In a society that's more violent than Canada (US), guns are the equalizer in the hands of law abiding citizens. You do have the right of self defense in the US (as in Canada), and you are not obligated to call police and wait to get rescued... too late usually; the one who shot you and took your stuff is usually long gone by the time the cops show up, assuming that you had time to call 911 in the first place.
Guns actually prevent violence. In a society in which pretty much all bad guys have guns, and no law can make the guns go away, the possibility of ordinary persons carrying concealed weapons or being armed at home acts as a deterrence to being mugged on the street, or having your home invaded. Criminals don't care if you hug them and sing Kumbaya, guns or no guns.
Totally. This is yet another example of how guns save lives.
Well, obviously not the people he killed with his gun.
But yea. Guns are totally safe and make America great again. Everyone should have guns, that way less people will get shot probably.
Protection is needed because you’re right, the American race is violent. Absolutely nothing you can do about that. Since good guys are allowed to have guns, and all bad guys have guns, everyone should have guns. Because then all the criminals will die maybe. Without guns, there’d just probably be mass stabbings, or clubbings, or drownings, or stranglings (etc.) every few days.
You want my new phone? No problem, as long as you don’t mind getting shot in the MFin back, sucka, cuz I got rights and guns and I know how to use them. I WISH. Friggin’ Democratic People’s Republic of Canada...