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1 in 5 college students considering sex work

Sep 13, 2009
If the numbers are not 1 in 5 then I am sure it is 1 in 10. Taking into consideration that some girls do it for a few days to pay the bills or to get an Ipod. In 2000 when the internet was just starting to take off and there were a lot of chat sites. I chatted with a girl that went to the U of London (UK) She was studying in the faculty of music. I called her the French Hornyist ( she played the french horn ) When she graduated she told me she was considering escort to get by, the agency told her she did not have to have sex if she did not want to. I am sure it was a ploy to get her in the business. After a girl does it for the first time, the later occasions are much easier. So some are in it for the long haul, some part time, and some the one time thing.


May 25, 2012
Why do stories of this ilk always include a picture of a young woman in heels and short skirt standing in a street somewhere, waiting for clients? This is not the sex work uni students in the UK are partaking in. Fucking lazy.


Nobodies business if I do
Sep 26, 2007
6,773 in final data set of over 10,000 respondents

32% were males and auxiliary roles within the sex industry are also taken into account IE receptionist

The total duration of involvement was rather short with about half of the respondents being involved for less than six months

Actual percentage active in sex work at any given time seems far less than 5% as it seems like any peripheral activity such as waitress in SC counts and even one day in industry counts and if you are out of industry it still counts


New member
Apr 8, 2014
The remaining 4 of 5 college students consider sex fun.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Hopefully this will have two positive outcomes:

1) more money in the pockets of students
2) more acceptance of sex work as legit rather than taboo


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
I went to university in the UK. Trust me, the best looking 20% of them could not make a living as SPs.


Active member
Dec 2, 2004
There are 50000 students in U of Toronto alone.

Lets say 25000 female.

5% is... 1250 sex workers !?!

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
There are 50000 students in U of Toronto alone.

Lets say 25000 female.

5% is... 1250 sex workers !?!

You think approx 2 girls in every class are into sex work?

The 5% includes those who were in it but left and peripheral jobs in the sex industry count as well

Only those doing current hands on sex work and do not mind the job (no one would do it if they were rich but at least they do not hate it ) is my criteria as I find no vicarious pleasure knowing that someone is financially forced into sex work

BTW, that 5% includes males who are 30% of the total. As I was a bartender at a SC so that includes me.

This is an important report and one should be done at a Canadian university. It would be especially telling to hear the SPs side of it. Are they cool with it? Do they enjoy some aspects of it? What do they dislike?

Threads in the massage section go over what a MPA life is like

Conclusion is it is just a job that they sometimes dislike and sometimes like depending on client. They are all in it for the $$$$$$$ and not for sex even if they do enjoy certain clients

I presume strippers and escorts would say the same thing.

Students considering such employment would be empowered with such a study as they could make an educated decision .

Would such a survey be a excellent project for a grad student in psych or the social sciences? They would learn how to do a scientific survey and it would give them fame as well as they would get on radio, TV as public interest would be high and it would be info they need for C-36 changes

WTF do all those grad students do? I thought they were supposed to do original work that contributes to knowledge.
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Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
more acceptance of sex work as legit rather than taboo
That would be so cool. 0 stigma

MPs at the U run by the students union with student discounts.

MPs for females and gays.

A celebration of our sexuality with no judgement

Dream on



Dec 5, 2015
There are 50000 students in U of Toronto alone.
According to 2014 enrollment, U of T at that time had 84,556 students, i.e., "big ass" university (by enrollment :wink:) But I digress.

Back when I was adjunct faculty at a large (but not as large as UT) central city university, I taught a required introductory course. I normally taught in the late afternoon/early evening, getting the working students. My class sizes though still averaged around 60-80 students in one of the smaller lecture halls. In this instance, it was the beginning of the fall semester, so I had a class of around 80 students. I was passing around the syllabus, sounding stern and formal (hey, first day--put the "fear of God" in 'em on that day then easy up as the course progresses). As I was talking I observed an attractive, causally dressed blonde right in the middle of the room (seats were auditorium style) with a slight smile on her face looking dead at me. Didn't think anything of it. I finished my first day schtick in about 40 mins., saying if there were any other questions, ask me after the class was dismissed.

Usually 5-6 students hang around with particular questions about the course. As I was standing there, I saw the attractive blonde off to my right. She walked up to me and said "hi" calling me by my first name. Naturally, I was taken aback, since everyone either addressed as Mr. (then my last name) or Professor. I gave a stern look and asked did she know me. She said, "you don't remember?" I said no. She stepped forward, and I took a slight step back. She said, "relax," and then whispered in my ear. I can only imagine what my face looked liked to the rest of the students. She had given me her stage name from a local strip club I frequent.

I told her to wait a minute while I talked to the other students. After they left, she said, "I told you I was going to school for nursing." Now I must readily admit that nearly every stripper/dancer/masseuse I had met always said they were "going to school" and that the job I met them at was to make ends meet. I also admit I had the usual skepticism when I was told this. Anyway, after the other students left, I spoke with her and told her she immediately had to drop my class. She looked befuddled and asked why. I said because of the nature of how I previously had met her would probably not set for a positive professor/student relationship. Wrong thing to say!!

She told me that she wasn't going to drop the class because it would screw up her other courses. She also informed me that she knew the difference from working at the strip club (a very HIGH end club) and going to school (and to her credit, she was professional and businesslike at the club). I said okay, and that was it. Talk about people having stereotypes. Throughout the course she was in the top 5% of the class, getting the highest grades on several quizzes and the highest grade on the final exam. She participated in lectures discussions, and was attuned and very sharp as to the subject matter. Her GPA was above a 3.5 (as an adjunct I had advisor status so I could pull up her entire academic record). I still went to the club, and we talked briefly, but dances were totally off limits (mutual agreement) while she was in my course. I lost track of her about a year later, but knew she had been admitted to the nursing school (a top 50 U.S. nursing program).

The moral of the story? Dump the stereotypes. The young lady was taking care of her business and doing what she needed to do. I was the one that needed to change my lens of how I saw the world.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
According to 2014 enrollment, U of T at that time had 84,556 students, i.e., "big ass" university (by enrollment :wink:) But I digress.

Back when I was adjunct faculty at a large (but not as large as UT) central city university, I taught a required introductory course. I normally taught in the late afternoon/early evening, getting the working students. My class sizes though still averaged around 60-80 students in one of the smaller lecture halls. In this instance, it was the beginning of the fall semester, so I had a class of around 80 students. I was passing around the syllabus, sounding stern and formal (hey, first day--put the "fear of God" in 'em on that day then easy up as the course progresses). As I was talking I observed an attractive, causally dressed blonde right in the middle of the room (seats were auditorium style) with a slight smile on her face looking dead at me. Didn't think anything of it. I finished my first day schtick in about 40 mins., saying if there were any other questions, ask me after the class was dismissed.

Usually 5-6 students hang around with particular questions about the course. As I was standing there, I saw the attractive blonde off to my right. She walked up to me and said "hi" calling me by my first name. Naturally, I was taken aback, since everyone either addressed as Mr. (then my last name) or Professor. I gave a stern look and asked did she know me. She said, "you don't remember?" I said no. She stepped forward, and I took a slight step back. She said, "relax," and then whispered in my ear. I can only imagine what my face looked liked to the rest of the students. She had given me her stage name from a local strip club I frequent.

I told her to wait a minute while I talked to the other students. After they left, she said, "I told you I was going to school for nursing." Now I must readily admit that nearly every stripper/dancer/masseuse I had met always said they were "going to school" and that the job I met them at was to make ends meet. I also admit I had the usual skepticism when I was told this. Anyway, after the other students left, I spoke with her and told her she immediately had to drop my class. She looked befuddled and asked why. I said because of the nature of how I previously had met her would probably not set for a positive professor/student relationship. Wrong thing to say!!

She told me that she wasn't going to drop the class because it would screw up her other courses. She also informed me that she knew the difference from working at the strip club (a very HIGH end club) and going to school (and to her credit, she was professional and businesslike at the club). I said okay, and that was it. Talk about people having stereotypes. Throughout the course she was in the top 5% of the class, getting the highest grades on several quizzes and the highest grade on the final exam. She participated in lectures discussions, and was attuned and very sharp as to the subject matter. Her GPA was above a 3.5 (as an adjunct I had advisor status so I could pull up her entire academic record). I still went to the club, and we talked briefly, but dances were totally off limits (mutual agreement) while she was in my course. I lost track of her about a year later, but knew she had been admitted to the nursing school (a top 50 U.S. nursing program).

The moral of the story? Dump the stereotypes. The young lady was taking care of her business and doing what she needed to do. I was the one that needed to change my lens of how I saw the world.
York University law professor behind the prostitution challenge that ended up creating C-36 , Alan Young of Osgoode Hall Law School, says students in the sex business confide in him because they know he will be non judgmental so, yes, your lens needed adjustment.

He also says C-36 has constitutional holes so big you could drive a truck through it and will not with stand a challenge but someone has to pony up $$$$ and time to challenge it.

Our Senates job was to realize the weakness of C-36 and thrown it out but they seem to be a rubber stamp


Dec 5, 2015
Yep Yoga Face, I was wrong. Now, I want to make sure that its understood I wasn't a shithead because of what the SP was doing. But at the time, my skepticism of when an SP said they were going to school did reveal to me my prejudice thinking. It definitely made me rethink about what I thought of myself, i.e., open minded.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Yep Yoga Face, I was wrong. Now, I want to make sure that its understood I wasn't a shithead because of what the SP was doing. But at the time, my skepticism of when an SP said they were going to school did reveal to me my prejudice thinking. It definitely made me rethink about what I thought of myself, i.e., open minded.
And you are an academic. Societies lens needs even a bigger adjustment, as well as some TERBS.

Here is my perspective:
1 It is a legit way to make an income for some SPs who do it willingly. Desperate financial need is not legit even if it is done willingly IMHO.

2 It is a legit and much needed service to some of those who partake IE lonely males

3 SP industry is ripe with exploitation. Those in the business like your student are in the minority.

Third world sex slavery is the vast percentage of this industry and it is happening here. If C-36 stopped such exploitation I would view the bill in a different light. I view C-36 as a knee jerk reaction created for political reasons and Joy Smith, who sponsored the bill, is a fundamentalist Christian doing the Lords work.

I also like to pretend , like most TERBs, my hobby does not contribute to exploitation as I visit only reputable MPs and stay away from AMPs where the MPAs cannot speak English. However, I am naïve to believe none of my hobby money gets into unethical hands.

Let us face it - legalization will not stop exploitation anymore than C-36. It will not even ensure that hobby money spent in a legal brothel will not contribute to exploitation as the criminals will find a way in.

The only way to hobby guilt free is to know the SP.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Supposedly at the graduate student level, for courses like psychology it is not uncommon for sex between the graduate school student and his or her program supervisor.


Dec 5, 2015
Supposedly at the graduate student level, for courses like psychology it is not uncommon for sex between the graduate school student and his or her program supervisor.
Not today! Big no no at many schools (although my former graduate advisor met his future wife when she was a graduate student in his seminar). That also extends to undergrads (remember their over 18).

Now I'm really putting myself out there, but here goes. My motto had always been, "don't squeeze the Charmin." Keep the female (and the male) students at arms length (yes boys and girls, there were some faculty--not me-- that were attracted to the same sex...oh the horror ;-) . Anyway, I had just gotten an appointment at a B1G school. There was a rally on campus about affirmative action programs potential being eliminated if a state ballot proposal didn't pass. I made some comment at the rally that drew some applause, and went to an after rally party. I was speaking to a small group of students, when a tall leggy auburn haired woman walked up to me. She introduced herself, and stated she appreciated my comments. We spoke with the other students already there for a few minutes. I said goodbye to the group and began to leave.

The auburn haired lady walked up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder, and handed me a piece of paper. It was her name and phone number. I remember as clear as day what she said: call and call often. Now I'm nothing close to, nor think of myself as "God's gift to women." At that time I had just turned 50 (way past that now), and exercised regularly, but I knew my limitations (drink less beer, lose more weight). Needless to say, a week later I'm banging her in my apartment. She was 29, 5'10" between 135-145 lbs, hazel eyes, and could suck the chrome off a bumper. I rationalized it by thinking, "well she's not my student (although she was in the class of a colleague), she is graduating in the spring, she's going into a PhD program at another B1G school, so I'll never see her after the academic year." After one of our evening trysts, I told her that I'm glad she's not a student of mine or I get canned. She got quiet for a moment. Then she told me that the deans of all the schools and colleges had signed an fraternizing policy forbidding romantic relationships with students. I said when. She said the year before I got my appointment (she did work study in the academic counseling office). I nearly shit my pants. She laughed and told me "no worries, its cool." At that point I thought, "well I'm fired anyway, so might as well go out with a bang." I enjoyed the rest of the academic year with her. She was extremely bright, articulate, and loved to read and enjoy life. I lost track of her after she graduate, although I heard through the grapevine at that time she was teaching in Australia.

The moral of the story? Do you want your job or not? While I was fortunate at that time, I wouldn't do it again (I no longer teach). While it might stroke the ego, I need my Benjamins....
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