The reality is that so far the majority have voted for having a new strip bar section. Some 21 people in just 24 hours have voted that they will either post or look into strip bar section if one is created. This shows such a section will be very active section. This clearly makes the new section very very active even if my target number of 50 Yes votes is not achieved by closure date which is 9 days from now it will be still many participants in any future new section.
bangminton it is of course your prerogative to vote no but I don't buy your reasoning at all. And the reason is:
We also have exact same heading for Toronto (GTA)
Escort & Massage reviews Toronto, Mississauga, Scarborough, Brampton, Markham, Richmond Hill, Georgetown, Oakville
BUT we have a "Strip Bar Section under above heading.♣-Toronto-Strip-Clubs
If it works for Toronto then why it should not work for Ottawa???
Not true again. Yes recently this was the only thread (Taboo) and many members don't post their experience in Ottawa strip bars because there is no section for it
but if you look into the past there are MANY threads and posts related to strip bar in Ottawa Section of this board by many different members.
I seem however to agree with bobbiz that no matter how much interest is indicated still the request for a new section on strip bars for Ottawa may not be granted. I say this because likely the board admin may not wish to be dictated by membership as what to have and what not to have and most importantly as a second reason I think could be because this new section unlike escorts and masseuses will not generate any money for the board as unlike escorts and masseuses those nude dancers will never be paid advertisers so there is little or no incentive for the admin to create a new section and then add to their work load and get nothing out of it.
It will be unfortunate because my goal is to promote deserving dancers and help patrons (between minimum 21 to likely 100+) to located the best ones. It will be a win-win situation and those opposed if you don't like it then nobody is going to force you to click on the related link but thread in between escorts threads you are forced to see at least the thread title even if you don't want.
The strip bar section on cerb is very active and many members over there are also members here so I see no reason why it should be any different here.
As for The board admins if they decide against it in spite of so many voting yes then I would say that they would derive members from a likely popular part of the industry which all indications so far is that it will be very active for people to participate (post, search, read......) just for monetary reasons (who knows maybe dancers start advertising too one day).
But lets be positive and hope that the display of decisive interest would overcome lack of dollars in the eyes of decision makers on this board.