Does dope make you more creative?


Nobodies business if I do
Sep 26, 2007
IMHO it makes you more stupid, you just think you are more creative. I have tried it and totally dislike it .


A new study on the effects of smoking marijuana and its relation to creativity has some interesting results.

The study consisted of 412 marijuana users (they couldn’t find 8 more?) and 309 non-users, and they attempted to answer the question: Does smoking marijuana make you more creative?

Emily LaFrance, the co-author of the study and graduate student at Washington State University, says she first became interested in the topic when she noticed that a lot of her favorite artists admit they smoke marijuana. “This cannabis use was commonly thought to have been a cause of the creative success of many artists,” she explains. “I began to wonder about this commonly held idea – are cannabis users really more creative than non-users?”

The study is called “Inspired by Mary Jane? Mechanisms underlying enhanced creativity in cannabis users” and was published in Consciousness and Cognition. It examined the participants over a variety of areas including psychological tests, and measuring creative works and achievements.

Some major points from the study include:

Cannabis users were more likely to be extroverted and open to new experiences.
Cannabis users reported higher levels of artistic creativity, but not a higher amount of creative achievements or completed works.
Cannabis users performed better on a convergent thinking test (which tests creative problem solving).

Overall, they did find that those who use marijuana are more creative than their counterparts who do not use it, but when they dug deeper they made a startling discovery.

When the scientists included the personality traits into the data, they realized that these traits on their own could determine whether a person is more open to using marijuana, as well as drive a tendency to be more creative.

“Cannabis users may be more creative than non-users,” LaFrance says, “but this is not because using cannabis has increased their creativity.” She goes on to explain that it’s the fact that marijuana users “are more open to experience than non-users, and this openness to experience is associated with both cannabis use, and heightened creativity.”

So there you have it: if you smoke pot you’re probably more creative than people who don’t… but it’s not necessarily the weed that’s got your creativity going. It was you all along!


Feb 16, 2013
From what I’ve seen, in the early stages of drug use an artist may indeed become more creative. Over time, though, this seems to wear off and in fact the drug use seems to work against them.

I read a biography of Hunter S Thompson and it seems this is what happened to him.


New member
May 12, 2017
IMHO it makes you more stupid, you just think you are more creative. I have tried it and totally dislike it .
if you smoke pot you’re probably more creative than people who don’t… but it’s not necessarily the weed that’s got your creativity going. It was you all along!
I've tried it too and it's not my thing though I have nothing against it. I'd tend to believe the theory. I don't know anything about artists but look at the major contributing physicists in history - most of them were drunks or worse. I think I heard the same about philosophers too. True it may not make you a smart or creative person but if you already have a talent it may help you to see things differently and explore ideas you wouldn't have otherwise.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I liked it as a kid, hate it as an adult.


Active member
Jul 7, 2009
Being in bands for over 30 years, I can verify that a little weed helps.
I don't smoke at All, but I've been in bands where all the other members did. Whenever we had writing / jam sessions weed helped to get guys creative. One particular band couldn't write a riff without it !
I'm thankful to my pot smoking bandmates :)
If I smoke, I'm pretty much useless.


Jun 19, 2013
What the heck is “FirstToKnow” and who the heck is Ryan Standifird?

What I do know is, someone who calls electric lettuce “Dope” probably had their mind made up before they read the ‘article.’

Based on the title, I figured OP would be talking about heroin, which would be an interesting read considering the obvious evidence that a good deal of the most influencial and creative visual and performance art and music of the 20th century (IMO) was being created by people chasing the dragon.


Jun 19, 2013

Marijuana Users are More Creative Than Non-Users, Finds Study

But it's not the case that marijuana makes you more creative

Marijuana users are more likely to have creative personality traits, a new study suggests.

However, this does not necessarily mean that marijuana makes people more creative.

Researchers from Washington State University conducted a study on 412 cannabis users and 309 non-users.

Only sober users were assessed, rather than people who were acutely high on cannabis.

All participants were asked to undergo a series of psychological tests.

Those who smoke cannabis self-reported higher levels of artistic creativity than non-users, however they did not appear to have produced more creative works or achievements.

The study also revealed that cannabis users were more likely to be extroverted and more open to new experiences.

And cannabis users performed better in convergent thinking tests, this meaning they have a higher ability to solve problems by bringing together various ideas to find a single optimum solution.

“I became interested in this topic upon the realisation that a number of my favourite musicians and artists were well known for their cannabis use, and that this cannabis use was commonly thought to have been a cause of the creative success of many artists,” explained study author Emily LaFrance, a graduate student at Washington State University.

“I began to wonder about this commonly held idea – are cannabis users really more creative than non-users? And if so, is this because cannabis use makes them more creative, or is something else causing differences in creativity between users and non-users?”

But LaFrance and her team found that the statistical relationship between creativity and cannabis use vanished if they took into account the effect of openness to experience.

Essentially, it’s likely to be cannabis users’ openness to experience that is responsible for their higher levels of creativity.

“The average person should understand that according to the results of this study, cannabis users may be more creative than non-users, but this is not because using cannabis has increased their creativity,” LaFrance told PsyPost.

“Instead, cannabis users tend to have different personality traits (they are more open to experience) than non-users, and this openness to experience is associated with both cannabis use, and heightened creativity.

“So, cannabis use does not increase creativity, but certain personality traits tend to increase the likelihood that one will use cannabis, and that they will also be more creative.”
Sooooo, cannabis doesn’t make you more creative, but cannabis users tend to be more creative.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think it is a people who are more openminded/creative are willing to try drugs in the first place.

Pot can alter your perception to make a grilled cheese sandwich, b movie or crap EDM seem like the greatest thing ever.

So if I were on the marketing team for pot I'd leave creativity off the list of benefits. For the record I enjoy it.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
I smoked weed when I was younger and my creativity was the same as it was before, during and has been after. Note that I am naturally creative in many disciplines.

I do recall when getting high, the tendency would be to have great ideas, but I did not have the physical motivation to follow them through (too lazy).

Any type of stimulant will initially seem to enhance many things, including creativity, but it takes more than creativity to make them reality.

The only other drug I experimented with was LSD. I found that it caused me to experience and feel points of view I would otherwise not have known. Once the trip was over, the lasting effect was realizing that the chemical rush each of us naturally experience that help form our opinions, can at times, be strong enough to blur the lines between logic and emotion.
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New member
Jan 17, 2017
IMHO it makes you more stupid, you just think you are more creative. I have tried it and totally dislike it ......

So there you have it: if you smoke pot you’re probably more creative than people who don’t… but it’s not necessarily the weed that’s got your creativity going. It was you all along!
so arguably people who don't smoke have issues that stop them from being creative. Such as an incessant need to be in control at all times and being afraid to let go, or just being square or whatever else.

I also find women who don't smoke to be more boring in bed. Don't care if it's because of weed or it's "them all along". Who wants to sleep with a control freak.


Sep 13, 2006
I used to come up with "Million dollar ideas"when High...couldn't remember the next day.
I then grabbed a pen and wrote them down in the moment ,ripped up the next day ...after laughing/crying..
However ,many great songs of my youth ,70's and 80's were written and performed by bands that were indulging..Who really knows?or cares

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I haven't partook of the leafy stuff since 2007, I probably would have failed ACAD without it. It relaxed me and allowed me to think linear.

Carlos Santana was as high as a kite when he made the first 3 Santana band albums. They remain his best work. Had he not sobered up he would have died by the end of the 70's.



New member
Nov 27, 2009
I find it's helpful with the creative process at times, but only in the right situations. Sometimes it loosens me up for brainstorming ideas and sometimes it can help when putting the final polish on something. But in general the majority of the work happens sober.
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