Toronto Escorts

Elite Pedophile Politicians Raped Her as a Child, Now She’s Alerting the Public


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Annoynmous should really go after hypocritical Conservative MPs who are against legalization the business.
There's a particular SP on the blue board whose also a menace to the industry. She should not be trusted. I think she may have an account on this board as well.

I'm doing the best I can with the blue situation, and have repeatedly reported violations of the Terms of Service to the host server, reported spam emails to Canada's anti-spam department and have started sending reports to the Toronto Police Service. If LE doesn't respond and investigate efficiently, I'm prepared to go public and give a story to the media about how LE isn't protecting sex workers according to their basic human and Canadian rights, even when serious crimes by industry trolls, have been reported.

I've posted publicly about my intentions on industry forums across Canada, so this is no secret to anyone.

This tragic fact is a sad commentary on the worth or value Canada places on sex workers. The only legal action I'm aware of that's been successful against that website, is that the SPCA ordered them to remove a video depicting animal abuse.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I'm doing the best I can with the blue situation, and have repeatedly reported violations of the Terms of Service to the host server, reported spam emails to Canada's anti-spam department and have started sending reports to the Toronto Police Service. If LE doesn't respond and investigate efficiently, I'm prepared to go public and give a story to the media about how LE isn't protecting sex workers according to their basic human and Canadian rights, even when serious crimes by industry trolls, have been reported.

I've posted publicly about my intentions on industry forums across Canada, so this is no secret to anyone.

This tragic fact is a sad commentary on the worth or value Canada places on sex workers. The only legal action I'm aware of that's been successful against that website, is that the SPCA ordered them to remove a video depicting animal abuse
Check your PM box please


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Why don't they go after the guy on the blue board who tries to make girls give him bbfs, he's also admitted to being successful. This man is also somewhat of a public figure, so it doesn't really require anonymous to expose him.
I just figured out 'who' you were referring to. In this individual's defense, he's had a lot of vicious rumours spread about him that I've never seen any concrete proof to support.

The person who has spread most of these rumours is the same person who has bullied and defamed me across Canada, so I actually feel sorry for the guy.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I'll post carefully here and the Mods can edit if they think I'm oversharing.

Anonymous members contacted me regarding cybercrimes I reported involving members of the Vancouver industry. Those alleged cybercriminals eventually ended up continuing their alleged (innocent until proven guilty in a court of law) cybercrimes on several Toronto forums, including the 'old cesspool'. (not to be confused with the current blue cesspool)

Anonymous had been observing one person in particular, so when they saw that I was having issues with this person, that's what motivated them to contact me. (I've passed on this info to perb Mods.)

A black hat Anon was upset enough to join perb and post about what was happening. That scared the crap out of me, and everyone else. I was terrified when Anon's first started contacting me, because I didn't know anything about them or what they were trying to do.

We actually discussed what was happening on the old cesspool, and I was told that the blatant criminal activity taking place on that website owned by RS, was enough to possibly have action taken against them. I was told that if that was to happen, it would have to come from overseas somewhere. This was several years ago now, so things have probably changed since then.

It is interesting to note that Anonymous does pay close attention to our forums and will act if they find a serious reason to do so. I think they're more likely to doxx problematic individuals, than to try to take down an entire board.

I repeat what I was told before, that afaik, no action has ever been taken against p/t/merb and they wouldn't be interested in doing so unless they suspected we were involved with child sexual abuse and exploitation - and I guess I should add trafficking of sex workers.

The Anon's I've communicated with were high profile and highly respected in the BC and Canadian community. I'll always be grateful to them for teaching me how to stay safe and anonymous online, as they were way ahead of the learning curve for most people in the escort industry.

When cyberbullies posted me (and Fred and perb Mods) on TheDirty, they couldn't 'out' me because there was nothing to out. I've never posted a face pic or full nude shot, never used my real name on anything connected to the industry, and I have no skeletons in my closet, so all they could do was post lies and defame my reputation. I actually got clients from TheDirty article because the trolls posted a really hot pic of me. Even Nik Richie commented and said I had a nice ass for a milf.

Anonymous didn't attack the old cesspool afaik, it was taken offline due to RS being taken to court by several industry members. I won't post details here, but I know exactly who did what to make it happen - and I taught them how to do it after I learned how to apply Internet Defamation Laws to our industry forums.

Sometimes Anonymous does what no one else is capable of doing, and if it's for a good cause, I thank them for it.
I have an excellent law letter on Internet Defamation. An old cesspool board didn't like me talking about that article. (No, not the one owned by RS or its predecessors).

Well, glad to know that Anonymous consists of benevolent-minded persons.


Jul 2, 2011
They Thought She Was Crazy: Doctor Extracts RFID Chip from Sex Victim

“I have a tracker in me,” read the cryptic note, found in triage by a greenhorn doctor — scribbled by a woman in the emergency room.

She claimed to have been implanted with a GPS tracking device of some kind — an assertion not unheard of, but never the less unusual.

Dr. A, anonymous for safety concerns, rolled his eyes — ordinarily, such a note would be a sure indicator of mental illness, for which a psychiatrist would need to be summoned.

But this woman appeared lucid. Sane. Not at all paranoid or delusional.

And she had an incision.

So an x-ray was performed, and medical personnel gathered to view the results. But they stood breathless in disbelief — indeed, while they didn’t find a GPS tracker,

“Embedded in the right side of her flank is a small metallic object only a little bit larger than a grain of rice,” Dr. A recounted for Marketplace’s Dan Gorenstein. “But it’s there. It’s unequivocally there. She has a tracker in her. And no one was speaking for like five seconds — and in a busy ER that’s saying something.”

“It was a small glass capsule with a little almost like a circuit board inside of it,” the 28-year-old doctor.

Shock turned fast to concern when the doctors grasped what the presence of the object signaled about the 20-something woman’s life — and why she’d handed over the bizarre note.

“It’s an RFID chip. It’s used to tag cats and dogs, And someone had tagged her like an animal, like she was somebody’s pet that they owned.”

In fact, the unnamed woman had been treated as a pet — a possession — by her boyfriend, who sold her for sex and pocketed the money she brought back.

She was one of an innumerable amount of victims of human trafficking — a colossal problem in every corner of the globe, including the United States — where Dr. A has residency at a hospital in a ‘major American city,’ Marketplace discreetly noted.

That modern day slavery is alive and unfortunately booming, even in the U.S., might jar the somnambulant masses — after all, schools rightly cover the nation’s history of antebellum slavery quite thoroughly. But human trafficking and exploitation constitutes a modern iteration of baneful practice.

“Very plainly,” Katherine Chon, director of the newly created Office on Trafficking in Persons at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told Gorenstein, “human trafficking is when one person takes advantage of another person for some profit.”

Sex isn’t the only reason people buy other people — human trafficking sadly staffs a number of industries with forced laborers, from the menial and repetitive tasks of manufacturing, to domestic service.

Under threat of violent punishment — or worse — victims often endure horrific trauma and find it difficult, if not impossible, to alert others to their circumstances for assistance.

That’s where Dr. A and healthcare workers can step in — though law enforcement typically handles allegations of trafficking, observant medical staff might notice psychological and physical signs police would miss. Plus, spending even a brief time in private consultation with a doctor or nurse gives a victim the golden opportunity to speak up.

However, even the best training doesn’t prevent the majority of human trafficking victims from interacting normally — with the public none the wiser. Cagey perpetrators employ a number of tricks to keep from being caught — apparently including the implantation of tracking devices.

“I can guarantee you that I’ve placed my hands and I’ve examined and I’ve spoken to more trafficking victims than I know I have,” Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room doctor, Wendy Macias, told Gorenstein.

With so many victims slipping by unnoticed, the case of the woman with the tracking device should be ‘so disturbing,’ it sounds the alarm for everyone in the healthcare industry, Dr. Dale Carrison at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas explained.

“That was a big wake up call for me personally that ‘Uh-oh we’re going to another level now,’” he said. “And I need to get the word out to all my colleagues, don’t blow this off.”

RFID chips have long been theorized to be potential tools of a totalitarian State — essentially acting as a bar code would to track people’s every move. So disputatious are the devices, in fact, one Nevada lawmaker introduced a bill last month to ban mandatory implantation in humans of RFID chips — violators would be charged with a Class C felony for the alarming transgression.

That dystopian science fiction became reality in an x-ray sent chills down the traditionally-skeptical medical community’s backs.

“There’s so many sci-fi movies where they stick a device in somebody,” Dr. Carrison noted. “Well guess what? It’s real. It happened.”


New member
Mar 15, 2012
The Rebel Media? Really...
Again, Copy and Paste Man is stupid enough to think that "Pizzagate" was true.
It's already clear that he has shit for brains, but this isn't the blue board.

I really wish you guys would lay off c-man. I consider him a friend who has contributed a lot of valuable content to industry forums over the years.

Just because someone posts an article or video, does not necessarily mean they're endorsing the content of that article or video.

We post stuff to make people think, to motivate them to evaluate the issues and decide for themselves. Sometimes I even deliberately post stuff that I know will piss people off - just for fun. ;)

I have an excellent law letter on Internet Defamation. An old cesspool board didn't like me talking about that article. (No, not the one owned by RS or its predecessors).

Well, glad to know that Anonymous consists of benevolent-minded persons.
I'd love to read it. Is it online? I've experienced considerable blowback after posting informative articles in the past as well. Criminals don't like it when we shine a light on their behaviour and present legal methods for the industry to deal with them.

I've been banned from several forums for attempting to do that, and have had to boycott others who wouldn't listen to what I was trying to teach them.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
I have an excellent law letter on Internet Defamation. An old cesspool board didn't like me talking about that article. (No, not the one owned by RS or its predecessors).

I consulted with Andrew Aguilar (I have permission to post his name) in Vancouver several years ago. It cost me a lot of money but was worth every penny.

He works as counsel for the city of Vancouver now, but he might know other lawyers that specialize in Internet Defamation Law if anyone is desperately in need of help.

He gave me a copy of a Cease and Desist letter he'd prepared for a big corporation, so I could use it as a template. He's the one who helped me find a solution for our industry where confidentiality is such a big issue.

He taught me that you can send Cease and Desist letters to online handles at their email addresses, so no real names or personal info is required.

I still remember lying in bed in my hotel room later that night after my first consultation with him - and this big lightbulb went off in my head when I realized that it would work for us.


Any good TO area lawyers out there who are knowledgable about Internet Defamation Law?

Please PM me if you know of any.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Looky what I just found. Too bad it's so expensive.

Internet Law: The Complete Guide
Item Id: NLO1
Eric P. Robinson, JD, PhD
Michael J. Lambert, JD, DCL
Steven Imparl, JD

Internet Law: The Complete Guide has been completely updated and is the ultimate reference for the rapidly changing field of Internet law and regulations. With its coverage of e-commerce, intellectual property, practicing law online, and individual rights, Internet Law explains how issues in this dynamic field affect all forms of business.

Internet Law is used by corporate counsel in all forms of business, lawyers, law professors and their students, Internet service providers, bloggers, social network operators, web designers, web training consultants, systems integration consultants, and government officials and employees.

I requested a sample PDF they offer and will update when I get it.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Man jailed for viewing child porn closer to practising law in Ontario


A Canadian-born man who was jailed in Florida for viewing child pornography has moved one step closer to practising law in Ontario.

The tribunal of the Law Society of Upper Canada ruled in a written decision last week that Ronald Ori Davidovic was of “good character,” allowing his licensing application to proceed.

The document says Davidovic, who was born in Montreal and moved to Miami with his family as a child, was working as general counsel for a telecommunications company in Florida when he was arrested in early 2004 following a police search of his home.

The decision says investigators seized his computers, where they found images and videos of children and teenagers as well as regular pornography.

Davidovic pleaded guilty to one count of receiving images containing a visual depiction of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct and was sentenced to five years in prison, which was later knocked down to three years. He is also registered as a sex offender in Florida.

He resigned from the Florida bar but would have been allowed to reapply in 2010. Instead, the tribunal’s decision says, he applied to practice in Ontario, saying he planned to move to Toronto, where he has family.

Two members of the three-person tribunal panel ruled that Davidovic had passed the “good character” requirement of the licensing process, saying he has taken responsibility and expressed remorse for his actions, and has not reoffended since his arrest.

“We therefore find that the applicant is of good character and grant his application for licensing as a lawyer in Ontario,” wrote Raj Anand and Jan Richardson.

A spokeswoman for the law society said Friday that the tribunal only ruled on Davidovic’s “good character” — a requirement for licencing — but the man’s application was still ongoing. She acknowledged, however, that the language of the decision had caused some confusion over whether Davidovic had been granted permission to practise law.

Davidovic, who is in his 40s, has completed more than 300 hours of mandated therapy and more than 500 hours of additional therapy, and started volunteering with an organization that educates media, legislators and the public about issues relating to sex offenders, Anand and Richardson said.

“It has been over 13 years since the commission of the offences, and nine years since the applicant completed his sentence. He has tried to reinvent himself, with a significant measure of success thus far, to make a new life,” they wrote. “The applicant’s conduct in the years preceding 2004 was reprehensible, but it is not an automatic or permanent bar to his admission, given the evidence and positions of the parties, and in light of the applicant’s determination to be an ethical and productive lawyer.”

One panel member opposed the decision, arguing Davidovic had failed to clear all doubts about his good character and his credibility.

While Davidovic provided reports by a social worker and a forensic psychologist, among others, that indicated his chance of relapse was very low, those were written several years ago, Paul M. Cooper wrote. “There is insufficient evidence that the applicant is rehabilitated. The misconduct was sexually motivated and he possessed a magnetic attraction. He has been diagnosed with non-specified paraphilia and this diagnosis remains unresolved,” Cooper said.

“I do not believe the evidence shows on a balance of probabilities that he is rehabilitated nor that he fully comprehends victim empathy or remorse.”

Davidovic acknowledged at his hearing that the public “would have a valid concern that his actions affected his integrity” and that he had been “selfish and arrogant,” the tribunal decision said.

But he stressed that he had “gained greater empathy for vulnerable individuals, and an understanding of victimization, as a result of going through the criminal justice system” and had shifted his priorities from material success to helping others and maintaining support systems.

Davidovic started looking at child pornography in 1998 and, while the frequency may have waned somewhat after his marriage that year, he continued to do so until late 2003, the document said.

The panel says he intends to practise criminal law and “believes that his experience will enable him to assist others.” Davidovic has also said he is willing to restrict his practice to adults only but the panel did not say whether it would require him to do so.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
B.C. authorities issue alert about release of pedophile known as 'Swirl Face'

Nick Wells,
Published Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:11PM EDT

The B.C. government has issued a public warning about a convicted pedophile who is now living in Vancouver following his release from prison.

The corrections branch of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General issued the warning Sunday along with a list of some of Christopher Neil's 18 court-ordered conditions, calling him a high-risk sex offender.

Neil, 42, is infamously known as "Swirl Face" – a moniker he was given by international media after police released pictures of a man engaged in sex acts with boys, showing his face disguised by a digital swirl. He was handed a 5 ½-year prison sentence last June for producing online child pornography.

Christopher Paul Neil is seen in these images released by Interpol on Monday, Oct. 8, 2007. German specialists produced the identifiable images from the original pictures, where his face had been digitally blurred.

Neil, who is from the Lower Mainland city of Maple Ridge, pleaded guilty in December 2015 to two charges of sexual interference in Cambodia in 2003, one charge of possessing child pornography in Maple Ridge in 2007, and two charges of accessing child pornography in Vancouver in 2013.

He also served five years in prison in Thailand, for the sexual abuse of boys as young as nine years old.

Neil's sentencing brought an end to over a decade of investigation. But with credit for time served, he is out of prison less than 10 months after being sentenced.

"We want the public to be aware of this individual's presence in the community and to contact authorities if they observe Mr. Neil engaging in any activity that could be considered a violation of his court order," BC Corrections spokeswoman Cindy Rose said in a statement to CTV News.

Rose said she couldn't discuss what sort of facility Neil will be living in, or how staff in that facility will be supervising him.

The public notification alert lists five of the conditions Neil has to abide by, including not contacting anyone under the age of 16 or loitering on the property or sidewalk immediately adjacent to any park, playground, school ground, swimming area, daycare, community centre, arcade, library or residence where people under the age of 16 can be expected to be present.

Neil is also banned from owning a computer or cellphone.

Brian McConaghy, a retired forensic scientist who worked for the RCMP on the Neil investigation, said he's not surprised by the turn of events. "It's another step in that continuum of frustration," he said. "It's hard to take."

McConaghy runs a charity dedicated to helping sex crime victims in Cambodia, and helped track down one of Neil's victims for police.

He agrees with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General's classification of Neil as a high-risk sex offender. "I've seen quite enough of his evidence, photographic evidence of numerous young children abused by him and when you see the pattern of behaviour in Asia, these guys are not easily reformed. They don't change, they're wired this way. So anybody with a reputation like this, with the amount of the assaults in his history, he's a risk," McConaghy said.

Despite Neil's freedom, McConaghy said some good did come out of his case. The Canadian justice system is re-evaluating how pedophiles and people convicted of sex crimes are convicted. "We have some terrible case law and precedence for sentencing in Canada but we are gradually overcoming them. That's the encouragement to me," he said.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Goderich man charged with four child pornography offences

Published Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:33PM EDT

A Goderich man has been charged following a join investigation that included the OPP's Child Exploitation Unit.

Police conducted an online undercover child pornography investigation and seized two computers and external media they say contained images of child sexual abuse.

A 41-year-old man is charged with two counts of possession of child pornography, one count of making available child pornography and one count of accessing child pornography.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Kodack Black Charged With Child Molestation After Sending ‘CashmeOusside’ Girl Dick Pics!!!!

Rapper Dieuson Octave, also known as Kodack Black, has been charged with child molestation after sending Danielle Bregoli, AKA the “cashmeousside girl” images of his penis. Kodack was taken into police custody after Danielle’s mother contacted the local authorities and reported that her daughter was molested by the up and coming rap artist.

After her mother called the police, Danielle and her mother then got into an argument which led to them having a physical altercation. No charges were brought to either of the participating party.

As of right now Kodack is being held without bond in the Broward County Jail.

Another article about the girl:


Jul 2, 2011
Kodack Black Charged With Child Molestation After Sending ‘CashmeOusside’ Girl Dick Pics!!!!

Rapper Dieuson Octave, also known as Kodack Black, has been charged with child molestation after sending Danielle Bregoli, AKA the “cashmeousside girl” images of his penis. Kodack was taken into police custody after Danielle’s mother contacted the local authorities and reported that her daughter was molested by the up and coming rap artist.

After her mother called the police, Danielle and her mother then got into an argument which led to them having a physical altercation. No charges were brought to either of the participating party.

As of right now Kodack is being held without bond in the Broward County Jail.

Another article about the girl:
This is fake news, she's in one of his music videos
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