First legal physican assisted death in Ontario - a big step in human dignity....


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Poor guy lots of pain, but you would think nowadays they have meds that take away all pain.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
On this we can agree,...once again,...keep religion out of government.


When I attended Church a little while ago, the parish priest re-iterated the local Cardinal's plea that doctors should not be forced to do this if it is against their conscious.

But I even question that line of reasoning.

After all, doctors will tell you about quality of life when you are confronted with a sick family member who's on life support (they did for my dad, I refused to not try and save him, since it was his first time in such a situation - I owe that at least to him WTF?).

So to me, that's bullshit that doctors can't handle this new law, when they are advising patient's or their families about considering 'quality of life'.

I mean, is there a huge difference between pulling the plug and injecting a needle for someone that is already gravely ill or suffering?

If we let religion control laws, then might as well say that Sharia law is okay too, etc. etc.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Doctor's are not "forced to do this". Never have been and never will. But this is the kind of slippery language that gets interjected into these discussions. Or that this is a "slippery slope" to kids having their elderly parents killed.

Look, if *I* want to end my life, WHO THE FUCK IS ANYONE TO TELL ME THAT I CAN NOT? It is MY life and so long as I don't hurt anyone in the process, it is not the government's nor any church's business to prevent me from doing so.

So now it comes to HOW can I end my life?

Shotgun? Slashing my wrists? Hanging myself in the garage or basement? All of which WILL traumatize the unfortunate person who discovers me. And the first responders that have to cut me down. This happened to someone I know recently and it was their 9 year old son who found daddy.

Jump off a bridge? I know two people who have been victims of bodies crashing through their windshields and have suffered permanent disfigurement as a exult.

Jump in front of a train? Ok, what about the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of therapy and time off work that the Engineer often needs to recover?

DIY drug cocktail? Sure, except if it doesn't work and you are left with brain injury and are now an expensive burden on society, your family and yourself.

So why can't I have a Medical Doctor assist me, at my request, to end my life with minimal risk to myself and others?


Active member
May 22, 2011
As long as the patient is coherent enough to know what's going on, then let him die peacefully at his wish.

What good does it do to prolong the life of someone whose messed up, feeling like shit all day due to disease, with no hopes of a cure?

To embarrass him?

To try to make it look like a Western country is "above all that" and can show off to the world they can keep people in induced comas for 30 years?

To help keep jobs? The more terminally ill patients sticking around for an extra 36 months, the more nurses and doctors to do the rounds?

Amazing how the government tries to "own you".


New member
Apr 14, 2002
Not sure where I come down on this one. On one hand I know I would not want to suffer. In fact even if I were simply confined to a hospital bed for the rest of my life, I would not want that. But when it comes to life, I am the eternal optimist. Against all medical opinion I would think some way somehow, things would get better. And while it does not happen often, it does happen.

The question is as a society, where do we draw the line for something like this? If we allow it for only the most dire of circumstances, do we allow it for someone that happens to be just a little depressed? I am not sure I buy the "my life I will do what I want with it argument", I think we all need to have one another's back when the it is needed the most.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Not sure where I come down on this one. On one hand I know I would not want to suffer. In fact even if I were simply confined to a hospital bed for the rest of my life, I would not want that. But when it comes to life, I am the eternal optimist. Against all medical opinion I would think some way somehow, things would get better. And while it does not happen often, it does happen.

The question is as a society, where do we draw the line for something like this? If we allow it for only the most dire of circumstances, do we allow it for someone that happens to be just a little depressed? I am not sure I buy the "my life I will do what I want with it argument", I think we all need to have one another's back when the it is needed the most.
It's going to be an eternal grey area. Everyone has an opinion and there are going to be a million variables and situations.

For me, as long as someone unrelated to me is in a grossly terminal and dire straits but is still coherent and knows what's going on, if he wants to end it, so be it. It's his life. I'm not his god, his parent, family member or guardian.

On the other hand, if 13 year old Susie is having boyfriend issues and suddenly wants to stab herself, that's different. Someone should jump in. She can be helped. But the terminally ill guy who's half dead cringing in pain with no cure and whose getting artificially kept alive with tubes extending his demise another week is someone who should discussed whether to end it.

However, for someone in a similar state, but not in a sane state, you shouldn't kill him off. He might be in a coma and can't respond, but since you don't know if he wants to live or die, you shouldn't just pull the plug.


Apr 23, 2014
As long as the patient is coherent enough to know what's going on, then let him die peacefully at his wish.

What good does it do to prolong the life of someone whose messed up, feeling like shit all day due to disease, with no hopes of a cure?

To embarrass him?

To try to make it look like a Western country is "above all that" and can show off to the world they can keep people in induced comas for 30 years?

To help keep jobs? The more terminally ill patients sticking around for an extra 36 months, the more nurses and doctors to do the rounds?

Amazing how the government tries to "own you".

Taxes, pharmaceutical$, doctor vi$it$ (OHIP.......................back to taxes).

My guess anyways, I could be wrong.


Active member
Oct 7, 2004
We "humanely" end the life of our pets when they are suffering ... I'm certainly glad to see this finally happening in our country, people really need to stop being so afraid of death.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
The final insult would be to be told that you have to die in pain while gasping for breath by some sniveling civil servant.


Dec 16, 2015
GTA - Toronto
Doctors would just have to be careful about who they do this for. Anyone suicidal can walk into a doctors office and claim they have been in pain for X amount of years and want to end their "suffering." Not to take away from the people who are actually suffering but it's just another aspect to look at.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
Doctors would just have to be careful about who they do this for. Anyone suicidal can walk into a doctors office and claim they have been in pain for X amount of years and want to end their "suffering." Not to take away from the people who are actually suffering but it's just another aspect to look at.
It's their choice.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Doesn't really matter. If he wants to die. Let him die. Who are we to judge. Let him fulfill his wish.

And fulfill his wish without hurting or traumatizing others who have to mop up his brains, cut his bloated body down or fish it out of the lake etc etc. Or worse, end up a vegetable because he/she took ineffective drugs to kill themselves but enough o cause brain or liver damage.

I hate to say it, but many people feel their lives really aren't worth living. They are tired and depressed and sad all day. Many things may have happened to cause them to get to the point. And every day, every hour is a struggle for them. They have no joy, love nor happiness in their lives and simply exist.

These people take their own lives every day. And often in the most gruesome ways that end up causing other people to then be traumatized due to the method they ended their lives.

Wouldn't it be better if someone could write and express their feelings of why they didn't ant to continue to live nd allow the conversation to happen with whomever would miss them? Rather than the family finding the guy hanging in the garage with no note and leaving so may people to suffer in the aftermath having wondered "why" and having a million questions haunt them for the rest of their lives?

MAYBE, being able to take away the blind, reflexive opposition to suicide, meaningful discussions could be had with there friends, family, anyone regarding their desire to end their lives would help to heal them in some way so that they may chose to live?

The way it is now, only the attention seekers talk about it and they seldom go through with it. The ones who are serious, don't tell anyone for her of being interfered with.

Complex arguments cn be made for centuries but the simple fact is, it is MY life. If I ant to end icon my terms it is not the government's role to interfere with my security of person. Even if my security of person involves me taking my own life.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Poor guy lots of pain, but you would think nowadays they have meds that take away all pain.
While there are many meds that can do this, the side effects on the individual can be such that, while they feel no pain, they can feel nothing, be disorientated or suffer from hallucinations. There can be a profound effect on ones quality of life, from engaging in conversation, to just being lucid enough to be tended to. A drugged out family member can be like visiting a living corpse, or worse, someone who has some form of dementia.
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