Ashley Madison

TOFTT New to town Kelly 3676 - Fake pics on bp - Pay for 30 and get 15 type of girl

I saw a new girl on backpage and she looked fairly slim and tight in her pics so I thought I'd give her a go.

Her pics are fakes. And she's more like 23, not 20. And she's thick. :frusty:

New to town Gentleman!!! <3 Kelly the best there is !!! <3 - 20 647 793 3676

Her pics show a nice girl with a fit figure. If anyone knows who that girl is, let me know, because that's not Kelly.

Kelly is not slim, and she is not particularly fit. She's not huge or obese, but she has a bigger build and she's what my black friends would call 'thick', but not objectionably big. Okay, I don't actually have that many black friends, but I'm working on it.

Who she really looks like...

There's a horrible escort named Cherry who keeps posting in Durham, and while Cherry has become massive since those pics she posts were taken, Cherry does look attractive (IN THE OLD PICS SHE POSTS) for a thicker girl. I'd say Kelly looks closer to the pics Cherry posts of herself than the fake ones Kelly posted in her own ad.

Link: Kelly looks more like this Cherry than she does her own fake pictures

My review of Cherry: Avoid Cherry, blonde magic mouth, at all costs �� - She is *NOT* Oshawa's finest 6018

Thing is, plenty of guys go for thicker girls. That's what I hate. If girls just posted themselves, they'd find guys that like that, and everyone'd be happy. I bet there's spinners out there posting fake pics of Kardashian-esque girls because they think that's what guys want. Just be yourself. There's enough freaks out there to be attracted to just about anything. I sometimes see girls that look just horrible to me advertise on BP. Sometimes while I look at a fat, non-European girl on BP, I throw up in my mouth a little bit, but then I remind myself that there are some guys that love that just as much as I love little spinners, and then I just think Good for you to the girl who's honest about who she is, and is making money off being like that. Of course, I still think the guys seeing her are freaks, but to each his own.

I was ready to walk out when I saw Kelly, but she was youthful, and the Lulu she had on made her look fairly fit. Plus, it was $120 and she said that included CIM, so the price was competitive. She had a bit of a pug face and a scratchy voice, but she looked like she might be fun.

Bait and switch, right down to the Rururemon

When she took off her Lulu, she had a bit of cottage cheese on her legs and butt, but it was tolerable. She did have pretty big hips. A bit of a pear shape, I'm afraid.

Her boobs were a bit saggy, so I had her keep her bra on. She had lots of strech marks on the sides of her boobs. She also had stretch marks on her hips, but not where you'd expect them if a girl had a kid, as her belly was okay. I have a feeling this girl weighed 30 or 40lbs more than she does now at some point in her life, and has got herself into better shape - the saggyness of her boobs gave me that impression too. I so dislike stretch marks. :hand:

We got it on for less than 10 minutes, and then she did a pretty awesome BBBJ for three or four. She could really suck cock, so she gets top marks for those abilities - really talented. But she started to complain that it took a long time for me to cum. I got her to just give me a hand job for a while and relax. But I could tell she was done with me and just ready for me to get out. I told her if she went another round of sucking I'd blow, which I did.

Now she did the CIM thing I hate. At the first sign of release, she pulled away and ran to the bathroom. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to a girl gag and vomit out my cum. But if you offer CIM, I want to blow my full load, not watch you run away after a little precum touches your incisors. So, off she ran and I was left there moisturizing myself with the rest of my load. :mad:

When I got in, I stated the time, said it was half past, and told her I'd be out before the hour. I always like to do a time check when I get in to verify the start time, and when I'll be gone. That way we both know what time the session started at. Anyways, as I was putting my socks on, the clock said quarter to, so we were actually only about 12 minutes into our session when she started to tap the canvas.

Summary and conclusions

She was nice. I don't want to say she was a clock watcher, because I don't think she was watching the clock. It's more like she's a girl who signs up for a 5K race and then realizes that after running hard for a kilometer that she's not interested in finishing the rest of it.

It wasn't a horrible experience or anything. It wasn't like my 20 minutes with Cherry after which I wanted to stick a fork in my eye. If it was the exact same experience but with the girl in her pics, I'm sure I would have left happy. But in the end, it was just a bit of a bland experience, and she's not a girl I would have paid $120 to if it wasn't for the bait and switch she pulled.

If you like thick girls, and you don't normally last more than 15 minutes, she might be perfect for you.

New to town Gentleman!!! <3 Kelly the best there is !!! <3 - 20 647 793 3676

By the way, I did search TERB before seeing her and found nothing. But I just did a quick Google Images search now, and if I'd done that beforehand, I would have known the pics were fake, fake, fakes. Sometimes I think I know deep down that it's going to be a BnS, but my heart just doesn't want to believe that it's so.

Google Image Search on Kelly's Fake Pics


Active member
Feb 6, 2010
Why would someone enjoy a woman gagging and vomiting out their cum? Real gentleman. If a gal doesn't like doing something I'd rather not partake.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Thanks for sharing agentO, great intel.

I too, dislike a girl who says she's going to do CIM and then does the whole DNA avoidance routine, like it's hot lava coming out of my dick. It sorta ruins the whole experience.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
Why would someone enjoy a woman gagging and vomiting out their cum? Real gentleman. If a gal doesn't like doing something I'd rather not partake.
I'm 99% certain AO was being sarcastic ;)

Thanks for taking this bullet, AO. When the girl popped up on BP I ran the RIS and found nothing and was very close to booking her myself. Her body looked like perfection and I had very little reason to believe it to be untrue. Lucky for me, I've grown far too cynical in this biz and had a hunch it was a fake.
Lucky for me, I've grown far too cynical in this biz and had a hunch it was a fake.
To be frank, I think you're probably just cynical enough.

And yes, i sometimes use flowery language in my reviews to make them a bit more interesting. But I do apologize to anyone who was offended by any remarks about my sexual proclivities that should never have found their way onto a good, wholesome, Christian, escort review board like this one. :beguiled:


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Line of the day goes to AO;

But I do apologize to anyone who was offended by any remarks about my sexual proclivities that should never have found their way onto a good, wholesome, Christian, escort review board like this one
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