Ashley Madison

Backpage or terb??

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
In your opinion guys, is it better to see ads here or on backpage? Personally, I'm a part time escort. I use the rosy board and want a little exposure, mainly to bring people to my website. I used to advertise here and not backpage, however, all I see is guys talking about backpage. So, I wanted to go where you guys were. I can see a lot of guys getting frustrated with differentiating between the real girls and the fakes. However, it seems like the thrill of the hunt brings you back in.

I'm not sure if it's better for reputable girls to advertise on here. I'm pretty sure if you're fake here, you get kicked. However, do you guys like, or use the ads here? I mean I have a limited budget and I have to go where the business is. It seems like bp with all it's flaws is the place that gets rewarded/talked about or has the most exposure. Bp, also gets a lot of talk/exposure from the rosy board too. My initial reaction is to reward the boards. However, it seems as the business is going to bp.
Please share your thoughts on this.
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Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto



Mar 31, 2016
Hi Peachy: I think most of us check ads in all three: BP, Lyla, Terb. That's probably not very helpful, but the fear is that we might miss something. :) By the way, I very much enjoyed our time together and look forward to the next.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
BP is like fishing. You gotta get past the weeds, the multitude of Asian, the windswept professional look of European models taken years ago, the bad toilet brush in the background and the pimps image showing up in a window reflection and, after that, once �� in a while we hook a nice one. ��

Done can STAND OUT in BP. For sure. That's the fish we looking for !!!

Backpage can be good.

Have someone take your pics, on your cam. Too many girls hold their own camera phone.
Be provocative..don't show it all, but we are there to look.
Partial face, showing some makeup, is good. If discretion needed..reduce face.
Pose in nice place, and in good position. No toilets in background.
Do not photoshop...take a different and better pic.
if you have em, so as to not surprise someone. (Privacy plays into this)

And lastly, don't be afraid to reach out to me in a PM. I'll give you a write up that works FOR attracting men. The write on a guy's brain, like the pics on his eyes.


Active member
May 10, 2016
BP is a jungle. If you want to develop a rep for high quality / higher end SP services sooner or later you have to move up from BP. If you were doing this full time I'd say it was an easy call.

Having said that if your budget is limited then not knowing the cost of advertising here it may be a deal breaker for a part timer. But do keep in mind your ceiling for the type of clientele you might wish to develop is higher in places like terb/non-BP.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
There's some really good comments on here already. Thanks for the opinions.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I very rarely check the ads here (or the 411 section). I stay in this sub-forum (or the Lounge).


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
There's some really good comments on here already. Thanks for the opinions.
here's my take.....sometimes i notice some ads here...but a lot of times, it's from SP's that are way out of budget...i'm not cheap but 300-400-500 a pop makes it difficult to entertain seeing them....though some adjust their prices for Ottawa specifically they are still pricy....on Lyla, it's for the most part the same SP's who advertise so i know who they are and if i want to go see them, i know where to find 'em....BP is for volume, out of all the fakes and baits, there are gems to find at a reasonable fee, sometimes worth more than those so-called 'high end escorts'...i've found most of those i entertain seeing again on BP...

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011

That's an interesting take Solo. I think some escorts want to stay away from terb due to the sometimes cruel reviews here. However, I have seen some guys direct the review back into the right direction if the comments were unnecessary. As escorts we know that we are not going to please everyone (little Miss Bee Stings here, waves and smiles) and we take our chances by putting our best foot forward. What I mean by that is: real pictures, real descriptions, and by trying to honestly convey ourselves. I think if you "white knights" as some call it, keep rewarding the escorts and standing up for people who are honest, more variety could be found here. Model types, girl next door types, and maybe even types many wouldn't consider attractive (there's a type for everyone).

I do see the value in reporting a bad date, as I don't want all guys to think that all escorts text while doing doggy. I don't want to purely point fingers at bad reviews. I remember a thread a while back with some guys suggesting the Ottawa ad section to be free until more variety could be found here. I know that some people on Cerb go to backpages do to the lack of ads in other cities than Ottawa. Perhaps, this is the same idea, this board is mainly popular in Toronto.

As high end escorts usually have high end expenses, traveling, ect, the extra to pay for ads are worth it.

I was mainly curious about this. I'm glad I posted because it has been interesting reading the comments. What a mixed bag of thoughts. Thanks for taking the time guys.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
I think, for you peachy, BP will work for you just fine since you already have a good reputation.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
For the most part, i think that if an SP delivers on her promise of services and shows a professional attitude (on time, texting, decent to excellent service, real pics etc...) she will get noteworthy's a given that you can't please everyone all the time, always bumps on the road, nevertheless it would usually be positive.

Just as well, i've seen guys get hit where it hurts by an SP's reply after they posted some lackluster review, sometimes it puts things in perspective, we must keep in mind it's not always the SP's ''fault', some guys need a reality check.


Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
It would seem to me that only a small percentage of Ottawa hobbyists are on terb. Thus, limiting your advertising to terb will also limit your exposure and thus your income. Of course, there is no way for me to know that my assumption is correct, but I think it is a fair starting point. As a result, advertising on BP becomes higher value to you the SP, because for your money spent there, you will likely attract more clients.

But as others have commented, you need to stand out from the crowd. Doing so is a lot of work. For starters, as has already been mentioned, you need a good ad with great pics. Also, a web link from the BP ad to a quality web site might be helpful. Why? The web site (as long as it is of reasonable quality) allows you to show your potential customers that you are not a fly-by-night service, i.e., you get to leave the impression that a visit with you will be worth the customer's while and that he is not risking his money. (You already have a good web site so nothing extra to do on that front.)

Yes, you have a good and well-earned rep on terb and that is undoubtedly due to your hard work and dedication to your craft. But a great rep amongst a small number of potential customers does not let you get at the broader market. So advertising beyond terb is important. Is BP the only place to advertise? Is it the best? Hard to know without experimenting. So I suggest you try BP and then try other sites and see how they fare. Ask your clients when they arrive how they found you, so that you can start to get an indication of which ads work better than others. Look at how other SPs choose to advertise and see what you can learn from that.

Also, these days, social media activities such as blogging, being on twitter, maybe on Instagram, etc. can be very helpful as potential customers are there too. None of these cost money but they sure take up a good bit of time.

Marketing is hard work for sure!


Nov 1, 2004
I check terb/cerb and BP for ads. While going through BP ads, seeing reputed ladies ads like Peachy and Delilah reminds me of the verified ladies before making a choice :)

Though sometimes one is in a mood to uncover rough diamonds. Some of these rough diamonds will become classy/reputed ladies of the future.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Also, these days, social media activities such as blogging, being on twitter, maybe on Instagram, etc. can be very helpful as potential customers are there too. None of these cost money but they sure take up a good bit of time.
Yes, be prepared to put A LOT of work into these things and sometimes have backlash for the hard work you've done. Sometimes in the form of someone completely disagreeing and being pissed at you, others in people copying you, or accusing you of copying them. People picking apart your grammar/spelling (I'm now fully educated and still have problems with that, lol). I've always said: "I'm a writer not an editor". Even when you post on boards, sometimes it can cause backlash and for the most part, unfortunately, I stay away from that. I love to write/blog but the negative attention it brought often had me upset, so I decided to drop it.

Also, I tried twitter and the things I don't like about it is that I feel like I have to police my twitter page, I don't like excluding anyone and with policing... and I find twitter even more public than bp, terb, etc. Now, I haven't tried turning the privacy setting on, so maybe it's different with that. Oh, ya, I need low maintenance, as I escort part-time, instead of flat out retiring. I guess I could post when I wanted to, however, I don't like leaving peoples comments to me hanging. I'm just not sure I have time for that right now. I have thought about this for a while and I'm still undecided...I don't know why?

I'm not sure if I'm having a bad attitude about this topic or not? However, life is a bit easier I found without the blogs, even though I loved to do them.

Thanks for the comment DelilahRose. It was helpful and it's nice to see another lady commenting!


Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
Yes Peachy, you make some very good points. From my experience with web-based promotion through social media (and I do quite a bit of it for my business), if done right it can pay off big time. But of course, it takes a big level of effort, it needs to be done fairly regularly and certainly frequently, and that alone makes it difficult to keep going with. You have to love doing it or it won't work out very well. Also, you have to deal with the flak that comes back at you on occasion, or choose to ignore it. Regardless, it requires a bit of a thick skin. So this is not for everyone.

Advertising on the other hand, takes much less effort and time, but costs money. As you can see, there are tradeoffs. Outreach marketing is not easy.

There is an old story amongst marketers. The CEO of a company calls in his VP Marketing and tells him that he thinks that 50% of the company's marketing budget is being wasted, and thus he wants to cut the marketing budget by half. The VP replies: "Yes, I know that half the budget is not getting us results, the problem is, I can not figure out which half!" That in a nutshell is your conundrum.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Love this comment.

Advertising on the other hand, takes much less effort and time, but costs money. As you can see, there are tradeoffs. Outreach marketing is not easy.

It is what it is...big smile.


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
My scattered comments:

- until you mentioned it, I never even noticed that TERB has separate advertising sections. I always just kind of thought that paying for advertising lets women post on TERB (and maybe post in threads about themselves IIRC)

- I think you would stand out on BP because it is obvious your photos are minimally retouched and likely to be real. Also, your written text is a step above most ads (although the always centred text drives me nuts haha)

- for me, your posts on the board are usually *better* and make me want to see you more than any ad copy you could make up

- incidentally, the reason I personally have never tried booking time with you is because of the inconvenience of crossing the bridge. Lately, even making it downtown can be a stretch for me, so there is little chance I would go into Gatineau

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
That's too bad. Some people think that Gatineau is this foreign far away land and reality it's only 5 to 10 minutes from downtown Ottawa. Oh, well, it's a very beautiful place where peaches are known to grow.
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