I love the argument oldjones, but let's allow the scientists to do their research on those "vague" geographic populations.
It's like comparing the freshwater seal on Lake Baikal (the only freshwater seal on earth) to the saltwater seal found in the oceans of the world. Since they split and evolved for a time in different geographic regions, they may exhibit differences that are worth exploring. This is true of countless species, like the polar bear which evolved in the cold versus the black bear which evolved in warmer climates.
The fact that unexplained differences in testing has been observed among racial groups is profoundly interesting in and of itself. Why not dig deeper? Knowledge is power.
By all means, lets test. But let's not pre-determine results by starting with the unproven idea that there are 'races' and we're researching to establish their 'racial' differences.
And if you make the claim those 'racial' differences exist and have already been determined to result from whatever your geographic-genetics says is a 'race', then you'd better be prepared to explain the connection, and define it in real world terms. So far you've consistently ducked that.
If there were such connection, then experiments with randomly chosen individuals controlled for SES and such 'non-racial' influencers would consistently show that genetic/geographic 'race' markers correspond with measurable levels of other factors like the IQ we've been talking about, so one could look those scores and reliably and correctly assign the actual geneto-graphic 'race' to each subject in blind surveys. But we can't.
The differences you claim to have been established are still within the ordinary range of variations* between random individuals in a single 'race'. To say an IQ variation and African-ness (you owe us names for these races of yours) are causally connected, or even correlated is still no more true than to say darkies dance better 'cause of their natural rhythm'.
After all this argy-bargy 'race' is still just a way people talk, not science. You said it yourself, 'knowledge is power' so is pseudo science and whatever you can talk people into believing with no science at all. We constantly see this topic used in horrible ways. So where is the science that says this is what a race is, and on that basis, these are the races that divide the human race?
Put up, or shut up. In the name of humanity.
BTW, are you familiar with the term P-tracking? I don't want another derailment, but when 'variation' has to be allowed for it's very easy to skew results, even with the best intentions and motives. As a subject 'race' tends not to be oversupplied with either.