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Sweden: Riots erupt in Stockholm neighborhood


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


New member
Feb 18, 2013
You take a look at what's happening in Sweden, Sweden of all places can you believe that? They took in too many immigrants, they're having problems like you wouldn't even believe. Last night in SWEDEN!!! It makes you wonder, just what have the Swedish government been smoking all these years?!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Stick people in ghettos and they get disturbed. The young ones take it to the streets. Lots of examples closer to home in the US; the easiest to Google would be Watts.


Mar 31, 2009
You take a look at what's happening in Sweden, Sweden of all places can you believe that? They took in too many immigrants, they're having problems like you wouldn't even believe. Last night in SWEDEN!!! It makes you wonder, just what have the Swedish government been smoking all these years?!
Are we saying that there were no riots in Sweden before all these immigrants flooded in? Maybe the Swedes got bored with no riots and decided to import some rioters to liven things up a bit?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Another thread trying to validate one of the most incompetent corrupt buffoons ever elected president. He completely misquoted a Fox broadcast instead of just listening to his own intelligence briefings and his supporters have to (once again) strain logic to put lipstick on the pig.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Donald Trump's comments about Sweden over the past few days have sparked international debate.

In his initial comments on the topic Trump referred to a refugee terrorist incident - no such incident took place - before making a wider point about the success of immigration in the country and a perceived rising crime rate. onald Trump's comments about Sweden over the past few days have sparked international debate.

In his initial comments on the topic Trump referred to a refugee terrorist incident - no such incident took place - before making a wider point about the success of immigration in the country and a perceived rising crime rate. Sweden has been very welcoming to immigrants over the past decade, with 163,000 people entering the country in 2016 - 100,000 more than the number who did so in 2000.

While immigrants from EU countries have more than doubled over this 17-year period, the biggest increases have been in people coming to Sweden from Africa and Asia.

Figures from Statistics Sweden show that 76,145 immigrants from Asian countries came to Sweden in 2016, more than five times the number who came from Asia in 2000. Immigration from African countries has increased by even more than this, however, just 18,000 immigrants came from Africa last year.

Sweden's approach to refugees has been similarly welcoming, with the country receiving 162,877 applications for asylum in 2015 - a record number.

More than half of these refugees came from war-torn countries such as Syria (51,000) and Iraq (20,000) - and they include a very large number of unaccompanied children.

This generous approach to refugees was halted mid-way through 2016 when the Swedish Parliament voted by 240 to 45 to toughen the rules around asylum to ease the burden on the Swedish welfare system.

This rule-change has seen a big drop in asylum applications to Sweden with numbers down by 82 per cent between 2016 and 2015.
Integration not crime is the issue facing Swedes

Sweden's crime rates are typically low compared with other nations and - contrary to Trump's belief - there hasn't been a refugee-driven crime wave in recent years.

In fact, the latest figures show that the rate of crimes against life and health have actually decreased in recent years.

However, doesn't mean that the large recent influx of immigrants has been without issue.

Sweden's population of just under 10 million is small compared to the number of people it has accepted - consequently it has one of the highest rates of immigration in Europe.

Integrating this level of migrants into the general population is an ongoing issue in Sweden, with a recent YouGov poll showing that Swedes think the most pressing issue currently facing their country is immigration and refugee policy.

Employment rates among the native-born population are far higher than among those born abroad, with only the Netherlands experiencing more inequality in this regard according to the OECD.

The same is true of the proportion of Swedes living in relative poverty. More than one in four Swedes living in immigrant households are currently in poverty while the figure is 15.4 per cent for those living in native-born households.

While these tensions haven't resulted in an explosion of crime, the problems are bubbling away under the surface and the far-right Swedish Democrats are gaining more support ahead of the 2018 election.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Trump, on the other hand, was drawing on a persistent set of myths among Sweden’s nationalist right, which claims that Muslim immigration has turned some urban areas into ghettoes where sharia law is practised, gang rape is commonplace, and the police and fire engines hardly dare to go. This is a grotesque distortion of a worrying reality. There has been a huge rise in recorded violent crime in Sweden in the last 40 years, but it is still a very much safer place than the US, UK and indeed most of Europe. There has been a huge increase in humanitarian immigration. But it’s not clear how the two are related.

I used to live in one of these supposed ghettoes in the early 1980s, when it was still largely white and the nearest we got to criminality was when my friend the bootlegger made vodka in his kitchen. When I went back 20 years later, there was a Somali family living in my old flat, and almost all the children playing in the open spaces around it were supervised by women in headscarves. I was with a radio producer who talked at length in Arabic to an Iraqi refugee who had been resettled there after a hellish journey.

But there was absolutely no feeling of danger or hostility. Similarly, Rosengård, the suburb of Malmö which is portrayed in the rightwing press as Sweden’s answer to Mogadishu, is far more open and peaceful than, say, the rougher parts of north London. That said, there are pockets of serious criminality in the most segregated parts of Sweden. These are fuelled most by the easy availability of guns after the Balkan wars, and by disputes in the drug trade. Kossovar, Bosniak and Turkish gangs, along with Scandinavian bikers, have engaged in bloody street wars. Three young people were shot dead in their car about 500m from where I used to live in Uddevalla two years ago: the killers were a couple of Lebanese brothers. There is one suburb of Gothenburg divided between two rival Somali groups.

Almost all of this criminality arises from second generation immigrants, when they are immigrants at all. When I was last in the country, I spoke at length to a very senior policeman in Gothenburg, and his view was that this was a problem caused by adolescent males, unemployment, exclusion from the communities around them, and easy access to guns. Religion had nothing to do with it.

We were talking in the shadow of a hideous murder in one of the most segregated communities in Sweden, where two schoolchildren and a teacher had been killed with a sword by a young man dressed up as a stormtrooper. He was white, and his victims were not – and were chosen for exactly that reason. To the extent that there is serious ethnically motivated crime in Sweden, it appears that the immigrants are the victims as much as the perpetrators, whatever Trump may think.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So there you go, Trumpies. Actual truth is that the immigrants - if taken in numbers far more massive than either Canada or the USA and unvetted - find great difficulty in fitting in and are a burden on the social welfare system. But there is no evidence of a spike in the violent crime rate that is driven by unvetted immigration. Indeed, the major crime spike appears to be white neo nazis attacking the immigrants.

It's always a chuckle how the righties "contribute" to the discussion by posting racist memes and fake photos. Whereas the "libtards" actually post research, as I did above. Keep up the good work, Trumpies!!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
So there you go, Trumpies. Actual truth is that the immigrants - if taken in numbers far more massive than either Canada or the USA and unvetted - find great difficulty in fitting in and are a burden on the social welfare system. But there is no evidence of a spike in the violent crime rate that is driven by unvetted immigration. Indeed, the major crime spike appears to be white neo nazis attacking the immigrants.

It's always a chuckle how the righties "contribute" to the discussion by posting racist memes and fake photos. Whereas the "libtards" actually post research, as I did above. Keep up the good work, Trumpies!!!
What I find disgusting is the schadenfreude the club here shows for problems from Sweden showing compassion by taking in refugees.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
What I find disgusting is the schadenfreude the club here shows for problems from Sweden showing compassion by taking in refugees.
Typical that you cannot understand simple concepts. The schadenfreude is not from Sweden showing compassion or from the violence in Sweden, it is from watching your club of dreamers not grasping the reality of
the world around you.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Typical that you cannot understand simple concepts. The schadenfreude is not from Sweden showing compassion or from the violence in Sweden, it is from watching your club of dreamers not grasping the reality of
the world around you.
Do you really believe that the Swedes and the Danes did not expect problems in integrating people from Somalia and other distant places with a different religion, different culture, different climate etc etc?

But they welcomed them when nobody else did, because they were in dire need of a place to live.

Shame on you and your schadenfreude.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
No, they didn't expect those type of problems.

How Muslim Migration Made Malmo, Sweden A Crime Capital

Scores of Swedes took the streets of Malmo, a southern city in Sweden, on Monday to protest an epidemic of violence that has taken the lives of far too many young people. The last victim was 16-year-old Ahmed Obaid. He was killed last Thursday after an unidentified gunman unleashed a salvo of bullets.

“Our kids should sleep well, play at play parks, feel safe,” Housam Abbas, the victim’s cousin, said, according to the Local.

Malmo, this once quiet city, is now overrun with violence. The culture of fear is so palpable that parents are no longer comfortable sending their children out to play.

"You have to look over your shoulder when you go out at night now. I don't let my little brother go out at night any more," said one high school student at Monday’s protest in front of city hall. "I hope that the politicians actually view this as a serious problem and start to solve this in Malmö."

After being handed a list of measures to curb the violence in the city, Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson stated in a matter-of-fact tone: "We have to get rid of the weapons, we need tighter punishment so that those who are held for serious gun crime can be arrested immediately and not just be released a few days later."

What Johansson failed to mention, however, was the fact that the bulk of the violence stems from one community.

The Muslim immigrant community has a crime problem. It’s a truism that Swedish (and European) politicians have denied in bold-faced lies and assurances to the public.

Malmo, like Molenbeek, its sister city in Belgium, has become a breeding ground for criminals.

Thousands of Muslim immigrants have fled their war-torn homes in the Middle East to settle in quaint European cities filled with naïve and welcoming townspeople.

This has been true in France, England, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden.

Since the great migration into Europe, crime, largely committed by migrants, has gone up manifold, leaving many to reassess their naïveté about hosting duties.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Do you really believe that the Swedes and the Danes did not expect problems in integrating people from Somalia and other distant places with a different religion, different culture, different climate etc etc?

But they welcomed them when nobody else did, because they were in dire need of a place to live.

Shame on you and your schadenfreude.
I guess I must repeat myself. My pleasure is not derived from violence in Sweden or any where else. It is not at the fact that many poor Mexican will get deported or that somepeople will get hurt by Trumps ban. It is at the silly people who still cannot understand simple concepts such as the problems in Africa and the ME are mostly caused by the people living in those places. Simply moving them into your home will not solve their problems or suddenly make them better people. My amusement is at the expense of people who never actually get involved at the grassroots level but talk as if they have intimate experience.

The #1 thing that is required for change is a desire to change.

Shame on you for pretending you care.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Do you really believe that the Swedes and the Danes did not expect problems in integrating people from Somalia and other distant places with a different religion, different culture, different climate etc etc?

But they welcomed them when nobody else did, because they were in dire need of a place to live.

Shame on you and your schadenfreude.
I still firmly believe that the misogynist and homophobic teaching of Islam are incomparable with a Liberal Democracy. Add in the issues it has with Capitalism and it's intolerance and it's a power keg.

A small amount of immigration is fine. Large scale is not.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Another Huffington Post contributors article banned. These writers need to learn to only write articles that reinforce their readers beliefs. Lesson learned. Maybe was smoking weed when he submitted this one.

Trump is absolutely right about Sweden
KBear, did it escape your attention that the article is so ungrammatical that is was written by someone with a grade school education or ESL and with no editor input????

I dooubt that anyone within a million miles of Huff Post wrote that article!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I still firmly believe that the misogynist and homophobic teaching of Islam are incomparable with a Liberal Democracy. Add in the issues it has with Capitalism and it's intolerance and it's a power keg.

A small amount of immigration is fine. Large scale is not.
The bible is nuts too. The issue is how modern day people interpret each text. There are people in Alabama who interpret the bible in a homophobic and misogynistic way. There are Muslims in Don Mills who interpret the Koran in accordance with 21st Century Canadian values.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
KBear, did it escape your attention that the article is so ungrammatical that is was written by someone with a grade school education or ESL and with no editor input????

I dooubt that anyone within a million miles of Huff Post wrote that article!
Could be, but did it escape your attention that the writer is from Norway, and perhaps English is not his first language.

The writers twitter account


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The bible is nuts too. The issue is how modern day people interpret each text. There are people in Alabama who interpret the bible in a homophobic and misogynistic way. There are Muslims in Don Mills who interpret the Koran in accordance with 21st Century Canadian values.
You epitomize willful blindness. Your reply to Bulter is a deflection. Why do you feel compelled to do this? He said MASS immigration from Islamic nations is NOT GOOD because the teachings are held STRONGLY and LITERALLY which is incompatible with Liberal Democracies.

You agree?
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