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They changed the Klingons again


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
If you want to see Jason Isaacs on top of his game I recommend the mini-series Dig. It's edge of the seat stuff.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Looks like the offspring of a cockroach and a gorilla.

I only watched "New Generation" which was awesome, never liked anything before or after

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I just dl'ed the first 2 episodes.

Watching it right now. Review will come later

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
So CBS (Sony) is holding Trekies for ransom.
I watched the first two episodes back to back on Space. The start time was delayed, not sure why, and I was lucky to notice so I adjusted my PVR settings.

For what it's worth, I liked the first two episodes (and I'm not a big Star Trek fan). But we'll see...


New member
Apr 8, 2014
There is only The Original Series, with Shatner, the first couple of movies, and TNG.

Everything else never happened and doesn't exist.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
There is only The Original Series, with Shatner, the first couple of movies, and TNG.

Everything else never happened and doesn't exist.
I agree, but I would add Star Trek VI: Undiscovered country, with General Chang (Christopher Plummer, I mean a real movie actor), which was probably one of the most memorable Klingons ever made


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012

When I watched this I thought that there was an uncanny resemblance to the wizard that transformed into that beast in the ice castle on the lake in the mirror room in Conan the Destroyer.
I'm gessing their mixed marriages are not going to look as good as this:

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I finally got to see the entire pilot, I'm more than happy with the latest Trek. I also realized that it's Doug Jones as Lt Saru, nice to see him finally getting to act. Guillermo Del Toro made him a star with Pan's Labyrinth but he consistently lost out to Andy Serkis for stop motion work. The naysayers have all come out, the critical score on IMDB is far too low. I suspect CBS getting greedy has something to do with it. Regardless, STNG got the same reception, its esteem grew over time.

Star Trek is back where it belongs, none of the films can be considered classics. JJ Abrams turning the franchise into popcorn propaganda brought it in line with Star Wars - Gene Roddenberry must have turned over in his grave!


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I don't get why they had to cast a middle-aged Asian woman as captain of Star Trek.

Couldn't they have found some really hot chick??

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Rocco I love you like a brother but your latest comment makes you look like a Justin Biber fan.

Relax, the man who could have been 007 is coming into the series. I've always liked Michelle Yeoh's Sino/Malay looks and you do realize she could probably kick both our asses.



Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
A female officer with the name Michael. More politically correct nonsense.

And whoever told a starfleet officer to pick a fight with a Klingon with a bat'leth? Are they that stupid. Never attack a klingon unless you have some serious firepower, and I'm not talking about those little peashooter phasers they had on the show.
One the space battle started the whole thing turned into a vidoe game shootout, with silly little shots from the ships. In the older series, when CGI was not as prevalent, the space battles looked more real. Now it's a video game.

But, since it is Star Trek, we will get back to watching it.


Eternally pseudo-retired
Jul 2, 2005
Long time Star Trek fan here, I've seen every series multiple times (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise). The new Klingons threw me for a loop - I didn't even recognize them as a race until I saw the space battle where he first drew his battlleth (and even those look fucked up now). They're all bald, and even their costumes are odd and look more inspired by Game of Thrones than by any previous Star Trek canon... I'm not even sure how we tell the men from the women, as it almost seemed like there was one Klingon female aide in the second episode helping the martyr priest T'vulak (or whatever his name was), but I couldn't tell for sure because they're all bald and very similar in appearance.

Had no qualms with the Asian Lady captain, she seemed like a wise mentor figure and from the opening credits listing Michelle Yeoh as a "special guest star" you knew she wasn't going to be a permanent fixture. Then you have Sonequa from The Walking Dead, whom I like as an actress, and they made her a human raised by Vulcans and named Michael. I don't get what they were smoking with the name bit, but I was enjoying the exploration of her deep relationship with the iconic vulcan Sarek...

I look forward to seeing how this all turns out. If I had to rate the first 2 episodes, I'd say they're about as popular to me as the latter seasons of Enterprise (as it ramped up), or about the 3rd season of DS9 when that one started to pick up steam (and they finally stopped talking about the damn Bajoran Occupation). I think the show has potential, but only time will tell if it can produce the emotional heavy hitters that came in the latter seasons of DS9 or the memorable classics from TNG (a lot of TNG was crap, but it survived because every now and again it turned out an episode that knocked you on your ass).

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The Search for Schlock and The Final Frontier were really bad films, so they brought in Christopher Plummer to give the franchise a proper send off. It was a godsend, Plummer and Shatner are long time friends. When Shatner left Montreal, to work for the CBC, he boarded up at Plummer's house on Spadina. When Shatner moved to Hollywood, they shared a house again.

As for the current complaints, I've heard them all before with ST:NG. Some of them were justified since S1 was somewhat weak, if not for Stewart the series might have been cancelled.

Captain Kirk's greatest line!


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I've recently had to put a whiner in his place for getting Roman history wrong.

He stated that Captain James Tiberius Kirk was named after the vile second Emperor of the Roman Empire. He didn't know what he was talking about, Gene Roddenberry derived the name Tiberius from a central figure from the Roman Republic. After his assassination the Republic was doomed to slide into dictatorship.



Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Long time Star Trek fan here, I've seen every series multiple times (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise). The new Klingons threw me for a loop - I didn't even recognize them as a race until I saw the space battle where he first drew his battlleth (and even those look fucked up now). They're all bald, and even their costumes are odd and look more inspired by Game of Thrones than by any previous Star Trek canon... I'm not even sure how we tell the men from the women, as it almost seemed like there was one Klingon female aide in the second episode helping the martyr priest T'vulak (or whatever his name was), but I couldn't tell for sure because they're all bald and very similar in appearance.

Had no qualms with the Asian Lady captain, she seemed like a wise mentor figure and from the opening credits listing Michelle Yeoh as a "special guest star" you knew she wasn't going to be a permanent fixture. Then you have Sonequa from The Walking Dead, whom I like as an actress, and they made her a human raised by Vulcans and named Michael. I don't get what they were smoking with the name bit, but I was enjoying the exploration of her deep relationship with the iconic vulcan Sarek...

I look forward to seeing how this all turns out. If I had to rate the first 2 episodes, I'd say they're about as popular to me as the latter seasons of Enterprise (as it ramped up), or about the 3rd season of DS9 when that one started to pick up steam (and they finally stopped talking about the damn Bajoran Occupation). I think the show has potential, but only time will tell if it can produce the emotional heavy hitters that came in the latter seasons of DS9 or the memorable classics from TNG (a lot of TNG was crap, but it survived because every now and again it turned out an episode that knocked you on your ass).

Long time fan as well, yes I'm a Trekkie.

I remember back to the first two TNG episodes it believe it was farpoint station and introduced Q, lots of people and questions and backlash but it turned out okay and a New Generation of fans were born. Then the other spinoffs after had their own paths ... DS9, Voyageur, Enterprise... all the movies ... it's a big franchise... so you continually need content, which has been lacking in the series department, until now.

The new series, only two episodes, shows promise but there have always been critical Star Trek fans that break things down to minutiae detail ... just let them run with it, it's their show and they know they can't please everyone but I will still watch. I enjoyed Sonequa on the Walking Dead and look forward to seeing how this turns out.

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