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Iran nukes


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oh what a surprise, you want to blame Israel and the US

And of course you ignore the fact that Iran has more centrifuges for one commercial reactor than the used for the hundred in the US. The only reason for that capacity can be a quick breakout time.
Iran had to develop their own tech independently, and quite a few of those centrifuges were destroyed again by Israel through stuxnet.

And as a reminder, since you think its me blaming Israel.
U.S. pushing Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists

And as noted, that's not me blaming Israel, that's the US and Israel admitting to those actions.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Not the first time that Israel has admitted to covert actions against another country. They funded Italy's Red Brigade to get information on the whereabouts of Black September operatives in Europe. After the EL AL attack at Fiumicino in 1986, the Israelis did a deal with the Italian government. Admitting their actions and offering to share intelligence with Italian security services. Considering the rash of terrorist attacks that has befallen Europe, the deal has worked out well for Italy.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Not the first time that Israel has admitted to covert actions against another country. They funded Italy's Red Brigade to get information on the whereabouts of Black September operatives in Europe. After the EL AL attack at Fiumicino in 1986, the Israelis did a deal with the Italian government. Admitting their actions and offering to share intelligence with Italian security services. Considering the rash of terrorist attacks that has befallen Europe, the deal has worked out well for Italy.
True, and yes, all countries do covert actions. But some actions are worse then others.
Since we're on the subject of nukes, its worth also pointing out that Israel once offered to sell apartheid South Africa the bomb.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Iran had to develop their own tech independently, and quite a few of those centrifuges were destroyed again by Israel through stuxnet....
Good. Why the hell do they need 25,000 centrifuges for one reactor anyways except to maintain a short breakout time?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
True, and yes, all countries do covert actions. But some actions are worse then others.
Since we're on the subject of nukes, its worth also pointing out that Israel once offered to sell apartheid South Africa the bomb.
Oh what a surprise. Instead of criticizing Iran, a country with massive human rights issues and maintaining the possibility of nuclear weapons you want to change the topic to Israel. You are a one track pony.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Good. Why the hell do they need 25,000 centrifuges for one reactor anyways except to maintain a short breakout time?
Because they aren't very good, their home made versions aren't very efficient and had this tendency to suffer from Israeli Stuxnet attacks.

Tillerson just said that Iran is holding to the treaty.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oh what a surprise. Instead of criticizing Iran, a country with massive human rights issues and maintaining the possibility of nuclear weapons you want to change the topic to Israel. You are a one track pony.
You brought Israel into this discussion, so stop the whining just 'cuz its not going your way.
As you repeatedly claim you're not Jewish then its safe to say that you back Israel as your own choice of a country that showcases your values.
Its your choice to back apartheid and then claim you are a defender of human rights.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Because they aren't very good, their home made versions aren't very efficient and had this tendency to suffer from Israeli Stuxnet attacks.
You do realize that IAEA reports for the past decade have detailed exactly how much U-235 we know was enriched and it is way more than they need for commercial power plants for the next couple hundred years. To give you some numbers, a typical reactor uses just over 1 kg per year. Even after being forced to ship out uranium, they still have 200 kg enriched to 3.5% which can supply their reactor until our children are dead of old age. Simply put, they won't have a need for ANY enrichment for a long time.

Good thing Israel did slow them down and too bad the UN didn't force them to destroy their massive enrichment capacity.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You brought Israel into this discussion, so stop the whining just 'cuz its not going your way.
As you repeatedly claim you're not Jewish then its safe to say that you back Israel as your own choice of a country that showcases your values.
Its your choice to back apartheid and then claim you are a defender of human rights.
Um, no. You did in post #10.

The rest of your post is just your racist belief that only Jews can be offended by Palestinian terrorism, massive human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and Iran, and your continual campaign of lies and hatred.

BTW> My country considers Hamas, Fatah's armed wing, and a half dozen other Palestinian groups to be terrorist organizations.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Um, no. You did in post #10.
Really it was the OP, so get over it.

BTW> My country considers Hamas, Fatah's armed wing, and a half dozen other Palestinian groups to be terrorist organizations.
BTW> In my country 78% of the people support BDS. I support BDS, not Hamas.

My question is why someone who states they are not Jewish and a backer of human rights and more specifically a defender of Muslim rights is also a rabid supporter of colonial apartheid rule.
And no, I don't want to know if you married someone Jewish or have some other connections. I really don't want to know any personal details and am hesitant to even note that you keep claiming you're not Jewish. Personal details shouldn't be discussed on this board. I'm just more curious how you can defend Muslims everywhere but Palestine.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I believe you OTB, it was the Iranians that brought down The World Trade Center. Just like the Nazis attacked Pearl Harbour.

A footnote of history, The Ottoman Turks would have taken over both Venice and Vienna if not for Persian intervention. This happened 14 years before Christopher Columbus sailed west. Regardless of what your op of Obama's nuclear deal it was a better option than copious bloodshed.
While I realize that was a lame attempt at sarcasm, you should believe me.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Really it was the OP, so get over it.
You got caught lying again. get over it.

... I support BDS, not Hamas.
That's funny. Then why do you keep telling us that Hamas has moved away from terrorism, keep justifying their actions, and refuse to criticize the massive abuses they commit against their own people?

My question is why someone who states they are not Jewish and a backer of human rights and more specifically a defender of Muslim rights is also a rabid supporter of colonial apartheid rule.
I have three questions.
1) Why would someone who pretends to support human rights continually excuse actions by massive human rights abusers like Iran, Saudi Arabia, the PA, and Hamas while only criticizing countries with a functional respect for human rights?
2) Why would someone who pretends to be anti-racist propagate the Victorian era fallacy that non-Europeans are not capable of moral choices?
3) Why would someone who has criticized Saudi support for terrorism refuse to hold accountable the Palestinian terror factions that Saudi (and Iran) finance?

And and additional one. Why do you continue to knowingly lie to push your agenda when you know how easily you will be exposed?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You got caught lying again. get over it.
Bullshit, accusing me of lying means you think I intentionally stated that whereas I just made an error.
Big whoop.

That's funny. Then why do you keep telling us that Hamas has moved away from terrorism, keep justifying their actions, and refuse to criticize the massive abuses they commit against their own people?
Because they pale in comparison to the blockade, occupation and apartheid rule they live under.
Not to mention Hamas appears to be moving away from terrorism while Israel is entrenching itself further as an apartheid state.

I have three questions.
1) Why would someone who pretends to support human rights continually excuse actions by massive human rights abusers like Iran, Saudi Arabia, the PA, and Hamas while only criticizing countries with a functional respect for human rights?
2) Why would someone who pretends to be anti-racist propagate the Victorian era fallacy that non-Europeans are not capable of moral choices?
3) Why would someone who has criticized Saudi support for terrorism refuse to hold accountable the Palestinian terror factions that Saudi (and Iran) finance?

And and additional one. Why do you continue to knowingly lie to push your agenda when you know how easily you will be exposed?
1) I just started a thread about Saudi 9/11 connections. I call it as I see it. Iran is a minor player, they back people you don't like but they are generally peaceful. Their gov't is a theocratic bit of nastiness, but they also have been getting more moderate over the last few years.
2) What a twisted sentence. I have no idea what you are on about.
3) Because Palestinians have been moving away from terrorism, as you note because every time I call you on this the best you can accuse them of is saying nasty things. I support BDS and a peaceful resolution based on equal rights. I'll call out Palestinian terrorism should it start to happen again.

And what agenda do you think I'm pushing?
I'm anti-war and pro-equal rights.
For all countries.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Bullshit, accusing me of lying means you think I intentionally stated that whereas I just made an error....
It proves you don't have a clue what you're saying and don't care about honesty.

1) I just started a thread about Saudi 9/11 connections. I call it as I see it. Iran is a minor player, they back people you don't like but they are generally peaceful.
Sure, if you consider Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad to be peaceful. Our government terms them terrorist groups. To add, Iranian troops have been fighting in Syria and have been active in Lebanon since Syria's invasion.

2) What a twisted sentence. I have no idea what you are on about.
You continually blame the US for everything but completely excuse the role that Arab leadership and Arab groups have had in their own misfortune. You have also repeatedly commented that Arabs can only be expected to respond with terrorism to international disputes.

3) Because Palestinians have been moving away from terrorism, as you note because every time I call you on this the best you can accuse them of is saying nasty things. I support BDS and a peaceful resolution based on equal rights. I'll call out Palestinian terrorism should it start to happen again.
Palestinians factions have not moved away from violence. Hamas still calls for, plans, and executes terrorism while Fatah praises terrorists and pays them a salary for their attacks. There have been hundreds of terror attacks in Israel in the past year including numerous vehicular attacks like we have seen in Nice and London and stabbing attacks. The most outrageous terror attack was a Palestinian claiming that he needed help, being let into a house and proceeded to murder the family including grandparents and kids.. Of course you want to ignore that just like you choose to ignore that Hamas is outright opposed to any peace deal with Israel.

If you were really anti-war you would be against the use of terrorism against civilian targets and criticize factions on BOTH sides that work against peace.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And I see you still don't want to discuss how Iran currently has enough enriched uranium to run their reactor for more than 150 years and has absolutely zero need for enrichment capacity.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It proves you don't have a clue what you're saying and don't care about honesty.
Considering you just lied about Iranian nuclear stats, I don't think that this criticism is worth discussing.
And since we were both wrong on this point, as you accused me of bringing Israel into the discussion when it was really the OP, then your accusation of lying fits you equally well.

Palestinians factions have not moved away from violence. Hamas still calls for, plans, and executes terrorism while Fatah praises terrorists and pays them a salary for their attacks. There have been hundreds of terror attacks in Israel in the past year including numerous vehicular attacks like we have seen in Nice and London and stabbing attacks. The most outrageous terror attack was a Palestinian claiming that he needed help, being let into a house and proceeded to murder the family including grandparents and kids.. Of course you want to ignore that just like you choose to ignore that Hamas is outright opposed to any peace deal with Israel.

If you were really anti-war you would be against the use of terrorism against civilian targets and criticize factions on BOTH sides that work against peace.
Palestinians are well within their rights to use violence against those illegally occupying their lands. They are not allowed to target civilians, and neither are Israel.
Israeli's regularly kill and injure way more civilians in defence of this illegal occupation then Palestinians do.
Yet you refuse to condemn violence supporting an illegal occupation and colonization and instead only target violence from those defending their native land.

I am against violence terrorism from both sides, but most of the violence is caused by Israeli's and most of that violence is caused by the occupation and colonization.
You claim you are against terrorism but continually defend its causes.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And I see you still don't want to discuss how Iran currently has enough enriched uranium to run their reactor for more than 150 years and has absolutely zero need for enrichment capacity.
I see you are still lying about Iran.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
They could use other centrifuges to produce nuclear fuel, the ones they have are for making weapons. Fuel doesn't need the same level of purity.

THESE centrifuges should be destroyed.

No problem if Iran wants to spin commercial centrifuges that can't make weapons.
You really don't understand how centrifuges work...increasing purity of uranium is a stepped process. You keep reprocessing the output until you reach the desired enrichment level. The newer ones can do it faster that is all. If Irans requirements for nuclear fuel increase, it can apply to reactivate centrifuges to supply its greater need for fuel. There is no reason to destroy the centrifuges since they plan to build more nuclear power facilities. These facilities are a great asset against attack by Israel as well, as they will spread radiation all over there region if the Israelis bomb them.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
And I see you still don't want to discuss how Iran currently has enough enriched uranium to run their reactor for more than 150 years and has absolutely zero need for enrichment capacity.
As part of the deal Iran handed almost all its highly enriched uranium to Russia. This was completed in Dec 2015 :

today they are only allowed to stockpile 600KG of nuclear fuel. So what you say is simply not correct and I would ask that you post a source of this info.
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