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Wikileaks: The polls are rigged


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oldjones, we have sometimes found reasonable ground to agree upon. Are you unable to agree that it may matter to this election (either to influence votes, or turnout) who the media claims is going to win?
Its one thing to note that polls are often inaccurate. Its quite another to claim that they are 'rigged' and the media is faking them to elect one of two plutocrats.

Are you claiming that polls have been 'rigged' or 'faked'?


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
You're verging on incoherence.
1. Who but deluded iliterates hasn't noticed long ago that middle-of-the-road America is small-'l'-liberal? Why wouldn't the media selling to that audience be similar? No one needs to admit anything. Except maybe some Tumpians (who only just got it) might admit they hadn't paid attention to, or prepared for such predictable media opinions. But that's up to them. Did you imagine there was some Correct Opinion Impartiality Law?

2. The Election will be over when the Electoral College votes and states a conclusive result. Or Congress does, if the College can't. Who cares what CNN, or any for-profit media might say to make money? Clearly you do. Why?

3. "All those Trumpians/women/Senators/Hispanics/polls supporting him etc. can't be wrong", is logic that The Don's supporters use often. Are you saying it's only specious when others use it? Or is it always specious? Ever considered that's yet another opinion you just have to figure out for yourself, just like the rest of us?

4. Sock puppet sites? Not like the ones you've been linking!! And you seem surprised. Presumably you imagine only the Democrats have been that smart or cunning. Based on The Don's inability to find advisors he respects enough to be guided by, or to make good use of the Republican party's expertise and idealists, you may just be right. Cunning, smart and 'Trump campaign' certainly aren't words that go together. Anyway, for this one you owe us a link to that supposed admission by the DNC.

Finally, we all note that supposed admission's the only thing you have connected to the Democrats at all. Never mind it in no way proves they're "…as crooked as shit". But it does suggest your ideas of the workings of democratic elections and campaigning in America are more than a little overheated and skewed.

What do you hope to accomplish with such unpersuasive hectoring?
I have no idea what you're rambling on about now.

Did you forget to take your Alzheimer's pills today??


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Its one thing to note that polls are often inaccurate. Its quite another to claim that they are 'rigged' and the media is faking them to elect one of two plutocrats.

Are you claiming that polls have been 'rigged' or 'faked'?
Wikileaks????? Did you not see the emails??

Time will tell if those emails are real or fake.
If Hillary wins by margins the polls showed then they are likely fakes


Jan 31, 2005
Wikileaks????? Did you not see the emails??

Time will tell if those emails are real or fake.
If Hillary wins by margins the polls showed then they are likely fakes
There's nothing all they damning in the Wikileaks emails. The emails from any campaign would likely contain the same kinds of things.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wikileaks????? Did you not see the emails??

Time will tell if those emails are real or fake.
If Hillary wins by margins the polls showed then they are likely fakes
Yes, I've read all the emails you've posted here and none of them say what you claim they say about rigged polls.
There is lots to criticize HRC about, but not these claims.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
There's nothing all they damning in the Wikileaks emails. The emails from any campaign would likely contain the same kinds of things


Jun 11, 2011
These emails could be fake, but according to Wikileaks DemoRATS are colluding with the media to pump out rigged polls.
They do this by oversampling Democrat groups. Its easily done, just oversample major urban cities like Atlanta, Miami or Philly and you'll get a majority vote for Crooked Hillary. They are completely undermining democracy now with their dirty tricks.

Again, I have no way of knowing these emails are real, but they come direct from Wikileaks:


Email 1:
Email 2:
Thats quite easy if you are a technical programmer, they know it's authentic from the source code, if it wasn't authentic, they would find it in the code. Just a heads up, if you think Creamer was bad, Project Veritas has another video coming out today, in about an hour from now, and this one is going to show that Hillary is indeed behind the violent rallies. This is gonna be YUUUUUUGE!!!!!!! O'Keefe has given the files and his dead mans switch code to a few sources so if anything happens to him, it coming out anyway, whether they like it or not. Drip, Drip, Drip.


Jan 31, 2005
Thats quite easy if you are a technical programmer, they know it's authentic from the source code, if it wasn't authentic, they would find it in the code. Just a heads up, if you think Creamer was bad, Project Veritas has another video coming out today, in about an hour from now, and this one is going to show that Hillary is indeed behind the violent rallies. This is gonna be YUUUUUUGE!!!!!!! O'Keefe has given the files and his dead mans switch code to a few sources so if anything happens to him, it coming out anyway, whether they like it or not. Drip, Drip, Drip.
This is nonsense. The people who hacked the emails are perfectly capable of faking email headers.

Also any alterations are likely to be targeted. Change one word or add a sentence in the email to make it more damaging, not write a whole fake email.

In any case as of now there's nothing damning in the emails, just typical hardball internal campaign material like you would find in any campaign's internal emails.


Jun 11, 2011
This is nonsense. The people who hacked the emails are perfectly capable of faking email headers.

Also any alterations are likely to be targeted. Change one word or add a sentence in the email to make it more damaging, not write a whole fake email.

In any case as of now there's nothing damning in the emails, just typical hardball internal campaign material like you would find in any campaign's internal emails.
Not from what I've been hearing, people are very very upset and they should be. Your first comment about authenticity is just wrong, butt I don't have time to explain it to you. The video has been released if anyone is interested, or just wait to watch it on CNN tonight to get the media spinned version lol


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thats quite easy if you are a technical programmer, they know it's authentic from the source code, if it wasn't authentic, they would find it in the code. Just a heads up, if you think Creamer was bad, Project Veritas has another video coming out today, in about an hour from now, and this one is going to show that Hillary is indeed behind the violent rallies. This is gonna be YUUUUUUGE!!!!!!! O'Keefe has given the files and his dead mans switch code to a few sources so if anything happens to him, it coming out anyway, whether they like it or not. Drip, Drip, Drip.
O'Keefe, the guy who has already been caught repeatedly faking videos?

Seems to me that if O'keefe is working for the Trumpsters then that would put Trump at risk of a scandal bigger the the wikileaks.
'Cuz O'keefe has been caught repeatedly faking videos.

That would be huge.


Jun 11, 2011
O'Keefe, the guy who has already been caught faking video?
As opposed to edited MSM? Strawmen arguments. I guess Creamer and Fogal the 2 main guys in the videos who have been to the whitehouse over 500 times, just quit, just because it's not true lmao. Gimme a beak already!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
As opposed to edited MSM? Strawmen arguments. I guess Creamer and Fogal the 2 main guys in the videos who have been to the whitehouse over 500 times, just quit, just because it's not true lmao. Gimme a beak already!
Wait, so you are saying that its ok to fake videos because you think the MSM does it?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
James O'Keefe - Okay so it goes from editing to faking now? Your funny.
Editing to make it look like people said something then what they really said is 'faking'.
But lets just get clear on this, you support the dirty tricks and lying that O'keefe does to make his videos yet complain that the MSM are rigging polls.
So you think faking and cheating is ok for Trump, but not for everyone else?


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Thats quite easy if you are a technical programmer, they know it's authentic from the source code, if it wasn't authentic, they would find it in the code. Just a heads up, if you think Creamer was bad, Project Veritas has another video coming out today, in about an hour from now, and this one is going to show that Hillary is indeed behind the violent rallies. This is gonna be YUUUUUUGE!!!!!!! O'Keefe has given the files and his dead mans switch code to a few sources so if anything happens to him, it coming out anyway, whether they like it or not. Drip, Drip, Drip
I just saw it, its a very weak Donald Duck video.

Obvious clickbait


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
To answer your question, I follow this guy:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
He claims most of the current polls are oversampled.
Wow, I remember Woody Harrelson's character living in a isolation as a wacko conspiracy theorist in the movie 2012 and thinking - do guys like that exist ? Question answered !

A huge polling conspiracy and you know this buy gathering your information from fringe crazy posts ? So you will follow Trump down the rabbit hole far, far away from rational thought, logic and into a world of paranoia and unsubstantiated fears ? Yes, they are unsubstantiated fears when served at the same trough as the original poisoned information that you swallowed without hesitation.

I can see some Trump supporters making up a bullshit story about polls because they don't want Trump supporters giving up but their understanding of the core Walmart Trump supporter is flawed. Trump supporters are rabid crazies who will support Trump if he was found guilty of murder - a Democratic majority poll is a call to arms for them. Democrats are much more likely to skip voting if they think they will win anyway and I suggest complacency has to be Hillary's Achilles' heel.

Just a word on polling. Media polling can be done to fit the media's own budget (or the case of Trump - support insane fears) but the democrat's own polling is as critical as intelligence maps on the eve of a battle. Accurate polling tells the Democrats what is in play and if there is a situation that warrants sending more resources to fight a surge in opposition strength. This is a nation wide battle front and similar to a military conflict - the outcome is directly affected by how well you are prepared to fight the skirmishes (ridings). If the Democrats fudge polling, it is like giving your generals maps that are moral boosters instead of accurate - the day of the battle they could lose the war. It would be insane if the Democrats aren't conducting accurate polls.

Secondly, why would the Democrats fudge the polls in their favour ? They having been pressing hard for supporters to get out and vote - why give them an excuse not to bother ? As far as Trump zombies are concerned - nothing will deter them. Like the mindless zombies portrayed on TV & movies, they will follow there leader through the gates of hell. Polls won't dissuade them.


Jun 11, 2011
Editing to make it look like people said something then what they really said is 'faking'.
But lets just get clear on this, you support the dirty tricks and lying that O'keefe does to make his videos yet complain that the MSM are rigging polls.
So you think faking and cheating is ok for Trump, but not for everyone else?
I guess them losing their jobs are fake too. I supose it's also a really good thing that integrity and ethical groups are filing complaints with the FEC in multiple states .


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I agree with you that voters shouldn't care, but you'd be incorrect in suggesting that they don't. Most people avoid conflict in their lives. You can avoid more conflict by adopting more popular (or more socially acceptable) viewpoints. Many people are influenced by this consideration. As a result, many people will be influenced as to which candidate to support by their understanding as to who is the more popular candidate. The media has a role in this understanding. Many voters will not view poll numbers for themselves, or scrutinize the aspects of polls which impact upon their reliability. They will trust media to have done that for them.

CNN has a paltry audience, not worth worrying about on its own. However, the totality of the MSM has an enormous audience. There is ample reason for the MSM to be distrustful of the polls this election, whether individually or on even on aggregate. However, on my observation, they are not expressing any such uncertainty in claiming that polling (in aggregate, or by selecting specific polls) shows Clinton well ahead, and that this election is over.

Oldjones, we have sometimes found reasonable ground to agree upon. Are you unable to agree that it may matter to this election (either to influence votes, or turnout) who the media claims is going to win?
So what? If the media said "…the polls indicate Trump is ahead", his campaign should be disparaged as Clinton's is here, because the media shouldn't predict someone is going to win? What sort of nonsense world are you people imagining where speech is free but no one must use their free speech to predict the winner of a free election? What nonsense!

Indeed, it may matter to this election, to all elections or to no elections what someone — media or not — said to someone else. SO WHAT! That's how democracy works. We talk. Some of us better than others, Some of us more truthfully, some of us more self-interestedly. SO WHAT!! It's up to each and every one of us to decide how we'll vote, whatever we heard or didn't hear, believed or didn't.

This thread's full of posts that reveal The posters' utter confusion about the role of media, parties, statistics, and the polling companies they hire to come up with them. Which has only encouraged the ignorant to pronounce others crooked and criminal without a shred of actual evidence. I commend you on your self assigned task, but you're missing the proper target audience.

As for your point about effects of polls on voters (other than we two of course, and I do sometimes worry about you): Like the effect of advertising, it's largely unproven by any real studies and evidence. The reality is that we have to believe in it because, …, well, … because talking up our product and asking people how many of them like it, is all we can do.

However the hard-won secret ballot allows anyone to be a sociably agreeable with everyone else as they'd like and still vote as they believe for themselves. Unless you're proposing a Bureau of Approved Polls we're kinda stuck with what ever polls whoever wants to pay for, being reported by whatever media you choose to buy. And they'll always be wrong, and not worth discussing until the Only True Poll results are in.

Worst of all possible systems. Except for any I've seen anyone propose here, amongst the bitching about poll numbers they don't just like. Oops! No one has yet proposed any better. Not better polls, better media or better systems.

Let the bitching resume.
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