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A President Clinton would be out of control by USA TODAY


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Aug 30, 2009

A President Clinton would be out of control: Glenn Reynolds
Glenn Harlan Reynolds 10:38 a.m. EDT October 30, 2016
He's no paragon of virtue, but it won’t be that way with a President Trump.

(Photo: Andrew Harnik, AP)
“Someone somewhere should have told her no.” Those are the words of a Clinton ally quoted in a roundup of Democratic reactions to Hillary Clinton’s FBI news by congressional newspaper The Hill. And, despite the fact that they come from a Clinton supporter, albeit an angry and disappointed one, they may illustrate the best reason for choosing Donald Trump instead of Clinton.

Here’s the full quote:

“I'm livid, actually. . . .This has turned into malpractice. It's an unforced error at this point. I have no idea what Comey is up to but the idea this email issue is popping back up again is outrageous. It never should have occurred in the first place. Someone somewhere should have told her no. And they didn't and now we're all paying the price.”

Someone, somewhere, should have told her no. Well, yes. But who? That was the problem with Secretary of State Clinton, and it will be a bigger problem with a President Clinton. Because, by all appearances, nobody tells Clinton no, and Clinton has no compunction about breaking the rules when it suits her purposes.

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Thus the Clinton Foundation became a global money-laundering and influence-peddling organization without precedent in American history. Donors to the foundation were encouraged to steer money to what one employee called “Bill Clinton, Inc.,” and later to Clinton. State Department personnel did favors for people who donated money to the Foundation. And to make sure that nobody found out what was going on, Clinton ran her own homebrew server operation designed to ensure that Freedom of Information Act requests turned up nothing — and even President Obama, rather than saying no, went along, sending her emails at her non-government address under a fake name.


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Someone somewhere should have told her no. But if the president wasn’t going to tell her no, who would? Staff at the State Department? They might have been willing to tell some other secretary of state no, but Clinton? Too risky, it seems. They certainly went along without visible objection, and without even leaks.

The press? When The New York Times reported Clinton’s secret, illegal server, Politico’s Glenn Thrush, far from condemning it, called it “badass.”

Congress? Clinton has stonewalled and run rings around numerous committees investigating her. Besides, Congress had already told her no, in the form of statutes governing the treatment of government communications and classified information. She just ignored those rules and did what she wanted. Hotel magnate Leona Helmsley famously said that “only little people pay taxes.” Clinton seems to feel the same way about obeying laws.

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It won’t be that way with a President Trump. This isn’t because Trump is any less arrogant than Clinton (though it would be hard to be more arrogant). It’s because more people will be willing to tell Trump no. The civil service, which leans overwhelmingly Democratic, won’t be bending over backwards to do his will. The press can’t stand him. And the Congress, even if controlled by the GOP, won’t support him if he misbehaves because so many Republicans dislike him, too.

The truth is, neither one of our leading candidates for president is a paragon of virtue. But only one of them has already made a habit of flouting the law while in office, selling favors and escaping the consequences, and only one of them is likely to be able to pull it off from the White House.

And that’s the problem. If Secretary of State Clinton, serving under a president and with an eye on winning a second term in the White House, wasn’t constrained by the rules, who will constrain her if she’s president?

The answer, most likely, is nobody. And, once again, we’ll all be paying the price.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor and the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.

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New member
Jan 19, 2006
The article hits the nail on the head: No one has the courage to forcefully tell her no!

In large measure they lack this courage because instead of listening and sleeping on it, she instead lops off heads.

I worry about the same thing with Donald Trump, but everyone and their brother seems to realize this about him.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I don't think Congress will have problems telling her no, I think they will relish it and look for every opportunity.

Like her husband fueled the rise of the GOP house, she will be a massive boon for the GOP in mid-term elections and a field day for congressional committee heads to make a name for themselves taking her on.

W was elected under the shroud of the FL recount, and SC decision. Hillary will enter office with half the country hating her and 70% not trusting her. She will have, like W, no honeymoon or mandate.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
So you're telling me that people are terrified of a 68 year old woman?
Ever been on the wrong side of Hazel McCallion? Malice plus power are a powerful combination.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Curious this.....what does age and sex have to do with intentions and malice?
Good question. I have heard far more of these types of comments about Hillary than any other Candidate in the past few decades. The fact that commentators have also lumped in Angela Merkel and Thatcher seems to suggest that women leaders are held to a different standard. There have been countless male politicians who were just as if not more cutthroat and domineering. Trump is a perfect example of someone in power who makes spur of the moment malicious decisions, holds grudges, and doesn't feel accountable to anyone.

I guess it's just another case of the right making claims about Hillary that more accurately reflect The Donald.

PS. The title is the usual farce. It is not the USA Today making that statement but an Op-Ed piece they published.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Margaret Thatcher

Also Angela Merkel and Theresa May (and my Grandma Bea)
Oh please, Margaret Thatcher didn't get along with Michael Hazeltine, he held her in contempt. Yet without him she would have lost the 1983 nor would he have gotten her economic reforms through Parliament, seems MPs were more afraid of Tarzan Mike than the Iron Lady. He won his battles but did not become Prime Minster after Thatcher, John Major got the job.
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