Frank you are still under the impression that ground based temperature measurement is no different than you sticking a thermometer in your mouth. That is not the case. You think that it is so simple that there is no room for error, but in all fields of science there is an entire universe of study, temperature measurement is no different. Because some article does not go into the details of the complexity of ground based temperature recoding devices does in no way mean there are no problems and the the problems are not complex.
Ground based devices are probably more prone to human error because I am guessing that in most cases that a human, no matter if he has a PHD or not, will be going from device to device and gathering the data. If the human gets sick, if perhaps he made a mixup on the downloading the data, etc... that will effect the data. When you have an automated system like a satellite system to measure temperature, several PHD caliber people will probably check over everything and certify to their best ability that the system meets some standard and there is less risk of relying on humans to gather the data. Again, I will make another general statement, automated systems in general produce high quality data/product.
Again I know nothing about these temperature reading devices and anything about satellites, but as long as they operate in the realm of logic and reason, then you can do a boundary check on them to asses some level of confidence in the system using logic and reason. Now I know that you think Climate Science can operate outside the laws of logic and reason because the ends justify the means, but that is not science to me and a poll no matter what the numbers are is not science.
If you want to make a case of polls to determine scientific truths, should you start by polling all scientists if polls reveal scientific truths, if that poll is yes then perhaps the next poll should be to poll if AGW is real or not targetted to climate scientists. Now even with that extra step, that is not science to me, but atleast it is more reasonable and logical than a straight up poll about AGW. Again I know that to you the ends justify the means, and any means no matter how unscientific, you will accept it as science fact because it supports your views. But if one day you have some strange disease, and a bunch of scientists say that they did a poll on an untested drug and you should take that drug, you would certainly demand more than that unless you have no hope otherwise, and if you do take the drug it is only because out of human desperation rather than logic and reason.
I am using my logic and reasoning that i developed from engineering to apply it to AGW, one of the central merits of science is that it is accessible as opposed to religion which demands that truths can only be revealed to a few special believers by god himself. You are turning AGW into a religion, you are making a mockery of science.