Asia Studios Massage

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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Pretty sure Jackie Mason got banned but not sure if it was after his 1st appearance.

"Middle finger" incident

On October 18, 1964 in an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, Mason allegedly gave host Ed Sullivan the finger on air. Footage of the incident shows Mason doing his stand-up comedy act and then looking toward Sullivan, commenting that Sullivan was signaling him. Sullivan was reportedly letting Mason know (by pointing two fingers) that he had only a couple minutes left, as the program was about to cut away to show a speech by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Mason began working his own fingers in his act to make fun of the situation and pointed toward Sullivan with his middle finger slightly separated. Sullivan was clearly angered by this and banned Mason from the show. Mason denied knowingly giving Sullivan the middle finger; he later claimed that he had never even heard of the middle finger gesture at that time. In retaliation, to protect the perceived threat to his career, Mason filed a libel suit at the New York Supreme Court, which he won.[15]

Mason made a comeback appearance on the TV program two years later; and, Sullivan publicly apologized to him. At that time, Mason opened his monologue by saying, "It is a great thrill...and a fantastic opportunity to see me in person again." Mason would never appear on the show again.


I'll guess Elvis Presley.

Elvis was not the second act banned from the Ed Sullivan show.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I imagine to warn others of their presence

Lepers in the 14th. century wore rattles and bells to solicit donations. Lepers suffered loss of toes, fingers, noses and lips. This was their way to communicate that they had the dreaded disease.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

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