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Why Are We Getting Meaner,more Disrespectful and Violence to Each Other?


Jan 14, 2011
What's wrong with this behavior? Where do you think they learned it? Besides, we live in a capitalist society. Dog eat dog right and it's a free for all. If you can't handle it get the hell out of their way.
Are you saying that these immigrants learned their bad behavior here, in our capitalist society? I don't think so. Many of our immigrants come from places where there is little social conscience, where people for the most part don't give a shit for anyone outside of their families.

I agree with others who think downtown Toronto is safer and less seedy than it was in the past. There used to be a rough, sleazy underbelly downtown, but it has been largely displaced by gentrification.


Active member
May 22, 2011
I remember as a kid , people use to hitch hike a lot...and we spent most of the day playing outside
Kids are lazier as a whole.

But still depends on the kid.

I had cable tv, video games, board games etc..... but the second some friends wanted to bike ride or play street hockey, it was a rush to putting on running shoes, grab the stick and walk over to the nearby school or someones' driveway to play. I still remember the times some guy made crude dirt trails, mounds and plywood ramps in the nearby forest and we'd all jump it. It was awesome.

Now, if some kids wanted to rally up a group to play outside it's like pulling teeth. They'd rather play some tablet game online and text each other.

So at the end of the day digital entertainment beats out physical entertainment.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Are you saying that these immigrants learned their bad behavior here, in our capitalist society? I don't think so. Many of our immigrants come from places where there is little social conscience, where people for the most part don't give a shit for anyone outside of their families.

I agree with others who think downtown Toronto is safer and less seedy than it was in the past. There used to be a rough, sleazy underbelly downtown, but it has been largely displaced by gentrification.
It wasn't so long ago that the Western way of life was of excess and it still is to a certain degree. Dog eat dog and do whatever it takes to get to the top, etc. POTUS is definitely stuck in that world. That culture showed up in all our media, which we exported all over the world. Now we're all upset because other people are doing it? If you grew up in extreme poverty you would be pushing people out of your way too once you got to this country. No such thing as etiquette if you're trying to get ahead.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Kids are lazier as a whole.

But still depends on the kid.

I had cable tv, video games, board games etc..... but the second some friends wanted to bike ride or play street hockey, it was a rush to putting on running shoes, grab the stick and walk over to the nearby school or someones' driveway to play. I still remember the times some guy made crude dirt trails, mounds and plywood ramps in the nearby forest and we'd all jump it. It was awesome.

Now, if some kids wanted to rally up a group to play outside it's like pulling teeth. They'd rather play some tablet game online and text each other.

So at the end of the day digital entertainment beats out physical entertainment.
Parents are also overbearing too. Can't eat this because it's got gluten in it, need to disinfect this, wear a helmet, etc. Too worried about the baddies outside.


Apr 8, 2011
In the good old days (early 80's) I walked home from nightclubs at 2am and felt real peaceful walking from downtown to mid town Toronto. Today? I would not dare to go out after midnight!
Always wondering what is it really make many of us become so hostile in the last 20 years or so. The shooting in Las Vegas was a perfect example. And, hit and run?!!??
rising violence is a common illusion... crimes rates in North American have been dropping since about 1992; the common theory is that its due to an aging population with fewer youth, but I think it also has to do with less boredom... back in the 1990s bored youth would turn to vandalism and eventually into crime, but these days they're too busy playing video games.

but the illusion is that we know about every crime because we have so much better media access.

Note the going back 200 years, the crime rates were much much higher. We live in a remarkably safe time.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
It's these kids today and their rock and roll music blasting all day on the hi-fi...


Jun 13, 2017
I blame it on the new batch of fuckin immigrants.

Now don't call me a racist cause I'm brown and came here as an immigrant with my parent at the age of 12 in the seventies.

Back then we were bringing good quality of immigrants who easily adapted to the "Canadian" way of life.
We knew how to say please and thank you. You try holding a door to these new immigrants and they won't even say thanks.
Try changing lanes and they won't let u through.

Back in the seventies everyone lined up for a ttc bus. But now, everyone tries to get in at the same time.
Before letting new people in, we should make them attend a class on mannerism 101.

There, now let the flaming begin!

Plus one.

But I wouldn’t put it solely on the new generation of immigrants.

In the UK, lots of them fucking chavs are rude and aggressive too.

Maybe if they were working and deal with civilised people on a regular basis they wouldn’t be such savages.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
If you think the days today are bad, enjoy what's going on now, because it'll only get worse. Population increase and constantly bumping into people, I can't even begin to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years.
Just look at what goes on in a TTC bus, that's a microcosm of the world at large.
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