis". Read everything I posted above. Maybe you'd have some compassion or understanding if you had a uterus or if a woman close to you was too poor to afford birth control and the man she was with said it was no big deal, if she had birth control fail, was raped, or was stealthed. Or what about the situations where the other partner changes their mind and says sorry I don't want to be with you, I don't want to support a child and you're on your own? Abstinence or nothing cannot be the solution to abortion. carefully....I did not dismiss anything.

I asked simple questions and you are interpreting them your own way.

I never suggested anything about the women wanted to have unprotected sex. Both partners chose that, but they should accept the risk she may become pregnant.

If you can't accept the risk, perhaps another choice is prudent.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
"So why not exercise your right to decide what's in your body by rejecting a penis?" My right? I've never said I've gotten pregnant nor had an abortion. Your question is rude and dismissive of everyone else I was mentioning and their potential varying circumstances. You're only playing victim cuz I swore. lol

That was not a simple question. And I already answered and others called you out as well. Enjoy your echo chamber in your head.
It is the interpretation of the question.....I don't mean it to be condescending at all.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I am not trying to start a race war and we are not importing people... that's vile. Every country that wants to grow wants to encourage immigration. We are all immigrants aside from Native Americans, old immigrants pointing the finger at new immigrants saying "we don't want you here" is the same old shit our ancestors dealt with and highly ignorant and plain racist or elitist.

And as a first world country if WE do nothing, we will find ourselves suffering because of population explosion elsewhere in the world. Trying to beat them in numbers or create a billion people here is not going to help us.
Charlotte, your statements are getting way off track. I'm not advocating racism. I'm pro-immigration. If immigration is not importing people then I don't know what it is. When there is a need, and immigrants can fulfill it, then immigration is the answer. The logic was more along the lines of this: if you had not killed 100k of your own kids in the past, perhaps you would need to import 200k immigrants instead of 300k today.

I don't follow the argument in your second paragraph.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
You cannot use 100,000 babies to replace families and people of all ages immigrating. It just doesn't make sense. Babies take years before they can contribute to society, most countries want to improve the economy and jobs which means they need families and people of working age coming in and current citizens having babies.

Second paragraph was because your comment seemed anti immigration and dismissive because we're not a third world country and "need" more population. Sure we have tons of space and may need more people in Canada, but if first world countries do nothing about population numbers booming and just act like third world countries - having little to no healthcare for women and birth control access, then we will have a runaway train of population growth from poverty level individuals. That's not helpful to the economy in Canada and even worse for the planet overall making more people who can't feed themselves let alone work.

Here's the birth rate for Canada , far outpacing abortion rate. Over 300,000 births a year. We still need immigration too
I'd rather we stay away from debating the need for immigration. For example, Japan's population is in rapid decline and they're not pushing for immigration.

Given your stats, 1 out of every 4 kids is aborted in Canada. That's a lot. A shame really.
From "Veep":

As the saying goes, "If men had to have babies the species would have gone extinct with Adam!"

But tell me one thing there Smallcock, if you were to succeed in banning abortion, what do you plan on doing with all these unwanted children?

Who is going to raise them?
Most of those kids would be raised by the parent(s). How many people have children that were "unprepared" and "surprised" by a pregnancy, had tremendous fear and reservations, but ultimately kept the kids and were happy about their choice? Millions.
Here's a reality check!

My mom fooled around without going all the way and then found herself pregnant. It's highly improbable but not impossible and I believe that it happened to her as she's very straight forward like myself and has never hidden that fact that she had me from anyone, so why lie about that. She then fell in love with and married the first guy she met that would accept an unwed mother. She didn't get to know him and discovered too late that he was an alcoholic who didn't want to work. She tried to take care of all three of us but couldn't and he wouldn't take care of me so she gave me up for adoption.

I don't know what the criterion was for CAS in those days but it clearly wasn't stringent enough and I got adopted into an abusive home. I left home at sixteen because I legally could and struggled for years. Still, it was better than staying there. Most people tried to take advantage of me rather than help me and I only survived because I had a good head on my shoulders and a good work ethic. Nonetheless I made some poor decisions relationship wise, etc. when I was younger and despite brains and ambition found myself behind the gun at 35. That's when I made the conscious decision to enter the Sex Trade and have managed to finish my undergrad debt free, buy two properties (bank owns half of each) and make investments towards my eventual retirement and I don't just mean from this industry. I consider myself lucky, many in my position are not where I am today, but it sure hasn't been easy.

Jessica has referred to you as 'trollish'. Based on your posts I would go much further and deem you a mysogynist.

That is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in a LONG time. (Thanks BTW for my laugh of the day.)

Does the term "unwanted child" mean anything to you? (Rhetorical question since obviously you don't get it.)

Women who have abortions do not want their children. They are not prepared for them, they do not want the responsibility of raising them, they are not in a position to raise them. That's why they are UNWANTED. And I would wager than in 99% of the cases, the sperm donors don't want the child either and have long since flown the coop leaving all of the responsibility of raising a child to the woman.

I remember reading somewhere that they asked women who recently had abortions what emotion they felt after having abortion. The number 1 response was relief.

So I ask you again, what do you propose to do with the huge number of UNWANTED children that would result in any kind of abortion ban.
What the OP and other anti-abortionists don't realize is that there is no legislative solution to "end abortion". All any anti-abortion legislation will do is drive it underground, again. The weird thing is, I always get the feeling that they know this, they just want to wipe their hands of it. In other words, they're not really "pro-life" because they couldn't give a shit if a young, scared girl dies due to an illegal abortion done in a back alley.
You forgot to mention that some of them also consider it okay to murder the abortionists.

Smallcock, don't bother responding to this as I also deem you unimportant, synonyms being insignificant, inconsequential, insubstantial, immaterial, trivial, minor, venial, trifling, no-account, irrelevant, peripheral, extraneous, petty, paltry, derisory, weightless, oh, here it is, by your own admission, small. You are now permanently on IGNORE!


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
you forget the costs of education. importing immigrants is like stealing their education and growing up...
bottom line logic.... if you get the trade off ... is a fundamental principle which seems to work in every century... with a little twist.
An interesting angle......

On the other hand, it provides jobs to raise kids; food, diapers, day care, clothing, etc etc.

And, Canada doesn't accept much of the education outside Canada. Hence, we have immigrant Ph'ds driving taxi. So their education from anther country isn't helping either.

All I mean is one isn't better than the other.


play safe
Jun 3, 2011
An interesting angle......

On the other hand, it provides jobs to raise kids; food, diapers, day care, clothing, etc etc.

And, Canada doesn't accept much of the education outside Canada. Hence, we have immigrant Ph'ds driving taxi. So their education from anther country isn't helping either.

All I mean is one isn't better than the other.
half true. half of the highly educated guys who are driving the taxi is because they do not like the corporate environment ... ask them.


play safe
Jun 3, 2011
Actually its because their credentials are recognized in Canada.

They give up a 6 figure income to drive a taxi because they don't like corporate environments?
yes. the guy i spoke with was speaking 3-4 languages and had a Phd in economy or something like that (happened some time ago)

on the side note:
there are immigrants who are earning 500k. they took all the studies or opened their own business.
and depending on the industry and country your education can be already recognized.
you are misinformed....

on the other side:
there are native English speakers who are begging at the corner of the street.

Canada plays very equal from many perspectives...


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
As the saying goes, "If men had to have babies the species would have gone extinct with Adam!"

Here's a reality check!

My mom fooled around without going all the way and then found herself pregnant. It's highly improbable but not impossible and I believe that it happened to her as she's very straight forward like myself and has never hidden that fact that she had me from anyone, so why lie about that. She then fell in love with and married the first guy she met that would accept an unwed mother. She didn't get to know him and discovered too late that he was an alcoholic who didn't want to work. She tried to take care of all three of us but couldn't and he wouldn't take care of me so she gave me up for adoption.

I don't know what the criterion was for CAS in those days but it clearly wasn't stringent enough and I got adopted into an abusive home. I left home at sixteen because I legally could and struggled for years. Still, it was better than staying there. Most people tried to take advantage of me rather than help me and I only survived because I had a good head on my shoulders and a good work ethic. Nonetheless I made some poor decisions relationship wise, etc. when I was younger and despite brains and a good work ethic found myself behind the gun at 35. That's when I made the conscious decision to enter the Sex Trade and have managed to finish my undergrad debt free, buy two properties (bank owns half of each) and make investments towards my eventual retirement and I don't just mean from this industry. I consider myself lucky, many in my position are not where I am today, but it sure hasn't been easy.

Jessica has referred to you as 'trollish'. Based on your posts I would go much further and deem you a mysogynist.

You forgot to mention that some of them also consider it okay to murder the abortionists.

Don't bother responding to this as I also deem you unimportant, synonyms being insignificant, inconsequential, insubstantial, immaterial, trivial, minor, venial, trifling, no-account, irrelevant, peripheral, extraneous, petty,
paltry, derisory, weightless, oh, here it is, by your own admission small. You are now permanently on IGNORE!
While Sophia's position is understandable given her unique upbringing, I think this is an example for why these discussions must be done dispassionately. If you're too close to the fire, you get blinded. It's one reason why lawyers are advised to not defend themselves in courts of law.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2016
Can we just end this thread as it has already been decided by the court and also can never and will never be your decision to make. /thread.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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