KING: Donald Trump remains silent as white men terrorize America


Jun 11, 2011
There is a big difference between a terrorist organization and one deranged wacko. Is Trump supposed to condemn the entire white male race? If this was a supremacist, the only ones to blame for a rise in white supremacists are the left demonizing white men.. Before all this social justice anti white man movement started, white supremacy was practically non existing. Going after the Confederate flag was their first mistake, its like they were trying to push buttons to set off backlash, PC culture is cocky and just had to poke a sleeping giant with a stick.
You know you've made your point IG when 6 different posters have to quote you because you've 'triggered' them lmao


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
In the past 1,400 years, I don't think any groups/religions can match Muslims. The Mongols were vicious but even they lasted nowhere near 1,400 years, probably 165 years maximum.

It was Christian Europeans who stopped the Mongols and later the Islamic armies from conquering Europe.

I'm only stating historical facts. From its humble beginning in the desert of Arabia they conquered North Africa, Persia, parts of Russia, much of the Indian sub-continent, Malaya, Indonesia, Southern Philippines, etc. Don't you think that is pretty amazing?
The Roman Empire, British empire, American empire and even Ghengis Khan have all taken over large chunks of the world with similar methods. The Ottoman Empire wasn't even a religious based empire, it gave rights to Christians, Jews and others within it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Islam's 1,400 years of continuous invasions, wars and genocides. Even the vicious Mongols lasted no more than 165 years. The Nazis lasted less than 20 years. Irish Catholics fought British Imperialism, Sikhs and Serbs fought Muslim invaders.
And you're a committed crusader against Islam centuries after the last official Crusade. The worst wars are the Holy Wars, you can spot them because they have nothing to do with 'real' causes like territory, only that the guys who are wearing the Crescent instead of the Cross are irredeemable devils.

BTW those Christian Imperialists of yours got really into slaughtering their Irish Christian schismatics about 1500 years after Christ, and kept it up against non-Christians from The Caribbean to Calcutta well into at least the XIXth Century. All in the name of spreading the true Word of God to the heathens. And guys like you are still spreading it.

The enemy isn't Islam. The 'enemy' is True Believers, who ignore reality to maintain their fear of The Other. They come in all colours, all religions and no religion at all. But the one thing that makes them all similar is they 'know' they are good, so anyone different can only be evil, and they don't need facts for either case.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And who can forget the Spanish Inquisition?

Its not like Christianity has been as pacific as the Buddhists.
Like the ones burning Muslim villages in Myanmar? Or the Buddhist samurai class of old Japan? Just which religion are all those Chinese warrior monks anyway?

There isn't a religion on the face of the planet that doesn't have bloody hands. That is if you want to blame a religion for the barbarisms and cruelties of those who claim they believe in it.

To me, the essence of being human is that you and you alone are responsible for being a good person or an evil one. Nothing to do with something in a book or a sermon. Blaming someone's religion for what they do, is an denial of your responsibility to see them as a person with the same responsibility for their actions as you have. Seeing people as less than they are can never ever have a good outcome.

Wilful stupidity is the only true evil.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There isn't a religion on the face of the planet that doesn't have bloody hands.
Don't forget Christianity's support of slavery, a lovely period.
And the Nazi, Christian, holocaust.

But the biggest genocide of all should be put on the back of Christian colonialism through the genocide of natives across North America, bigger then the holocaust. That one has been estimated at around 100 million, though people debate whether it counts as genocide or not.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
100 years includes from WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea and quite a few others. You're not going to blame Islam, for instance, for the two times the US invaded Iraq, are you?
We were talking terrorist attacks, smartypants. If you wanna start going down the road when wars were (wrongly) started, we're entering a whole new ballgame.

Lets just stick to European (muslim) terrorist attacks for the time being, shall we??


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Right - like the Bush administration invades Iraq after 9-11 when Iraq had nothing to do with the attack. This leads ex Iraqi government soldiers to organize ISIS with some thugs from Jordanian
prisons as faces of the franchise.

Like the Saudi government today gets billions in support from the US to keep their Wahhabi fanatics in power ...

Or virtually every overthrow of a democratically elected government in the Middle East where the West backed the dictator ... all in any decade you want.

You have ZERO knowledge of the region or you just choose to ignore every fact when you make unbelievably idiotic posts. Why bother talking about things you clearly know nothing about?
If he knew something about it he wouldn't be blaming religion instead of foreign policy/wars/interventions/client states.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Christians ended slavery. Guess who started slavery and still practicing it to-day.

The Nazis lasted less than 20 years and they were extinguished by Christians.
Last I heard from my late grandad, the Nazis were defeated by him and the Welsh Infantry Regiment. Pretty much single-handed. Guy who never went to church in his life except to get married one time.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Christians ended slavery. Guess who started slavery and still practicing it to-day.

The Nazis lasted less than 20 years and they were extinguished by Christians.
You need to read your Bible. Old testament Jews kept slaves. And it isn't as if they were the first. The only 'slavery' Christians actually ended was their own, and they did that piecemeal. Let's not bring up American XXth century convict rentals, slavery in all but name.

Go ahead tell us who started slavery.

The Nazis, who attended every variety of Christian church, built their V2s with slaves. The Allied forces that defeated them included Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, Animists, Atheists, and every variety of belief and non-belief. Considering the Soviet Army that invaded Berlin and did the major part of the fighting in Germany was officially atheist, it's ludicrous to claim Christians defeated the Nazis. Although they did help.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
100 years includes from WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea and quite a few others....
I wasn't aware that any of those were religious wars.

Not all wars involving Muslims had a religious basis either but groups like ISIS, Al Queda, and other Wahabi influenced groups clearly take religion as the justification for their acts.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Islam's 1,400 years of continuous invasions, wars and genocides. Even the vicious Mongols lasted no more than 165 years. The Nazis lasted less than 20 years. Irish Catholics fought British Imperialism, Sikhs and Serbs fought Muslim invaders.
You do realize that Islam isn't a country right?

But we can easily talk about Christianity's 1800 or so years of using violence to spread itself too.

p.s. for Franky, Buddhists have been involved in ethnic violence as well. For example it played a role in the Sinhalese/Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. The last couple decades has seen a resurgence from the violent Buddhist fringe.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Christians ended slavery. Guess who started slavery and still practicing it to-day.
Another of your gems. Unless you believe the radical Islamists like ISIS who believe all of history is somehow Islamic, you might notice that slavery has been discussed in many pre-Islamic documents including the Bible, Roman histories, Assyrian, Babylonian, ....

But sure, try to pretend that Muslims are to blame for the slavery practiced by every society from the start of civilization until modern times.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Like the Saudi government today gets billions in support from the US to keep their Wahhabi fanatics in power ... ...
This sentence is clearly misleading. The Saudi government today gets billions in support from the US to secure oil. The Saudis use some of that money promoting Wahhabi beliefs. They are two separate acts. At best you can say that the US is willing to accept Wahhabi Saudi Arabia in exchange for oil.


Mar 31, 2009
As bad as Saudi Arabia is to-day, it would be another failed Muslim state if the House of Saud falls.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
As bad as Saudi Arabia is to-day, it would be another failed Muslim state if the House of Saud falls.
And the United States would be a failed state if its government fell. Thanks for illustrating the logical dead end known as a tautology.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You do realize that Islam isn't a country right?

But we can easily talk about Christianity's 1800 or so years of using violence to spread itself too.

p.s. for Franky, Buddhists have been involved in ethnic violence as well. For example it played a role in the Sinhalese/Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. The last couple decades has seen a resurgence from the violent Buddhist fringe.
Don't they refer to themselves as the Nation of Islam?

It is as much a political movement as anything. A cult. Pretty much atkin to fascism including the Big Brother figure and removal of anything that shows actual history.
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