History lesson. Most Communist regimes came into power in largely agrarian societies with large class, power and wealth divisions between the peasants and the landowner class. The Communist movement was based among the peasants and was enthusiastically embraced and wildly popular. All those countries had pre communist regimes which freely used violence and military power against the peasants to enforce and perpetuate these disparities. The Communists armed and trained the peasants to violently overthrow the armed forces of the landowners to gain a more broadly-based Communist regime.
In many of these countries, European or American colonialism was also present and was also ruthlessly enforced with military violence on a mass scale.
Communism was fanatically and enthusiastically supported by a broad base of the population when it seized and maintained power. The landowners were usually killed - often very publicly and horrifically. The colonial power was driven out. This often occurred after long, bloody and violent war.
Communism has a set ideology which presumes that treacherous, anti Communist agents will attempt to subvert the Communist regime and convert it back into a landowner dominated society. The only way to stop this is to kill or imprison every such attempt ruthlessly. The regimes in question are already well used to regime driven internal violence and repressions as both sides have normatively used it.
The peasants usually benefit - at least initially - from communist regime change and feel they have a stake in the regime surviving. This perception in continually reinforced by state control of the media and propaganda - again, a normal part of communist regimes.
And certain parts of society - i.e. the apparatchiki, the party cadre, the army officers and the secret police - have a deep stake in the survival of the communist state. They benefit in terms of status, wealth and power from the communist regime. And they will likely be killed if the regime falls and is replaced by democracy.
So you get a compliant and repressed population which believes that state violence is a legitimate tool of government. And a ruthless and violent state elite. Hence N. Korea. Or Russia. Or any other classic communist state.
Now, tell me if ANY of the above elements exist in the current USA????