Liberal MP Says Tory MP James Bezan Made 'Humiliating' Remarks Of Sexual Nature


Feb 23, 2017
Maybe deep down she never gets any complement and she will take any slightly sexual comment - even in a playful jest - and run with it. She wants the attention, she wants to broadcast to the world that she too suffers from unwanted advances. Nothing that James Bezan could say or do would prevent this sick women her defining moment of feminine glory.
We don't know what she's thinking. Her looks are irrelevant. But if she felt she wasn't attractive, the remark could have been deemed hurtful. But given the situation, the explanation, the apologies, etc., I truly think it was political gamesmanship and grandstanding. There were a few Liberal MP's that were rude/harassing females within their party and it was quickly swept under the rug (as far as coverage). I think the people were dismissed (Justin cleared house) but few details were released and there wasn't a big show made of it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I think his remark hurt her deeply. It must be hard to realize that you are not hot enough for even that guy's threesome.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It was a joke, but you have to be careful who you joke with. I would never say that, especially in this day of feminism, or to a politician or activist. You can only say a joke like that when you know people well enough, and that's not in the public eye.

A part of me though believes it's political grandstanding like some have said.


Feb 16, 2013
She was entitled to an apology and she got one. To keep carrying on about it seems like grandstanding to me.


Feb 23, 2017
I think the worst part about this is that if any man is openly critical about her she gets to play the victim card and the critic gets shunned for attacking a victim. Nobody can openly say she's grandstanding or they become a supporter of harassment. You would actually need other women to say WTF.


Active member
May 25, 2002
It was a joke, but you have to be careful who you joke with. I would never say that, especially in this day of feminism, or to a politician or activist. You can only say a joke like that when you know people well enough, and that's not in the public eye.

A part of me though believes it's political grandstanding like some have said.
"It was a joke" Is the standard response from bullies everywhere

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Anything to distract the public from the straight arm the Chinese just gave Justin, painting Canada even further into a corner in upcoming NAFTA talks.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I think the worst part about this is that if any man is openly critical about her she gets to play the victim card and the critic gets shunned for attacking a victim. Nobody can openly say she's grandstanding or they become a supporter of harassment. You would actually need other women to say WTF.
I spoke to my wife and mother-in-law about this story. Now they're both big supporters of the females who've recently come forward with complaints of sexual harassment. This story however, drives them nuts. They couldn't believe this woman, her refusal to accept his apology after the steps he went through to right a wrong. Albeit a questionable wrong.

They both actually found the joke quite humorous, then proceeded to call her a "Drama Queen." lol

Here's another female's take on it. Hit it right on the head if you ask me!

Alex Pierson: Ladies, pick your battles.

So when is a joke just a joke? And when does it cross the line and turn into sexual harassment?

The latest to be added to the apology tour is Conservative MP James Bezan. His crime? Saying a mildly lame joke in front of two Liberal colleagues who happen to be women during a photo-op. So what did he say? While standing for the picture with these women he quipped: “This isn’t my idea of a threesome.”

Hardy har har.

It was nothing more than making light of a partisan moment. Had he said that to me, I’d have shot back with something far more embarrassing to him. But hey, I’m not easily offended.

In this case, the Liberal MP, Sherry Romanado says she was subjected to “inappropriate humiliating and unwanted comments.” And she made this declaration in the House of Commons for the whole world to see and for fellow politicians, all perfect themselves, to grumble and wave a finger.

Pardon my confusion, but if the offence was so devastating, why did it take this woman seven months to announce it? Bezan tried to apologize for the remark the following day. He was ignored. A week later he was told a complaint had been filed by the MP. Bezan asked for mediation. That too was denied. He tried to offer a written apology. Still not good enough. In August, following a review, it was ruled the comment didn’t constitute sexual harassment and discipline was not necessary, and yet MP Bezan then voluntarily went to sensitivity training.

What the heck is that? You sit and talk to dolls about how awful you are?

It is clear to those who are sane that this MP may have stepped in a very small pile of doo-doo but clearly realized his mistake. Then he went above and beyond to apologize. And yet here he was AGAIN apologizing, this time fully shamed in front of all his colleagues, cameras rolling, in the House of Commons. Talk about overkill, or maybe just political opportunism.

I can’t imagine what the Liberals might be trying to distract from these days.

I don’t know this Liberal MP. But three pro-active apologies and sensitivity training should have put this non-issue to bed.

Can I even say that? Or is that also too suggestive for delicate ears?

Had Bezan pinched a cheek, harassed the MP, made light of the issue then I’d say he deserves what he gets. But he didn’t.

We are at a turning point in how women are treated in the workplace. And that’s a good thing. But ladies let’s not pretend we are perfect. Not every playful or stupid thing a man says to us is sexual harassment. And, often, we say just as suggestive stuff.

If this accusation is overused it will end up further hurting those who truly are victims because no one will take it seriously.

Ladies, pick your battles. Remember what happened to the little boy who cried wolf? After a while, no one bothered to listen.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
How the fuck does she defend that. As a fat man do I get 5 apologizes?
A little princess with a foul mouth. I guess fat shaming is okay in her books, eh?

How anyone who talks like her could be offended by the "threesome" comment is beyond belief. But of course it wasn't about being offended, it was all to score political brownie points. Pathetic!


Apr 8, 2014
Pass the tequila, Sheila...
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