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Christy Clark hot or not?


Active member
May 22, 2011
Let's face it. Women's politics is one peculiar industry when it comes to attractiveness.

If dolled up celebrities and swimsuit models are at the top of the rung in terms of women's looks, female politicians is some reason at the bottom.

You'd think politics would have attractiveness as one part of the profile as great looks can help them sell their policies to the public, but I guess not.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Justin - is that you??? Most of your talking points are empty rhetoric and I could punch holes through them, a mile wide. Ask the vets, the natives, the people who will have to pay for the "enhanced CPP", I could cop on, but this is smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, empty talking points do not make good governance. Given your ready access to such a long list of "accomplishments", I'm guessing that you're a Liberal hack who made a quick call to Gerald Butts and asked for a media-ready list of talking points. And thanks for the tip on the additional funding for the CBC! There's something we can all rally around. You're free to go back to the Liberal war room now....
You can't punch holes through them - you're simply making shit up because you haven't asked vets if they are happy about getting their offices and benefits back from Harper's cuts or Natives on their increased benefits - just empty bullshit rhetoric because it is irrelevant what the fuck JT does - if he cured cancer - you would still complain.

These are promises kept which was proof your simplistic pronouncement is wrong. I don't agree with all of them but he promised it and did it so your 'smoke and mirrors' is groundless. There are also broken promises - list them. I'll give you two easy ones - electoral reforms & balanced budget. Harper was a divisive piece of shit who added to the deficit every year - seems every new PM promises to get a balanced budget and every one of them promptly spends for the next election.

You want to make anti-JT points - get off the general crap - forget his looks (are all conservatives insecure old farts ?) and list broken promises or the damage that his promises/legislation is doing to our debt level. Substance ... let's see substance.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
You can't punch holes through them - you're simply making shit up because you haven't asked vets if they are happy about getting their offices and benefits back from Harper's cuts or Natives on their increased benefits - just empty bullshit rhetoric because it is irrelevant what the fuck JT does - if he cured cancer - you would still complain.

These are promises kept which was proof your simplistic pronouncement is wrong. I don't agree with all of them but he promised it and did it so your 'smoke and mirrors' is groundless. There are also broken promises - list them. I'll give you two easy ones - electoral reforms & balanced budget. Harper was a divisive piece of shit who added to the deficit every year - seems every new PM promises to get a balanced budget and every one of them promptly spends for the next election.

You want to make anti-JT points - get off the general crap - forget his looks (are all conservatives insecure old farts ?) and list broken promises or the damage that his promises/legislation is doing to our debt level. Substance ... let's see substance.
Much, such anger. Certainly you have no room for anyone who doesn't share your man crush on JT. If you're interested in someone with a different take, spent a moment reading the following. That is, if you can see an alternative view without running around with your hair on fire. Your anger and inability to accept alternate views confirms my belief that your nothing less than a political hack:


Jan 31, 2005
Justin - is that you??? Most of your talking points are empty rhetoric and I could punch holes through them, a mile wide. Ask the vets, the natives, the people who will have to pay for the "enhanced CPP", I could cop on, but this is smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, empty talking points do not make good governance. Given your ready access to such a long list of "accomplishments", I'm guessing that you're a Liberal hack who made a quick call to Gerald Butts and asked for a media-ready list of talking points. And thanks for the tip on the additional funding for the CBC! There's something we can all rally around. You're free to go back to the Liberal war room now....
The list of promises kept was long and compelling. You aren't required to agree with the policies but you should at least be willing to admit he largely did what he said he would.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
The list of promises kept was long and compelling. You aren't required to agree with the policies but you should at least be willing to admit he largely did what he said he would.
These policies have not been fulfilled to any great extent. The current government has a very week legislative record. Electoral reform was a key platform policy, but was withdrawn. The issues on native reserves are the very same as they were two years ago. Funding for First Natives has not increased. Veterans were stabbed in the back with cuts to their support services. Trudeau blocked, only last week, a bill to provide support to autistic children, even though it was supported bu both the Conservatives and NDP. No Peace Keeping missions initiated in the past two years, but let's give them credit, they keep on promising.

I could go on, but no argument will break the man crush that the great uninformed have for the current PM...


Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light., if we compare politician - Maria Carfagna Italian born, then forget about it, Christy Clark be the HOTTEST!

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