There is a common theme to many of the police killings I've seen (certainly not all), and it's the person deliberately not complying with repeated simple direct orders and warnings.
The case where that guy was running from an officer and the officer shot him in the back killing him is a clear example of excessive force and plain murder. But in cases like this one, I side with the cops.
In a different thread, they posted this video and I felt that it was NOT a good example to prove that cops need more training.
The only thing that I might question is that maybe Mr. Noble was high and that the cops may have been able to use a taser or rush him
after he fell down from those initial shots, to immobilize him (he kept reaching for his pockets).
I don't know what Dylan Noble was trying to prove by not following simple instructions. If he acted like he was suicidal or said something to that effect, then perhaps the cops could have delayed the process. After all, there was space between them and there were several armed officers pointing their weapons at him. Plenty of overkill.