get an escort, you'll be paying the same price @ a SC and you'll get what you want out of it with an escortHi all,
Havn't been to any of the local Strip Clubs in a while. Can anyone recommend one (Pigales and Barefax are the only ones left open that ive been too). If you know of any that offer higher mileage can you pm please.
i go to all 3....SPs, MAs and SCs and they all serve their purpose. SC is more for having the opportunity to speak to a bunch of beautiful women and then choosing from them....and then the thrill of not quite knowing how far one will go.get an escort, you'll be paying the same price @ a SC and you'll get what you want out of it with an escort
i used to go to SC's all the time, and it wasn't really worth it, for the simple reason, if a lady approaches you or you go to them @ the SC, they will talk to you for a few minutes, and try to convince you to have a dance in the CR, if you decline, they leave, and move on to the next person.i go to all 3....SPs, MAs and SCs and they all serve their purpose. SC is more for having the opportunity to speak to a bunch of beautiful women and then choosing from them....and then the thrill of not quite knowing how far one will go.
well in my case anyways...i have had SCs that are great one night and i see her a month later and can't get her to do anything.
kind of wish Pigale's was open on Saturday/Sunday daytime. Anyone know which SC in Ottawa is best for daytime Saturday/Sunday?Try daytime it's less busy. My rule is one dance. You can usually tell if dancers are milking your wallet or milking your coinpurse after that.
BTW, am I the only one who thinks the rosy board has a bunch of schills commenting in the SC Discussion?
playmate has always been a dive to me, never busy, and if your lucky 1 or 2 hot women, rest are awefulTry the Playmate too, pretty decent mileage.