CNN blackmail Reddit user over trump wrestling video threaten to expose his identity


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

CNN is taking heat for threatening to publish the identity of a private citizen who posted a video lampooning the network.
Redditor ‘HanAssholeSolo’ is credited as the creator of a clip showing President Trump beating up a man with a CNN logo superimposed over his face, which the President then tweeted on Sunday morning.

How did they find him?
While CNN maintains they were able to link HanAssholeSolo’s posts to his Facebook account, a 4chan user claiming to be a CNN insider suggested that CNN obtained his IP address from his ISP and ‘unmasked’ him.

More Here how really happen:
Here's how @CNN #CNNBlackmail went down, from insider at @CNN that spiilled the beans on 4Chan.

BREAKING: CNN says they forgot to add the line "If he knows what is good for him" in their article. They regret this mistake. #cnnblackmail

CNN also appears to have committed a federal felony violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241 in relation to the 1st Amendment. #CNNBlackmail

Finally 4chan declare war :

4chan has declared war upon CNN,and soon others will follow Operation:Autism Storm will be the beginning of the next Meme War

Dear CNN:
When you start targeting and threatening children, you are officially the enemy of the people. Enough is enough.

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Like I said. CNN is steadily losing credibility.

And Reddit users can get vicious. Blowing this one, out of proportion is going to only make things worse.


Jun 11, 2011
You know Counterfeit New Network has messed up when you have the Gamergate /pols/ now declaring WAR on CNN. They deserve it! You reserve the right to publish the name of a kid who made a meme, we reserve the right to fight you every step of the way.

One thing American Media should already know if they haven't learned from the years of underground internet assaults in the name of liberty is that you do not mess with those who have more skill and knowledge than you.

The Far Right has its own army of what is referred to as a ‘hive mind’ which is first and foremost the enemy of cultural Marxism and the Communists who try and perpetuate the ideology.

8ch and 4chan, two massively popular imageboards on the web are considered hubs of free speech without limitation, and have even been blasted by politicians such as Hillary Clinton and several other Democratic pundits as being ‘beacons of hate’.

On those imageboards resides a far right movement of Generation X, Millenials, and Generation Z activists who have a very particular set of skills, and those boards are known as /pol/.

Politically Incorrect, or /pol/ is a hive mind of Anonymous posters who value freedom of speech and integrity against communism and cultural Marxism in society. Their history involves multiple campaigns against what they view as a continuous war against tradition by the Communist-led perpetrators who control media corporations and politics around the globe.

The benefit of the anonymous imageboards is, well they're anonymous. Ego does not play a role in accomplishing a goal, hence the ‘hive mind’ reference as users combine their skill to achieve the endgame of the current mission.

After CNN’s statement however /pol/ was quick to establish an order, and released the identifications of multiple CNN Anchors, otherwise known as a ‘dox’. Their names, home addresses, social media accounts, and whatever else /pol/ could find was publicly released.

To name a few of the Anchors doxed, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Daniel Patrick Merica, David Chalian, Erick W Erickson, Brian Stelter, and Don Lemon; have all been publicly doxed at the time of this article's writing.

If there's a message of advice for the media here, it's to never threaten an individual with the intent to slander or harm them. An organization or a business by all means but a man who did nothing wrong, and HanAssholeSolo definitely did nothing wrong, is the wrong target for a nationwide media outlet.

There's a saying, /pol/ is always right, and CNN had best retract and apologize or else the darkest reaches of the internet will likely continue to drop information on their staff.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
This has some wide ranging ramifications. I think that CNN has really stepped in it.

I am getting a comfortable seat, and some popcorn, this is going to be alot of fun to watch CNN and the right wingers battle it out.

The video itself was funny, and I did not see anything wrong with someone posting this video.

I think that Trump tweeting the video is also funny, but not appropriate for The President.
If CNN is going to complain about the video, then they need to complain about all the other spoofs that have violence in them. CNN's response is over the top and in the end, I think they look really bad.


Jun 11, 2011
LOL at "real news"
He's a CNN zombie in every way. Gotta laugh.

But more importantly, they need to take CNN out of our airports. Play local news or reruns of Apprentice or anything else.

That's the next step!


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
If you think that's the end of it think again. Just watch.
What are we looking at here, impeachment, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, inciting violence, tax evasion, sexual harassment, mentally unfit to hold office?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What are we looking at here, impeachment, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, inciting violence, tax evasion, sexual harassment, mentally unfit to hold office?
When it comes to CNN? Hardly. More like continued attempts to embarrass. They will become targets for memes, hacks, and viral videos. It wouldn't surprise me if Anonymous chooses to target them for the outing threat.

Surely you don't support outing those you politically disagree with do you?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
When it comes to CNN? Hardly. More like continued attempts to embarrass. They will become targets for memes, hacks, and viral videos. It wouldn't surprise me if Anonymous chooses to target them for the outing threat.

Surely you don't support outing those you politically disagree with do you?
The meme was really nothing, and if they had left it alone, Trump would have been the only one who looked bad for tweeting it. Had they only gone after Trump, that was one thing. But to go after this guy, and then force an apology from him is foaming at the mouth type insane.
Trying to sell us on the fact that this meme was promoting violence against CNN's reporters (or whatever) is just silly.

Up until this issue, I had thought that CNN had mostly taken the high road. Not so much anymore.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The meme was really nothing, and if they had left it alone, Trump would have been the only one who looked bad for tweeting it. Had they only gone after Trump, that was one thing. But to go after this guy, and then force an apology from him is foaming at the mouth type insane.
Trying to sell us on the fact that this meme was promoting violence against CNN's reporters (or whatever) is just silly.

Up until this issue, I had thought that CNN had mostly taken the high road. Not so much anymore.
The guy is in fact a 15 year old kid and knew this when they threatened to Dox him.

Oh and if someone has time the is another Veritas Video out with producer Jimmy Carr talking about how everyone hates Chris Cuomo on the morning show. Yammeing away in a bar.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
When did CNN and/or Andrew Kaczynsk become the arbitrators of the First Amendment and further when on earth did this sort of thing become a major news strory?

If publishing "CNN is not publishing ********'s' name because he is a private citizen. . . . . [who] said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change." Is not a major news organization threateningly someone for speech which they didn't like, I would hate to see what that would be.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Frankly, I don't get CNN. All those celebrities entertaining all kinds of violent fantasies and that was okay. Shakespeare in the park had Trump being assassinated nighty, that was okay, too. This little video pops up and they go bananas. How in the world anyone still takes them seriously is beyond me.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Frankly, I don't get CNN. All those celebrities entertaining all kinds of violent fantasies and that was okay. Shakespeare in the park had Trump being assassinated nighty, that was okay, too. This little video pops up and they go bananas. How in the world anyone still takes them seriously is beyond me.
They aren't. The memes are continuing and will probably rise. Twitter is afire. I went through some of the comments. Even self described lefties are chiming in against CNN.

People are listing advertisers to call. Doxing CNN personalities. Calling for them to lose their WH accreditation. Even for the reporter to be charged. Funny enough all the usual progressive wing tactics.

No doubt at some point it will blow over. But man are they taking a beating. And I bet AT&T is watching.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
CNN can find a meme maker in less than 72 hours..... but can't find any Russian Collusion evidence after 8 months.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
They aren't. The memes are continuing and will probably rise. Twitter is afire. I went through some of the comments. Even self described lefties are chiming in against CNN.

People are listing advertisers to call. Doxing CNN personalities. Calling for them to lose their WH accreditation. Even for the reporter to be charged. Funny enough all the usual progressive wing tactics.

No doubt at some point it will blow over. But man are they taking a beating. And I bet AT&T is watching.
Still.... somebody REALLY mishandled this. Instead of just taking it as a joke, they made themselves into one. Heads should roll over this.
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