Allegra Escorts Collective

No Police In Pride


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
Is the purpose of a police force to serve and protect? Why would the police be needing to put a float into a parade? I can see engaging with the community, open houses, etc...but a float in a parade? Really? This is what people go to a police academy for?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I think all the people that criticize this kinda miss the plot on this one. The purpose of the parade is to highlight the oppression gays faced by society. Other anti-oppression movements have joined. The police have historically been a major source of societal oppression. From bathhouse raids, G20, recent sting operations at Marie Curtis Park, poor Sammy Yatim and a story where cops threaten some guy taking a video of an arrest. I say they have learned very little and continue to act like dickheads and lie to protect each others crimes. Its good to see a major event telling them they are not welcome, and they better shape up.
May 8, 2010
I think all the people that criticize this kinda miss the plot on this one. The purpose of the parade is to highlight the oppression gays faced by society. Other anti-oppression movements have joined. The police have historically been a major source of societal oppression. From bathhouse raids, G20, recent sting operations at Marie Curtis Park, poor Sammy Yatim and a story where cops threaten some guy taking a video of an arrest. I say they have learned very little and continue to act like dickheads and lie to protect each others crimes. Its good to see a major event telling them they are not welcome, and they better shape up.
I don't disagree...but I think they are more likely to hear the message if they are part of the event rather than excluded from it.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I think all the people that criticize this kinda miss the plot on this one. The purpose of the parade is to highlight the oppression gays faced by society. Other anti-oppression movements have joined. The police have historically been a major source of societal oppression. From bathhouse raids, G20, recent sting operations at Marie Curtis Park, poor Sammy Yatim and a story where cops threaten some guy taking a video of an arrest. I say they have learned very little and continue to act like dickheads and lie to protect each others crimes. Its good to see a major event telling them they are not welcome, and they better shape up.
They had the cops in there for years, this latest issue started with BLM. Things have changed long time ago, gays don't hate cops like many years ago. Sammy Yatim was Gay? No matter what cops do, you'll never be happy. You're a cop hater and will always be one.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Is the purpose of a police force to serve and protect? Why would the police be needing to put a float into a parade? I can see engaging with the community, open houses, etc...but a float in a parade? Really? This is what people go to a police academy for?
Everyone has floats in there, go look. Its a commercial thing now.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
The purpose of the parade is to highlight the oppression gays faced by society.
The parade seemed more to be a celebration of inclusion, a party that all could attend.

Would expect the Pride group was happy that the police participated in the parade. Pride was put into a no win situation when BLM stopped the parade and demanded concessions from Pride organizers.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
They had the cops in there for years, this latest issue started with BLM. Things have changed long time ago, gays don't hate cops like many years ago. Sammy Yatim was Gay? No matter what cops do, you'll never be happy. You're a cop hater and will always be one.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gave the gays and LE the gray area they needed to come to an agreement. Since then the Toronto police have always participated. Now BLM wants to dictate terms, they are cutting their nose to spite their face. The gays haven't gone soft from affluence, if BLM tries to disrupt this year's event, they will respond.

Since Caribbana has been run by event managers, it has become just as lucrative. Before that, it was a headbangers call to arms, a violent money pit. Now it makes money and has big name promoters like Shaq and Sir Charles.

Aren't they cute!



Mar 31, 2009
I predict that BLM will hijack the parade this year. It worked so well for them last year and the cowards at Pride will cave again.

Next --- they will demand Pride ban Jews/Israelis. Maybe also ban Trudeau and all white people because they are all white supremacists.

President Trump would never put up with this shit. Of course, this is Canada where we are all inclusive and diversity is our strength, right?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I was listening to talkradio in my car yesterday and they were saying that girl who's the BLM leader called for the extermination of white people (or something on those lines).

That should give you an idea who we're dealing with


New member
Jun 22, 2016
Here it is:

In my opinion she should be in jail for hate-crime charges
That's not the post that got her in the most hot water. There's also this Facebook post, which is way crazier and probably does constitute hate speech:

I've seen some debate about whether this Facebook post is real or not. Honestly I don't know enough about Facebook to be able to know. The speech about Trudeau was crazy enough for me.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Yes, but how can banks or fire fighters participate in a parade that has banned police? People with good intentions should question participating in something where other groups are prohibited.
Ok I see what you're saying...I think it would require all of them to make a united effort for that to happen. I don't think its going to happen , but it would be very nice if they do.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
They had the cops in there for years, this latest issue started with BLM. Things have changed long time ago, gays don't hate cops like many years ago. Sammy Yatim was Gay? No matter what cops do, you'll never be happy. You're a cop hater and will always be one.
Sammy wasn't gay, but he was Arab and having a mental meltdown, which has too often resulted in a hail a bullets. BLM pointed out the hypocrisy of having the cops there. The recent charges they laid at Marie Curtis park show they still oppress homosexuals. As I said Gay Pride has become a parade for several groups that have faced oppression. Blacks are still on the receiving end and the cops have still shown serious incidents of misbehavior. Policing culture in Canada is toxic and unacceptable. Cops are essential, and I recognize this, but they need to be called out on their failings and forced to change. They have improved to a degree, but there is quite a lot still left to be desired about policing culture in Canada.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I don't disagree...but I think they are more likely to hear the message if they are part of the event rather than excluded from it.
No I think excluding them sends a stronger message. If they want to be part of the community they need to make more changes. There have been far to many acts of abuse and misbehavior by the Toronto Police recently and there is no clear improvement or even recognition that there needs to be improvement.
Toronto Escorts