ACTUAL SCIENCE, NOT job creation,...
ACTUAL SCIENCE, NOT creating an untestable THEORY.
People,'v got to stop breathing out all that nasty CO2,...I mean we are have grown by 7 times from about 1900,...just stop,...Oh and,...while you'r at it,...stop eating plants that covert CO2 to O2, and,...why don't you all use solar cells to heat your house at night in the dead of winter.
Come on people, just stop living,...and everything will be just fine,...except those who are employed by government climate agencies, can still go flying around the globe having parties.
Science, a systematic enterprise that using mathematics and measurement, creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable observations, explanations and predictions about the universe.The only ones approaching this from a religious, faith based perspective here are you, MF, along with CM.
The two of you think that if you repeat your dogmatic mantra over and over that is an argument. You reject actual science. You avoid statistical analysis and make anecdotal arguments. You cherry pick years to deny trends that are clear in any proper analysis--claiming there was no warming by comparing the hottest year in the last decade to the present, rather then rolling averages.
Meanwhile there's very clear evidence that the planet is earning and that human activity is a major factor in that warming.
ACTUAL SCIENCE, NOT creating an untestable THEORY.
People,'v got to stop breathing out all that nasty CO2,...I mean we are have grown by 7 times from about 1900,...just stop,...Oh and,...while you'r at it,...stop eating plants that covert CO2 to O2, and,...why don't you all use solar cells to heat your house at night in the dead of winter.
Come on people, just stop living,...and everything will be just fine,...except those who are employed by government climate agencies, can still go flying around the globe having parties.