Steeles Royal

O Canada goes gender-neutral


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
This demonstrates a total disrespect for our history and traditions.
The lyrics have been revised multiple times, most recently in 1980 I believe.

My only problem with this is that they actually wasted time debating it. Who gives a crap? How many of you actually say "yep, the Canadian anthem is a pillar of my life"?


Twitter: @JessyCeleste1
Before seeing if anyone called me out for my narrowminded arrogance, Id first like to apologizw and retract part of what I said. My remarks were arrogant, condescending and kinda heartless. Thats not the type of person I am but I do make mistakes. I could just edit it but i think in this case thatd be cowardly of me. I said it and need to own up. People have the right to feel offended without some arrogant girl pompously talking about language. My issue is not with those who are offended by the old lyrics. My plight is only that I feel the government (all parties) sit there discussing matters that dont effect our lives anywhere near as much as other issues they are not discussing do, and then sell it to us to show us what good inclussive politicians they are. So Im sorry for what i said about the english language and i really regret HOW I said it. Im human and make mistakes. I wanted to own up to this one. I am not the type of person to be rude like that. I strive to make the lives of those who cross my path, better...hether in a big or small way...I want to be a positive source, not a negative one. The world can be a cruel cold place at times, I want to make people smile and feel good. Not mock them for having an opinion or for feeling excluded. So heres me giving a self inflicted spanking (yum). I will now read if anyone spanked me too and apologize for being a kakahead. Have a great day everyone and if theres any typo im sorry. Im using my cel and it can be a kakahead too sometimes.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
How many of you actually say "yep, the Canadian anthem is a pillar of my life"?
How many people actually sing the anthem outside of school? Can't say that I do it during events and I see a lot of people that are the same.
I enjoy the anthem especially since I appreciate Canada so much on my Summer trips for over a decade and fondly recall years ago after a great session with Madam Roses gal in Phoenix, I was a bit late to a meet and greet party and a companion sang O Canada as I walked in knowing my fondness for Canadian adult freedoms. She had a great voice and did the complete 1st verse.

In 2015 I enjoyed the musical comedy of the history of Canada at the Oh Canada dinner theater on Lundy's Lane in Niagara Falls. I had a front row table seat. It was some of the best live entertainment I've enjoyed in years. The location is not far from the great strip clubs although Sundowner is the only one left that is booming and open daily.

It will be interesting if they change the wording when they sing O Canada, or have to wait until the official change passes the Senate, if it ever does.

About the show:
The award-winning Oh Canada Eh? Dinner Show has entertained over 800,000 guests from around the world and is the seven-time winner of Niagara Falls Tourism's Attraction of the Year.

Our two-hour show features all-Canadian music; from maritime folk songs to modern pop. Come meet our singing Mountie, Hockey Player, Anne of Green Gables, Klondike Kitty and more. Full of laughs, this musical celebration of Canada will delight audiences of all ages.

At what other restaurant are you served your dinner by a singing Mountie?

A new, re-imagined version of the Oh Canada Eh? Dinner Show is now on stage. This high-energy production features over 65 songs from all-Canadian artists including music from Celine Dion, the Bare Naked Ladies, Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne & Paul Anka.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I don't see why anyone would be upset by this change. It does not alter the meaning of the song, its more inclusive and it still rhymes just fine. I have no problem with it. If it makes women feel more included then great.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I don't see why anyone would be upset by this change. It does not alter the meaning of the song, its more inclusive and it still rhymes just fine. I have no problem with it. If it makes women feel more included then great.
Since huge numbers of people don't know the lyrics anyway, I'm going to continue to sing the lyrics I know (all in English).


Mar 31, 2009
Before seeing if anyone called me out for my narrowminded arrogance, Id first like to apologizw and retract part of what I said. My remarks were arrogant, condescending and kinda heartless. Thats not the type of person I am but I do make mistakes. I could just edit it but i think in this case thatd be cowardly of me. I said it and need to own up. People have the right to feel offended without some arrogant girl pompously talking about language. My issue is not with those who are offended by the old lyrics. My plight is only that I feel the government (all parties) sit there discussing matters that dont effect our lives anywhere near as much as other issues they are not discussing do, and then sell it to us to show us what good inclussive politicians they are. So Im sorry for what i said about the english language and i really regret HOW I said it. Im human and make mistakes. I wanted to own up to this one. I am not the type of person to be rude like that. I strive to make the lives of those who cross my path, better...hether in a big or small way...I want to be a positive source, not a negative one. The world can be a cruel cold place at times, I want to make people smile and feel good. Not mock them for having an opinion or for feeling excluded. So heres me giving a self inflicted spanking (yum). I will now read if anyone spanked me too and apologize for being a kakahead. Have a great day everyone and if theres any typo im sorry. Im using my cel and it can be a kakahead too sometimes.
No need to apologize. Maybe I missed it but I never saw massive protests from the unwashed masses shouting our "our damn national anthem is sexist".

Our government should focus on the important issues in our lives like "allowing men to shower with natural born unaltered adult women".


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
A bunch of stupid, irresponsible, wasteful politicians
Don't we have more pressing matters? last time I checked, we are in deficit, and consistently swapping good quality jobs for "mc jobs"

how much is this idea going to cost us? are they going to toss to garbage all books, pamphlets with the old one?


Mar 31, 2009
When I lived in Montreal, a very popular song among the Quebecois went something like this in rough translated English.

"Though the land I call home
is a blanket of snow
and the road I travel
has no place to go?

Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver
Mon jardin ce n'est pas un jardin, c'est la plaine
Mon chemin ce n'est pas un chemin, c'est la neige
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver

Dans la blanche cйrйmonie oщ la neige au vent se marie
Dans ce pays de poudrerie mon pиre a fait bвtir maison Et je m'en vais кtre fidиle а sa maniиre а son modиle La chambre d'amis sera telle qu'on viendra des autres saisons pour se bвtir а cфtй d'elle

Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver
Mon refrain ce n'est pas un refrain, c'est rafale
Ma maison ce n'est pas ma maison, c'est froidure
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver

De ce grand pays solitaire je crie avant que de me taire
A tous les hommes de la terre ma maison c'est votre maison
Entre mes quatre murs de glace je mets mon temps et mon espace
А prйparer le feu, la place pour les humains de l'horizon
Et les humains sont de ma race

Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver
Mon jardin ce n'est pas un jardin, c'est la plaine
Mon chemin ce n'est pas un chemin, c'est la neige
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'envers
D'un pays qui n'йtait ni pays ni patrie
Ma chanson ce n'est pas une chanson, c'est ma vie
C'est pour toi que je veux possйder mes hivers

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Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
this is only the beginning. can you imagine what laws will get changed when most of the politicians are muslim? we're fucked. ladies better be ready to be covered up in public to start.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I cannot believe our elected politicians are wasting time on this trivial nonsense when the world is on fire, the economy is flailing, our housing prices are skyrocketing because of Asian investors overbidding and our debt is spiraling out of control. SMFH


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I got 3 suggestions:
1) Take God out.
2) Take out the old english words like thou
3) Have the lyrics actually make sense.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
I cannot believe our elected politicians are wasting time on this trivial nonsense when the world is on fire, the economy is flailing, our housing prices are skyrocketing because of Asian investors overbidding and our debt is spiraling out of control. SMFH
I couldn't agree with you and those gents who mentioned the same more. Overly paid politicians wasting time while not dealing with the real issues facing this country.


Mar 31, 2009
Maybe we should just get rid of the national anthem. It's too divisive.

When will our politicians learn: "If it ain't broken, don't break it."


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
I cannot believe our elected politicians are wasting time on this trivial nonsense when the world is on fire, the economy is flailing, our housing prices are skyrocketing because of Asian investors overbidding and our debt is spiraling out of control. SMFH
Do you really think that if Parliament extended their session by however many hours were spent on the anthem that any of those issues you mention would be closer to resolution?? Do you really think that if Parliament sat round the clock 12 months per year that the debt would magically be reduced, that housing prices would drop (which of course isn't necessarily a good thing) and that the economy would improve???
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