Tell you what, I've run into 4 people in my life who exhibited serious anti-semitism in their daily life. When I casually asked what their background was all 4 were told me they were German. I suspect you're German too, which means I'm batting a perfect .1000.
Well, you're still batting 1.000 for labelling all anti-semites as German.
'Cuz I've got no issue with the people, just the Netanyahu gov't. As I've stated, I backed Sanders in the US, quoted from Haaretz which posts good articles, quoted from numerous Jewish human rights organizations like Breaking the Silence and Independent Jewish Voices. I don't know how well you know the Toronto Jewish community but there is a long history of left wing Jews in this city, complete with 'cottagey' camp grounds just at the edge of the 'burbs. There are lots of hard core orthodox in the walled area (what's the term for the wire 'wall' that surrounds the community there, I forget?), but downtown from Kensington market to the Spadina historic Jewish diners there's also a long history of more left leaning Jews. Those are the folk I've ended up hanging with and working with. Including a Palestinian/Jewish couple who introduced me to Rachel Corrie and her story.
I sound hard core anti-Israel here, but that's only because basketcase (and fuji before him) refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing by the Israeli government.
'Cuz the only thing I'm hard core for is equal rights there, that's the only way forward that I can see, the two state solution is dead.
Ethno states are so 18th century anyways...
I'm Dutch.
And you still havent answered my question as to what your background is
I told you, I'm Canadian.
I self identify as Canadian.