The actual story is that Palestinians attacked a bunch of kids out for a hike and one of their armed escorts shot at them.
From a logical level we have two possibilities. One is a guy taking a bunch of kids out for a hike randomly decided to shoot a farmer. The other is a bunch of Palestinians decided to attack Jews. Considering the latter is a regular occurrence, the Israeli reports seem far more credible than reports from a news agency run by what you characterize as a weak, corrupt government.
Except he likely wasn't just working on his farm. The kids were attacked by a mob of stone throwers. I already stated I'm against armed settlers but I am even more against Palestinians who attack Israelis simply for being Jews.
Once again, the Palestinian attacks were the first event. No more Palestinian attacks and no more need for armed settlers and no more need for force to stop attackers.
Here are your statements on the killing of a Palestinian farmer, shot on his farm.
First, you claim that when armed settlers march into a land you refuse to identify as Palestinian that only Israeli's have the right to arms and that its less of a crime for someone from an illegal settlement to be armed then it is for a Palestinian kid to have a rock.
Second, you refuse to acknowledge that walking fully armed onto someone else's land, in what should be a foreign country is in fact illegal trespassing.
Third, you refuse to acknowledge that walking onto someone else's land uninvited and fully armed is an act of aggression.
Fourth, you claim trespasser's have the right to defend themselves but not those whose land they invade.
Fifth, you call Palestinian children 'mobs of stone throwers' yet call armed Israelis marching on what should be foreign soil, 'civilians'.
Sixth, you repeatedly are incredibly incensed that Palestinians would throw stones yet fully support the killing of a clearly civilian farmer working on his own land.
If there was no occupation this crime wouldn't have happened.
If the IDF protected Palestinian civilians from settler violence this wouldn't have happened.
If Israel respected Palestinians and gave them full human rights this likely wouldn't have happened.
If Israel wasn't colonizing Palestinian land this wouldn't have happened.
This was entirely preventable.
Its sad that Israelis were subject to violence but its much more sad that those same Israelis killed a civilian while trespassing on his land.
And its very sad that you support this kind of violence.