It's not the same as that because:
1. There is no fear of claiming basketcase is the killer; you will not be labelled for doing so
2. Saying no such support for basketcase being the killer could mean the police need to investigate further to find support to build their case
3. Basketcase is not nearly as complex as genetics, and the role of genetics in intelligence research is in its infancy
4. The APA is a psychology association so they cannot make direct claims about genetics since it's outside of their field of research
5. The APA's statement is a mirror image of but more nuanced version of the statement signed by 52 signatories in the field of research which states there is circumstantial evidence
1. Irrelevant
2. Stupid.
3. They can still rule out influences, such as 'race' on IQ
4. They can summarize genetic findings
5. Circumstantial evidence does not make a case.
Here, its like you ask the question:
Hey APA, smallcock is looking for an excuse to be racist, do you guys support the claim that, even though there are no biological races, race predetermines IQ?
And then they say:
There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation
And now you come over and say, 'see, I told you the APA said different races have different IQ's, just like white women have large vaginas and asian guys have small dicks. Its a scientific fact'.
That pretty much sums up this thread.