Seriously each day I keep seeing postings and the escorts just keep getting larger and larger. Even some that used to be a nice average are getting big thighs and asses. All this fast food in the hotel rooms are not being kind. Other than the sexy spinner (
aka Ashlee) (who I've seen a lot now and won't due to concerns) there are no tight young hot fit girls? If there are, where are they? lol
I don't want to open up a big conversation on the topic, but I'd say you can put your concerns about SS (
aka Ashlee) in the past. I think she had a rough patch a year ago, but she's been great lately. The hardest part is getting a booking with her she's so busy.
But yes, it is hard to find a slim young girl. For anything decent, you need to shoot out to Mississauga. My goto girll is now
Taylor, but she's still a drive to get to as she's at Kennedy and the 401. My other favorite
Tiffany, who won't come to Durham because of a couple of jealous ex-Johns who stalk her on this board, required a run out to Mississauga on Saturday to see her.
And what's worse, there's plenty of girls who put up fake pics of slim girls (
Kelly), only for you to get there and find out they're thicker than Alan.
You might want to check out
Heidi (9830)? Her pics are real, no ink, and slender. She's had kids, but no stretch marks from what I recall and while she's not tight like a fitness model, she's nice and slim and pretty easy going.