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City Hall Racist Ad


Mar 31, 2009


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frankfooter will be happy if the Arabs cleanse the Jews out of Israel.
I'll only be happy when there is peace there, achieved through non-violent methods and allowing all to live with equal rights.
My preference would be the one state solution, like equal rights here in Canada, but if they could agree to a two state solution that would do as well.

I'm still quite amazed at how many of the Israel first crowd here thinks equal rights in Israel = ethnic cleansing.
You guys are really weird.


Mar 31, 2009
will be happy if the Arabs cleanse the Jews out of Israel.
Anybody with even an elementary knowledge of Muslim history know they would kill all the Israelis/Jews if they could.

They tried to kill all the Sikhs, Serbs, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and so on and so on. Those they could not convert, they kill or at least they tried to kill.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Just wondering why bver has to post TWICE,...."should be stoned to death",...

Seems to be a rather uncommon punishment for the civilized cultures of the world.

Well, do you think that it is okay for the relatives and friends of the victims to go through the rest of their lives with such horrific memories. Off course I know that no civilised nations will stone any killers or mass murderers to death. Our neighbours to the South will take their lives in their own way. It is only my rhetoric way of saying that I would lump all these mass murderers in the same category. Off course you wont understand that as you will make excuses for the right wing extremists.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Yes, it is unfortunate but the following doesn't help to ease the tension:

1) Bombing London subway and buses
2) Pakistani pedo ring
3) Muslims "grooming" Sikh girls
4) Muslims leaving the U.K. for Syria where they behead people
5) Those two young Muslims who cut off that young soldier's head
Again I am not saying that any of that is right, just as I have said that all human traffickers whether White, Black, Christian, or Muslim should be prosecuted. The people who conducted the killings in the Underground, just like the Catholic IRA, or the Protestant Ulster movement who conducted those attacks on innocent citizens should be brought to justice. But I do not hear you condemn the right wing extremists and skinheads for their killings. Do you condemn what the IRA or the Protestant mobs did with their killings. Go out and say it.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Anybody with even an elementary knowledge of Muslim history know they would kill all the Israelis/Jews if they could.

They tried to kill all the Sikhs, Serbs, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and so on and so on. Those they could not convert, they kill or at least they tried to kill.
They did try several times when Arab countries attacked Israel in the past. They attacked Jews even before there was an Israel. Has very little to do with land and all to do with religion.


Active member
Jun 19, 2012
Really Skyrider, really? You claim that the City Hall ad is racist and at the same time you insinuate (in a way Trump would be proud of) that Muslim immigrants don't adhere to Canadian laws and values. Maybe you've answered your own question, if you care to ponder on it a little.
Well said.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Anybody with even an elementary knowledge of Muslim history know they would kill all the Israelis/Jews if they could.

They tried to kill all the Sikhs, Serbs, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and so on and so on. Those they could not convert, they kill or at least they tried to kill.
They tried to kill the Sikhs. Did the Sikhs not bring down that Air India jet and other killings in India. Once again this is a small minority of them that did it. Likewise the Serbs were no Saints for what they did in Kosovo and Bosnia. The other groups that you mention also were no Saints as they fought their own wars and carried out their own killings. So do you think that the Muslims only should pay for it. I mean the majority of the law abiding ones living in Canada?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
In which case I rather doubt the City Hall Ad would have any relevance. Because the woman from 'North York' would dress like Amal (née Alamuddin) Clooney or Huma (née Abedin) Weiner, or perhaps have a head scarf like countless other women of many different religious and ethnic backgrounds.

The very fact that left hand guy has singled her out as foreign, indicates (as does the ad itself) that she has assimilated but marginally if at all.
You really have lost the thread if you think the ad has anything to do with teaching Canadian born Muslims about some tiny centuries old militia unit.

And in case you missed it, Canada prides itself on freedom of religion. Christians can walk around with crosses on, Jews with kippahs, Sikhs with turbans, and Muslims with hijabs if that's what they want to do.

The guy in the ad is making a racist assumption that she is foreign even though the point is she was born in North York. Seems you are making that same assumption which is entirely the point of the ad.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hamas commits some terrorist attacks...
Then why do have you spent the last dew days claiming you need an 'impartial' investigation before you'll accept Hamas claims that the suicide bomber on the public bus and the gunmen who shot up that restaurant were Hamas?

And no, your accusations of 'state terrorism' are asinine.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Anybody with even an elementary knowledge of Muslim history know they would kill all the Israelis/Jews if they could.
Ah, this is why I get accused of anti-semitism on these threads.
a) some posters here make racist/hate statements like skyriders claim that Muslims want to kill all Jews.
b) I point out that Israel claims that Jews and Arabs can live in democracy and equal rights in Israel, therefore equal rights should not be a problem
c) same posters claim that based on their racist views of Arabs, calling for equal rights = genocide

This thread is really making me think that the City of Toronto needs to spend more then $80k on ant-racist posters.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
One of the men at the mosque reported Mateen to the FBI, said he was acting "strange". Let's be blunt, the FBI is powerless to do anything because:

1) Mateen is Muslim so no "racial profiling" allowed.
2) He is also gay so no homophobia allowed. (BTW: I wouldn't be surprised if many gay on gay crimes are not reported to the authorities because it reflects badly on the community.)
3) He is freely allowed to buy guns because 2nd amendment.
4) We can't tap his cellphone because Snowden.
5) His wife is not legally required to report his murder plan, even if she knew.

Even if he was stockpiling weapons to attack your own family there is nothing you can legally do until he actually starts his attack and then you can only use "reasonable" force.

It is not racial profiling if you have more than just their race as evidence.

Same goes for the homophobia thing.


Mar 12, 2004
Well, do you think that it is okay for the relatives and friends of the victims to go through the rest of their lives with such horrific memories. Off course I know that no civilised nations will stone any killers or mass murderers to death. Our neighbours to the South will take their lives in their own way. It is only my rhetoric way of saying that I would lump all these mass murderers in the same category. Off course you wont understand that as you will make excuses for the right wing extremists.
I see you have joined the liars club,...

I have NEVER made excuses for right wing OR left wing extremists,...or ever said,... "that it is okay for the relatives and friends of the victims to go through the rest of their lives with such horrific memories.".

Get your shit correct before accusing somebody.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Then why do have you spent the last dew days claiming you need an 'impartial' investigation before you'll accept Hamas claims that the suicide bomber on the public bus and the gunmen who shot up that restaurant were Hamas?
Almost all of your claims come straight from the Israeli army, from IDF press releases.
B'teselem, a really good Israeli based human rights group, is now refusing to co-operate with the IDF because they don't trust them.
There are scores of videos showing the IDF planting knives, for instance.
So I don't trust your word alone, nor the word of the IDF alone.

Then why do you keep backing Hamas when they openly admit they will never negotiate or accept a permanent peace with Israel?
Because they have also stated they will accept peace but more importantly they voluntarily held to a ceasefire for nearly 2 years despite Israel not opening negotiations, lessing the blockade, ceasing fire themselves or giving any sign that Israel was willing to talk peace.

And while you are incredibly fixated on Hamas, they are also stuck in what the UN has called 'the worlds largest open air prison', without an army or real weapons while Israel still occupies them militarily and continues to make 25% of Gaza's arable land a 'buffer zone' where they shoot farmers working their land.

For someone who argues against racism, you stereotype all Palestinians as if they were Hamas and therefore not worthy of basic human rights.

This discussion should really be put in the politics thread.

Given your statements and those on this thread, the money spent by city hall is only a drop in the bucket of what needs to be done.


Mar 12, 2004
Ah, this is why I get accused of anti-semitism on these threads.
This thread is really making me think that the City of Toronto needs to spend more then $80k on ant-racist posters.
a. Because you deserve it.

Spending money on more racist posters will not correct anything,...quite the opposite,...actually.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
a. Because you deserve it.

Spending money on more racist posters will not correct anything,...quite the opposite,...actually.

We know you're pretty hopeless.
You'll probably just claim its another conspiracy plot by the UN, won't you?

It took years to end most gay bashing, though a friend just posted that it happened to him a couple of days ago.
Its going to take years to educate people to past their racism as well.

Muslims are just people.
There are some good, some not so good.
Same as the rest of us.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I see you have joined the liars club,...

I have NEVER made excuses for right wing OR left wing extremists,...or ever said,... "that it is okay for the relatives and friends of the victims to go through the rest of their lives with such horrific memories.".

Get your shit correct before accusing somebody.

The word liar spewing out of your mouth should be directed at the person standing on the other side of the mirror facing you.
You come out with the biggest and biased nonsense. Your rhetoric has always been directed against the Muslims as you lump all of them in one category. Have you said anything nice about them? If you do not want the relatives and friends of the victims to go through it all, then remember that a huge number of Muslims are the victims and have lost their relatives and friends, prior to moving to Canada. So why are you picking on them? Absolutely, nothing nice from you, but just the usual,...,...,???


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
We know you're pretty hopeless.
You'll probably just claim its another conspiracy plot by the UN, won't you?

It took years to end most gay bashing, though a friend just posted that it happened to him a couple of days ago.
Its going to take years to educate people to past their racism as well.

Muslims are just people.
There are some good, some not so good.
Same as the rest of us.
Fast is a hypocrite. Not so fast at comprehending anything logical.
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