Ashley Madison

Vibe Urban Spa



Is there evidence that they are treating customers like crap? How did we go from changing the pay structure and possibly creating a fourth room to mistreating customers?
Yes, I have received some info in confidence regarding customers being treated poorly. I agree that it would be best for all if they sort these problems out and get back to being a good option. I don't care if it is the new owner or if she sells it to someone with a better grasp of how to treat people. It's always a benefit to have as many GOOD options as possible, just right now I don't think Vibe is a good option IMO.


Sep 12, 2012
I for one have never had or is having issues with Vibe. The place is great. It's clean and discreet and I hadn't known that Kristie was the new owner, I'm not even sure I would have noticed the change in management. I've met a new girl there and I plan on visiting as often as I can.


New member
Mar 24, 2013
Completely agree, I was just speculating regarding profitability and I could be completely off track. I think the profitability of such a place, considering it is a relatively small operation, would largely depend on how much of the owner’s time is spent managing it. If a manager and/or receptionist need to be hired then that would have a big impact on the bottom line. Overall I was just trying to say (perhaps poorly) that I think it is natural for a new owner to effect change. And that change can be difficult and not everyone will agree with it. Much of the statements made in this thread are based on comments heard from others and as whiteman pointed out, there might be many versions of the truth out there. I will absolutely provide my first hand experience when I return for a visit. Just need to find the right girl! :)


New member
Jan 7, 2016
Interesting thread... I've been to Vibe a couple of times in the last month or two and have had great experiences with Adele and Naomi (based on recommendations from lurking on the board). So from a customer perspective it has been good for me, convenient, reasonable rates, and really good service. Hope they don't change it.


New member
May 7, 2012
Irina (the 4th departure) is now at ALO's Bliss location.
The "Bliss" location is very well done...very spacious and classy!

Vibe Spa

New member
Apr 3, 2016
With All Due Respect...

Please allow us to take this opportunity to thank everyone for continuing to support Vibe and please let us clarify a few points of recent discussion and concern here for the record:

Vibe has always had a graduated and fair fee schedule per shift, per attendant...Vibe does not believe that the same fee should apply to an attendant who only has 1 client, 2-4 clients, 5-8 clients or 9+ clients per day...these fees, which start a $10 (not $20 as mentioned), are a normal industry standard to minimally contribute to the benefits received from Vibe's exceptional advertising/promotional services, modern facilities/high-end supplies, freshly laundered towel service & first rate booking/reception services (Yes, the fee for 9+ clients/day recently went up minimally and we think this is what was initially being referred to by RG)...There has never been any other pay structure change, and there will not be any change in our pay structure...the same pay structure still exists as it has since Vibe's conception, which is the best in the city.

Vibe has always gone above and beyond industry standards with regards to our attendants and continues to do so ensuring that each and every attendant receives all the tools/training and maximum support possible to succeed with us. We have only ever strived to maintain extremely competitive rates for our clients, top notch service & the highest pay per session for our attendants...without attendants ever having to hustle for extras/tips in our rooms.

There are no plans nor have there ever been any plans to turn our existing three rooms into four smaller rooms...however, there are and always have been plans to expand in order to accommodate more girls per shift/per weekly schedule: At our client's and attendant's request over the past three years...these plans are not as heinous as insinuated however...our attendants consistently request more shifts than we are able to offer and several clients are turned away on a daily basis as we are currently unable to accommodate everyone wishing enjoy the services of our establishment...hardly the deviant schemes of a terrible new owner...simply a longtime desire for expansion being discussed openly now by the new owner...Let's Be Clear: Existing office and storage space are the targets of these ideas for expansion, not existing massage rooms. Vibe is not in the business of compromising our client's exceptional experience here.

Several misconceptions have understandably and regretfully resulted in our sudden change of ownership over the past two months...and funny thing is: No One Has Ever Bothered To Ask Us...!!

Since the new owner has taken over, yes indeed, two attendants have left Vibe (two left beforehand) and we collectively & sincerely wish them all the very best...Vibe continually maintains 10-12 Amazing Women For All Your Sensual Massage Pleasures, which is our maximum capacity at any given time. Due to fairness we employ our staff and schedule only as many girls as we have rooms for them to occupy.

As you are all very aware: This is a very transient business...attendants move from spa to spa from spa to independence and back again, from city to city and from this business to retirement and back again at the drop of a dime constantly and believe it or not, attendants are fired due to their own misconduct as well.

And please, A Word of Caution: We, at Vibe, have heard horrendous things about former employers from every attendant that has come to us from a different please remember to take what you hear with a grain of salt because the things we hear about other establishments and their owners/managers are unimaginable...we all must remember to exercise caution when repeating gossip that is probably extremely exaggerated, if not totally false and at the very least taken way out of context....again for the record we do not "cold call" anyone, ever...and we do not promote any kind of competition among attendants...that is ridiculous.

And Yes, some unpopular ideas have recently been PROPOSED that have been swiftly sorted out to everyone's satisfaction now...a recent former employee would not know any of this.

With all due respect, if you have personally had a bad experience at Vibe, please feel free to call us directly and let us know so that we may have the opportunity to be aware of the situation firsthand and correct the issue as well as offer our deepest condolences and provide you with some adequate reparation.

Vibe, as with any establishment's sudden transition in ownership (especially one of a long-time co-worker suddenly becoming an owner/"the boss"...which in reality should be highly commended & supported) has suffered some obvious rush to judgement, great misunderstanding, perhaps feelings of contempt and definitely feelings of uncertainty that have required much reassurance and comforting to appease on our end.

We truly value and respect all of our clients & every new idea or change that has been brought to the table has been met with careful consideration by us all as we collectively as a team discuss/amend and ultimately agree upon everything with the goal of everyone's happiness in mind, especially our client's.

We do appreciate any and all feedback but do hope that you respectfully judge us/reserve comment to actual facts...Please don't condemn us on gossip, rumours or misinformation. To be fair, accurate facts can only be obtained directly from us/existing clientele and existing Women of Vibe as we are, as always, ever improving to please you even better!

Again, we sincerely thank everyone for their support in advance & we look forward to your continued and perhaps even new patronage!

10 Gorgeous & Extremely Sexy Ladies Are Currently Here To Make You Smile!!

Come Feel The Good Vibes With Us!! ;)

Check Out Our Website & Take A Peek At All Of Our Attendants At:
Feb 19, 2004
Very professional response. I have always had a great experience at Vibe before and after the management transition. Great location, nice rooms and showers and of course sexy women. Yes, they come and go but that seems to happen to all the spas. I think I have seen Mandy, Claire, the original Gina and a few others at almost all the spas at one time or another.


Active member
Apr 30, 2015
Have admired Mia's pictures online but haven't taken the plunge yet. My go to would be Naomi as I had a fine massage last time. Now Jenni on radar too.


Active member
Apr 30, 2015
Thanks again Jason8. Went to see Jenni based on above and thought massage skills were very nice and she was pretty cute.


Jul 6, 2015
Kelsey is awesome. I have only seen her once but had a great time. The ending was different from any other ending i have had...all within MA limits.
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