16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
CBC reports that the massive amount of ice melting off of Greenland because of climate change has shifted the location of the North Pole.

Earth's internal heat under greenland is what melting the Ice


They also reported earlier that its slowing the rotation of the Earth.

rotation is slowing down is, due to a transfer of Earth's rotational momentum to the Moon's orbital momentum as tidal friction slows the Earth's rotation. That increase in the Moon's speed is causing it to slowly recede from Earth (about 4 cm per year), increasing its orbital period and the length of a month as well.

That's 'cuz we've help melt about 300 gigatons of ice, and we're on track for about 600 more gigatons of ice melt.
in other places glaciers are growing

global warming slowing earth's rotation are you kidding me!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
cbc reports that the massive amount of ice melting off of greenland because of climate change has shifted the location of the north pole.

they also reported earlier that its slowing the rotation of the earth.

that's 'cuz we've help melt about 300 gigatons of ice, and we're on track for about 600 more gigatons of ice melt.
lmao! I checked the math. 360 Gt will add 1 milliliter to the oceans level.


Earth's internal heat under greenland is what melting the Ice


rotation is slowing down is, due to a transfer of Earth's rotational momentum to the Moon's orbital momentum as tidal friction slows the Earth's rotation. That increase in the Moon's speed is causing it to slowly recede from Earth (about 4 cm per year), increasing its orbital period and the length of a month as well.

in other places glaciers are growing

global warming slowing earth's rotation are you kidding me!
Exactly. Whatever will we do?? The earth is slowing down by 1.7 ms in 100 years, yay I get to live a live longer, or die a little slower depending on how you look at it lol.

This is is why it is so important not to stifle scientists findings and to keep the debates going, because they obviously don't know what the hell they are talking about. They found one missing piece and it just so happened that global warming was the elusive piece to the puzzle? Yah okay!!

If anyone is really interested in the earths rotation and the magnetic polar shifts, look it up!! It's very interesting and it has nothing to do with global warming. Sorry to say.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Have you asked yourself this question basketcase - if past climates (long before the industrial age) were experiencing profound changes due to sun activity, oceans, plate tectonics, orbital shifts etc how is that we no longer focus on those phenomena and instead target a trace gas as the primary driver of climate change?
Also tell me what you think of this statement by Klaus Eckert Puls, a former scientist of the IPCC
"Scientifically it is sheer absurdity to think that we can get a nice climate by turning a C02 adjustment knob"
You mean other than all of those other causes have been investigated to see how well they fit current observations and they don't hold up? For example, solar activity has been seen to have some impact but it is cyclical and as several cycles have passed, observations still show an increasing trend. Even the main proponent of the theory has been found using the term 'deliverables' to describe his papers and testimonies and were paid for by the oil industry.


Jan 31, 2005
rotation is slowing down is, due to a transfer of Earth's rotational momentum to the Moon's orbital momentum as tidal friction slows the Earth's rotation.
Did you even read the article? That was explicitly mentioned and accounted for. As we're several other factors. The change in rotation is IN ADDITION to that effect.

This isn't a debate where pointing out that one factor exists means you can dispute that some other factor matters. Both factors get accounted.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Exactly. Whatever will we do?? The earth is slowing down by 1.7 ms in 100 years, yay I get to live a live longer, or die a little slower depending on how you look at it lol.
Nobody is saying that the slowing of the Earth's rotation is drastic, but what is stunning is to realize that the amount of ice that has melted has changed the rotation of the planet we live on.

Its just one more piece of evidence.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You post some dodgy shit CM, but this one really takes the cake. iceagenow is run by some ex-architect who thinks we are heading into an ice age right now!
(exclamation mark from the site.)

Do you really believe that garbage?
That shit is really dodgy, is it related to your recent attacks on higher education?
You know if you did get an education you might not fall for such garbage so easily.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
lmao! I checked the math. 360 Gt will add 1 milliliter to the oceans level.
Wow, I think you should take your findings straight to NASA and tell them they are wrong.
I'm sure you'll be able to convince them easily, just remember not to wipe with that napkin until you've shown them your work.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Wow, I think you should take your findings straight to NASA and tell them they are wrong.
I'm sure you'll be able to convince them easily, just remember not to wipe with that napkin until you've shown them your work.
We do know the weight of water. We know the volume of the oceans, not to the last cubic meter, but close enough. What's so hard about it?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Did you even read the article? That was explicitly mentioned and accounted for. As we're several other factors. The change in rotation is IN ADDITION to that effect.

This isn't a debate where pointing out that one factor exists means you can dispute that some other factor matters. Both factors get accounted.

dude why don't you think and do research instead of reading climate alarmist propaganda? did you know that millions of years ago a day on earth was shorter the 24 hours? try and blame climate change for that one


Yes it is, due to a transfer of Earth's rotational momentum to the Moon's orbital momentum as tidal friction slows the Earth's rotation. That increase in the Moon's speed is causing it to slowly recede from Earth (about 4 cm per year), increasing its orbital period and the length of a month as well.
To picture what is happening, imagine yourself riding a bicycle on a track built around a Merry-go-Round. You are riding in the same direction that it is turning. If you have a lasso and rope one of the horses, you would gain speed and the Merry-Go-Round would lose some. In this analogy, you and your bike represent the Moon, the Merry-Go-Round is the rotating Earth, and your lasso is gravity. In orbital mechanics, a gain in speed results in a higher orbit.

The slowing rotation of the Earth results in a longer day as well as a longer month. Once the length of a day equals the length of a month, the tidal friction mechanism will cease. (ie. Once your speed on the track matches the speed of the horses, you can't gain any more speed with your lasso trick.) That's been projected to happen once the day and month both equal about 47 (current) days, billions of years in the future. If the Earth and Moon still exist, the Moon's distance will have increased to about 135% of its current value.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Nobody is saying that the slowing of the Earth's rotation is drastic, but what is stunning is to realize that the amount of ice that has melted has changed the rotation of the planet we live on.

Its just one more piece of evidence.

no it's the tidal forces between the earth and the moon that is slowing down earths rotation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
We do know the weight of water. We know the volume of the oceans, not to the last cubic meter, but close enough. What's so hard about it?
Do you know the total amount of water stored as ice in Greenland and Antarctica?
Do you know how much expansion the ocean will experience as it warms?

But really, if you think you've got it figured out and NASA and the IPCC are all wrong, publish your napkin work and let them review it.
In the meantime, latest studies suggest that even holding climate change to 2ºC could result in oceans rising 18 ft (6 metres).


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
no it's the tidal forces between the earth and the moon that is slowing down earths rotation.
This is on top of what we understand to be happening 'naturally', as moviefan is want to say.
Its extra slowing down caused by shifting of weights on the planet through glacier melts.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This is on top of what we understand to be happening 'naturally', as moviefan is want to say.
Its extra slowing down caused by shifting of weights on the planet through glacier melts.

thats a load of bullshit. no scientific evidence showing glaciers affecting the rotation of the earth


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Do you know the total amount of water stored as ice in Greenland and Antarctica?
Do you know how much expansion the ocean will experience as it warms?

But really, if you think you've got it figured out and NASA and the IPCC are all wrong, publish your napkin work and let them review it.
In the meantime, latest studies suggest that even holding climate change to 2ºC could result in oceans rising 18 ft (6 metres).
More garbage, I see. The best Guess based on the current trends is an increase of 20 to 59 centimeters by 2099. And that's not from wacky "deniers". I found that at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. 6 ft. it's what they sell to the little old ladies in Florida.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More garbage, I see. The best Guess based on the current trends is an increase of 20 to 59 centimeters by 2099. And that's not from wacky "deniers". I found that at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. 6 ft. it's what they sell to the little old ladies in Florida.
Here's the study, read it and tell me why you think its wrong.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
T The issue of global warming is based on science. A scientific theory is only as good as the next one that comes along. Stifling research because one thinks to have the absolute truth runs against scientific principles.

Stifling scientific research simply because new research may contradict present thought is nothing more than an accusation of heresy by the new religion.

We have tenureships at universities so that professors that come out with theories unpalatable to general thought aren't run out of town. That is in order to preserve freedom of thought, which ultimately advances scientific thought.

A few hundred years ago, one could be burned at the stake for spreading the notion that the world wasn't flat. Nowadays, one could be prosecuted for funding research that discounts certaing notions about global warming. We now have a new inquisition, not under catholicism, but under neo-liberalism.
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