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Mar 12, 2004
Ok, there are lots of issues with Islam and its interpretations, just as there are lots of issues with Christianity and its interpretations.
I'd rather there be no religions at all, but people should also be free to believe what they believe.
Demonizing all Muslims however isn't an attack on a religion, its racism.
The Star said it well this morning:
Nice OPINION piece in the Star from Amira Elghawaby, of the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

And NO, The Star did NOT "say it well this morning", but whats one more lie,, footer..



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nice OPINION piece in the Star from Amira Elghawaby, of the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

You make an excellent poster boy for this campaign, FAST.
Would you mind volunteering a photo of your face for the left hand side of their ads?

After all, someone who tries to argue that on opinion piece shouldn't count because of the race of the author just admitted they are racist.
Didn't they?

(and yes, using the term 'race' to describe a cultural group that is defined largely by religion as well as colour is racism)

Here's a good argument why that's correct:


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Agree with you Fast. Of course the source of the article would be completely unbiased on the matter. It always makes me smile when sources like the Star, CNN, Huntington Post, etc run articles like this yet they never allow comments to them. Most used to. I guess these days the idea of the popular opinion differing from their own is worrisome.
More people are beginning to see the deception and manipulation tactics used by the mainstream media.

White TV anchor fired after racial comments fights back with discrimination lawsuit


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Nice OPINION piece in the Star from Amira Elghawaby, of the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

And NO, The Star did NOT "say it well this morning", but whats one more lie,, footer..


Islam Under the Spotlight
by Michael Devolin

“Muslims living in Canada or anywhere else are going to feel under the spotlight or feel that, somehow, they’re implicated in what happened, even though they had nothing to do with it.” –National Council of Canadian Muslims Representative Amira Elghawaby

The above statement is the NCCM’s public response to the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters in Paris, France. Quite the usual and expected renunciations from Islam’s silent majority. What is telling is the admission that most Muslims will feel they’re “somehow implicated in what happened.” How could any Muslim living the good life in a democratic country in the Western hemisphere not feel in some measure connected to this atrocity? This mass murder was carried out to punish those ordinary French citizens for merely satirizing the Prophet Mohammed and the religion of Islam.

And how could these ordinary French citizens forget the golden rule about Islam and Muslims? That rule is: It’s quite permissible for Muslims, even “moderate Muslims,” to excoriate, even publicly besmirch Christianity or the Judaism and national aspirations of Zionist Jews, but Heaven forbid any “infidel” of any nationality should mock Islam for its proverbial violence and anti-Jewish hatred—a violence and a hatred that seem to follow this religion around like a fiddler’s wife. Gary Clement, the cartoonist for Canada’s National Post newspaper, writes of Wednesday’s horror: “The cartoonists and editors of Charlie Hebdo were murdered that day for doing, more or less, the same thing that I do. The ideas and images that flowed from the minds and pens of my fellow artists had sufficient power, were considered dangerous enough, to provoke an outburst of shocking violence.”

But, of course, the Western media continues inventing placating euphemisms (e.g. “Islamists”) in order to deflect blame away from this so-called “religion of peace.” The Western world is becoming impatient with what by now has become an Islam-in-hiding, but even more disgusted with this overt bloody version apologists reassure us could never be the real Islam but simply the original hijacked and transmogrified by Muslim terrorists.

The simple truth is, what happened in France at Charlie Hebdo headquarters is merely another example of the religiously motivated violence that has been ceaselessly transpiring within Islam’s sphere of influence since the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Only in this modern age, when religious violence of any other kind, of any other religion, would offend Western sensitivities, the wanton slaughter of journalists and cartoonists bold enough to tell the truth about Islam’s darker side is become an elephant standing in our living room, and the bigger this elephant becomes, it seems, the more pretermitted its horrendous presence.

Raphael Israeli writes in his powerful book Islamikaze, “…after long years of a steady but relatively meagre stream of violence in the name of Islam, on 11 September, this long-contained current of hatred and violence gushed out with unexpected force and fury, causing imagination to challenge reality and making it recoil.” And we continue to recoil. The Western world’s primary problem with Islam can be found in our failure to publicly condemn the incapability of our Muslim communities to “feel” implicated in the terrorism that is now overflowing into our streets. Our media and our politicians encourage the “moderate Muslim” NOT to feel “implicated in what happened.” We assure our Muslim communities that Islam is NOT “under the spotlight.” Meanwhile, every newspaper and media outlet in the Western Hemisphere is reporting on terrorist attacks daily without mentioning the fact that every terrorist is a Muslim, an overused obfuscation that does more to make Islam the salient—albeit silent—element in every report than if Islam had been blamed outright as the source of the terrorist attack in the first place.

In 1942, during the Nazi occupation of France, and before she was deported to Auschwitz, Irene Nemirovsky wrote, “They’re trying to make us believe we live in the age of the community, when the individual must perish so that society may live, and we don’t want to see that it is society that is dying so the tyrants can live.” The satirists and the cartoonists of the Charlie Hebdo magazine were murdered because they dared to be individuals and mocked certain elements of Islam that should cause good Muslims to feel implicated in Islamist terrorism. The “community” these Islamist terrorist have planned for us is one where no criticism of Islam is tolerated, where Christians and Jews and Buddhists are to run from the very thought of dissent. But this is not the future that Jews and Christians and Buddhists have in mind. We do not want a Caliphate and we want to say what we feel and what we think, and what we want, more than anything else, is to laugh at ourselves.

Irene Nemirovsky also wrote, “I’m prepared to die but as a French citizen and I insist there be a valid reason for my death…” The French citizens of Charlie Hebdo magazine died as free French citizens, for valid reasons and without surrender, because they put Islam under the spotlight.

Michael Devolin has been a member of JDL Canada since the 1980s, and has served as the personal bodyguard to Meir Weinstein, National Director of JDL Canada, at several high-profile trials, including the Jim Keegstra hate crimes trial and the Imra Finta war crimes trial.



Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
i find it hilarious that every time someone bashes muslims, all kinds of white knights come out to their defence. where are all the atheists? they seem to only pick on the christians. and then the atheists make fun of their beliefs. but you never see those same atheists say anything about muslims. theyre afraid of being labelled islamophobists. lol
You are very right, lots of Muslims on Terb. The others are politically correct idiots and hypocrites. People should speak out, atheists shouldn't be afraid of calling Islamic terrorism for what it is.


Mar 12, 2004
You make an excellent poster boy for this campaign, FAST.
Would you mind volunteering a photo of your face for the left hand side of their ads?

After all, someone who tries to argue that on opinion piece shouldn't count because of the race of the author just admitted they are racist.
Didn't they?

(and yes, using the term 'race' to describe a cultural group that is defined largely by religion as well as colour is racism)

Here's a good argument why that's correct:
Not at all L.C.

Simply pointing out you lied once again,...or more accurately,...continuously.

From your post,...The Star said it well this morning:,...

Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What unit was JGS most famously associated with?

Might add that a Toronto Militia Unit traces its ancestry to them.

By the way you make one of my points very nicely.
Is that point you think Muslims should have to be aware of all military symbols for BNA militia units before becoming citizens?

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
fights happen all the time when girls pull each others hair. but if they have a hijab its a hate crime? wtf doesnt make sense. this pc stuff needs to stop


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
fights happen all the time when girls pull each others hair. but if they have a hijab its a hate crime? wtf doesnt make sense. this pc stuff needs to stop
Will have to see how this story plays out, if we ever hear it. The police did not become involved until after the victims family posted pictures of the attacker on twitter. The attacker was speaking in another language. Hope the store has the video showing what happened. Agree, people get into fights sometimes, mostly all involved cry foul.

If this was an unprovoked attack, is sad.


Mar 31, 2009
Hope the store has the video showing what happened.
Has there ever been any videos of these alleged incidents?

Whatever happened to that alleged attack near Grenoble School? No video, no witnesses.
"The incident occurred at around 3 p.m. near the Grenoble Public School" 3PM in that area is teeming with people and kids.

"Jan 9, 2016 - UK: Muslim woman fined for lying about being attacked for wearing hijab"

BTW: I did post a video of a turban Sikh man attacked in Montreal but the thread died due to lack of interest. If the man attacked was Muslim instead of Sikh, all hell would have broke loose.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Not at all L.C.

Simply pointing out you lied once again,...or more accurately,...continuously.

From your post,...The Star said it well this morning:,...

Was the article not published by the Toronto Star this morning?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Is that point you think Muslims should have to be aware of all military symbols for BNA militia units before becoming citizens?
So your point is new residents of Canada shouldn't need to have any appreciation or understanding of its history and culture. While on the other hand those with very deep roots should be tolerant and understanding even as the very nature of society is radically changed?

If given birthrates, you think that those who have already proposed the adoption of Sharia Law, will for some mysterious reason decide that in the future they should assimilate, I can only hope that you prove clairvoyant, rather than as I fear merely having deeply drunk of the P.C. Kool Aid.

There is a huge difference between the above and assaulting a woman going about her business peacefully with an infant in a supermarket.


Mar 12, 2004
Was the article not published by the Toronto Star this morning?

You can't even read your own fricken post L.C.

When you learn how,...get back to me.

Must be really big words for you, I can't help you.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Must be really big words for you, I can't help you.

I'll try to use smaller words for you next time, FAST.
The star published the story, its correct to say the 'star says' when they publish a story.
This wasn't a letter to the editor, this was a commentary that they chose to print.

Anyways, sorry to hear about your girlfriend.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Please point out the part of the Bible where Moses or Jesus murders, rapes and owns slaves - I seem to have missed that.
no problem..............
Moses and the Midianites

Numbers 31:7-18
They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man. Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba - the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho.
Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. Moses was angry with the officers of the army - the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds - who returned from the battle.
"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he asked them. "They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and were the means of turning the Israelites away from the LORD in what happened at Peor, so that a plague struck the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."
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