Video shows attorney Hypnotizing woman for sex


New member
Jan 24, 2004

"...Sheffield police set up the sting after she claimed the now 59-year-old Sheffield attorney would try to relax her before meetings using hypnosis.
She realized he was actually trying to take advantage of her sexually.

"Let's take a deep breath ... one more time. Ok, I gotta calm down, let's do this together," Fine says as the meeting begins.

"Each time I say the word sleep, you're gonna go deeper and deeper, ten times deeper. One, two, three, sleep ... one, two, three sleep," Fine said as he appeared to attempt a hypnotic trance.

In September 2016, Fine pleaded guilty to putting five other women in similar trances.

Prosecutors say the victim with the hidden camera went to police when she realized she had lost track of time after a previous meeting, and her clothing was disheveled.

"Every time I say the word pleasure, you cannot constrain or hold yourself back, your entire body is a vessel of pleasure," he said.

"When is the last time you made love?" he asked.

"Every time I touch you, it's gonna be an incredible sensation," he said.

"At the count of three, you won't be able to control yourself," Fine also said.

After a few minutes, Fine wakes the woman out of her so-called trance and gets down to business.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.


Jul 27, 2013
Think of all the bj's Kerskin missed out on....


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I had no idea it was this easy. To think of all the time and money I threw away, ...etc...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I call bullshit
Seemingly not as he plead guilty last September to multiple counts involving five different women. Now it does appear to have been a plea agreement as he plead guilty to six counts of kidnapping and one count of attempted kidnapping while having been charged with 27 counts including kidnapping, sexual battery, and gross sexual imposition.

Pond Scum.

What is curious is that the tapes were released now.


Well-known member
I saw an X rated hypnotist in the early 90's(pre internet) at a club and watched him hold a microphone up like a cock at his crotch level and watched 3 different women treat it like it was the last dick on earth . About 6 months later a buddy and I ran into a friend of his in a pub who worked as a roadie on his show. I remember him telling us this guy always invited the most enthusiastic women back for a drink after the show. It was legend around this guy that he never brought them completely back out of the trance on stage and shit went on behind closed doors. He always picked the most enthusiastic because they were A).Easier to bring back under B).More likely to do what he wanted due to their inhibitions. I totally believe what this guy did.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I've seen some convincing demonstrations myself. A company Christmas party the CEO of the company was put under. He was given a new name which he responded to and introduced to his favourite female movie star. His reaction was priceless. At the end he was left with a hypnotic suggestion - whenever he was asked a particular question, he would respond with a certain phrase. About an hour afterwards I was asking to him and tested the phrase - he responded as if it was simply part of our conversation. The suggestion was removed at the end of the party.

Another friend attended the show and woke up in the men's washroom wearing his underwear as a hat. When I asked him why he volunteered to go up on stage, he told me the hypnotist was addressing the entire audience when he asked the audience to raise there arms. He couldn't put it down and had to go up on stage so he could get it lowered. His girlfriend filled him on some of the harmless antics before he was sent to the men's washroom cubical to try the new hat wear.

I do believe in hypnosis but it would appear that it is has differing affects on different people. I am not sure how hypnosis works. People have different preferences from food taste to sexual partners 'wired in' from years of formation from their environment. Does a hypnotic suggestion re-write the code or is it applied at a different level of the sub-conscious ? Can it be applied to prevent anti-social behaviour such as rape, paedophilia, murder ... etc ? I'm guessing not or it would have been applied already. Can I use it to enhance my numbers of SOG's or control my hard-on by thought control ?

I'd like to learn more about the nature of hypnosis but it hasn't been high on my list of things to learn.

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I've seen some convincing demonstrations myself. A company Christmas party the CEO of the company was put under. He was given a new name which he responded to and introduced to his favourite female movie star. His reaction was priceless. At the end he was left with a hypnotic suggestion - whenever he was asked a particular question, he would respond with a certain phrase. About an hour afterwards I was asking to him and tested the phrase - he responded as if it was simply part of our conversation. The suggestion was removed at the end of the party.

Another friend attended the show and woke up in the men's washroom wearing his underwear as a hat. When I asked him why he volunteered to go up on stage, he told me the hypnotist was addressing the entire audience when he asked the audience to raise there arms. He couldn't put it down and had to go up on stage so he could get it lowered. His girlfriend filled him on some of the harmless antics before he was sent to the men's washroom cubical to try the new hat wear.

I do believe in hypnosis but it would appear that it is has differing affects on different people. I am not sure how hypnosis works. People have different preferences from food taste to sexual partners 'wired in' from years of formation from their environment. Does a hypnotic suggestion re-write the code or is it applied at a different level of the sub-conscious ? Can it be applied to prevent anti-social behaviour such as rape, paedophilia, murder ... etc ? I'm guessing not or it would have been applied already. Can I use it to enhance my numbers of SOG's or control my hard-on by thought control ?

I'd like to learn more about the nature of hypnosis but it hasn't been high on my list of things to learn.
It is my understanding that you cannot hypnotize someone into doing something they do not want to do. Volunteers get on stage and cluck like a chicken because they want to. It is a strange phenomena. Their sub conscious is controlling their actions but they are consciously aware of it and their consciousness can override their sub conscious at any given time. Something like that. I would love to hear a complete explanation.

I went to "Positive Changes" were you are hypnotized and they tape the session so you can play it before sleep. It is nothing like stage hypnotism. You are totally aware of the session and you use the tape for months before noticing changes as changes are very gradual. Their caveat is it works better for some than others. I have yet to notice any changes after two months so I am not hopeful.



Dec 28, 2016
It is my understanding that you cannot hypnotize someone into doing something they do not want to do. Volunteers get on stage and cluck like a chicken because they want to. It is a strange phenomena. Their sub conscious is controlling their actions but they are consciously aware of it and their consciousness can override their sub conscious at any given time. Something like that. I would love to hear a complete explanation.
Science doesn't quite understand it, but this is essentially it. Whether or not you can be hypnotised completely comes down to how open to suggestive or submissive you are as a person. That's why testimony under hypnosis has been discredited over the years, because being hypnotised puts you in a state where you are open to false memories.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Science doesn't quite understand it, but this is essentially it. Whether or not you can be hypnotised completely comes down to how open to suggestive or submissive you are as a person. That's why testimony under hypnosis has been discredited over the years, because being hypnotised puts you in a state where you are open to false memories.
quite interesting
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