CBC report - Most Canadians don't think humans are the main cause of climate change


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
The story behind the story is quite funny on this one.

The CBC went into full panic mode today when researchers from Yale, the University of Montreal, and elsewhere concluded that most Canadians don't believe that human activity is the main cause of climate change.

The original story had a note saying the CBC was investigating it further. And now there's a note at the top explaining a new spin on the story.


But the fact remains that the researchers found only 44 per cent of Canadians believe that human activity is the main cause of climate change, while a majority don't believe that (in what old-time journos use to call "burying the lede," the most newsworthy stat can still be found eight paragraphs into the story).

It seems there's a lot of doubt about the IPCC/Al Gore crowd's claim that human emissions have been the dominant cause of warming since the mid-20th century.

In addition to the CBC's twists and turns, it's also pretty entertaining that one of the researchers has chalked up the results to Canadians' ignorance.

"I think it is partly because Canadians are less knowledgeable than one might think on the topic," said researcher Erick Lachapelle.


Of course, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that Canadians have become skeptical because the dire predictions made by climate researchers have been so consistently and spectacularly wrong.

Sniper Jr.

Sep 24, 2005
If I understand the article correctly, 44% of Canadians surveyed believe Earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activities, and another 17% believe Earth is getting warmer partly because of human activities. I don't know how you take from that that the majority don't think humans are the main cause of climate change.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
If I understand the article correctly, 44% of Canadians surveyed believe Earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activities, and another 17% believe Earth is getting warmer partly because of human activities. I don't know how you take from that that the majority don't think humans are the main cause of climate change.
Take a look at the numbers -- the additional 17% in the "partly" category think the warming is mostly due to something else (we know that because the numbers who answered "mostly" have been separated out.)

Thus, it's only 44% that think the dominant cause of warming is human activity. That means 56% don't think human activity is the dominant cause.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Dominant cause or not, the majority of Canadians believe humans are impacting climate change, and most of the dissidents are in areas that profit from fossil fuels. Not exactly unbiased. You don't shit where you eat.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Dominant cause or not, the majority of Canadians believe humans are impacting climate change, and most of the dissidents are in areas that profit from fossil fuels. Not exactly unbiased. You don't shit where you eat.

Climate warming chart torn apart..lol..

Check out this video on YouTube:


Climate warming chart absoutely torn apart.. This video show how they trick & lied & misled you . You can see what they did to the global warming chart!!

Pat&Stu took this graph from Obama's Science Adviser, Dr. Holdren, and completely blew it to pieces!


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Dominant cause or not, the majority of Canadians believe humans are impacting climate change, and most of the dissidents are in areas that profit from fossil fuels. Not exactly unbiased. You don't shit where you eat.
Well then, we can be the solution to climate change.

Both you rhuarc and glamphtographer need a good science lesson from K douglas also... please read his below quote!!

I'm shaking my head so hard right now you can blend paint colors in my mouth. Good grief. All this tells me is how stupid and gullible people who read skepticalscience.com really are. Let's begin with this lesson

Co2 is not a poison. Its a natural gas that is essential for human and plant life to exist.
Co2 represents 0.04% of the earth's atmosphere. Dry air is comprised of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the remaining 1% are trace gases - argon, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide, neon, helium. Water vapour ranges from 0.1% to 4.2% of the atmosphere, depending upon the temperature. On it's own it accounts for 60% of the greenhouse effect. 96% of co2 is naturally produced by oceans and plants. 4% is human produced through the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and other land use changes. Greenhouse gases are comprised of water vapour 95%, co2 4%, 1% methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, CFC's.

To summarize co2 is a trace gas in the atmosphere 400 ppm or 0.04%. 96% of it is naturally produced. And it represents 4% of all greenhouse gases. Yet the AGW proponents target it as being the primary culprit of climate change. Take 4% of 4% what do you get. That's right. Nothing. Nil. Zilch. And how much have we contributed in $ to help combat this bogeyman? How many economies do we need to collapse? How many more Al Gore's are we going to line the pockets of? And most importantly how many people in the developing world need to starve because we won't let them industrialize using fossil fuels?

PS. When global warming / aka climate change will be proven wrong and debunked people who supported this global warming theory like Al Gore,
President Omaba, Justin Trudeau, Kathlynn Wynnn, and all the other Global warming propenent of this theory should be held accountable in the court of law!!!

PPS. I knew this Global warming theory was in incorrect when they climate scientists start to rebrand global warming to climate change in order to sell it to the public. Ask yourself this question if Environment Canada or any goverment enviroment agency for weather forcasting or a not able to forcast the weather more then 50% accuracy within 3 week from now...HOW hell are they going to accurately forcast the climate 100 year from now?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Dominant cause or not, the majority of Canadians believe humans are impacting climate change, and most of the dissidents are in areas that profit from fossil fuels. Not exactly unbiased. You don't shit where you eat.
What if higher CO2 concentrations are actually good for plant growth?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Take a look at the numbers -- the additional 17% in the "partly" category think the warming is mostly due to something else (we know that because the numbers who answered "mostly" have been separated out.)

Thus, it's only 44% that think the dominant cause of warming is human activity. That means 56% don't think human activity is the dominant cause.
Oh here we go again, moviefan claiming he knows the results better then the researchers or the CBC.
From the article:
EDITOR'S NOTE: CBC has made changes to this story following clarification by the researchers. An earlier version said that a majority of Canadians surveyed didn't believe that climate change was caused by humans. In fact, the study found that 61 per cent of respondents believed the earth is getting warmer partly or mostly because of human activities.
I'm not totally sold on the numbers from that poll either, polls in the past have for the most part had higher numbers, such as this one.

Though its possible that Harper's attack on science may have changed public opinion slightly.

Also in the news today, ocean levels rising higher then any time in the last 2,800 years.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Both you rhuarc and glamphtographer need a good science lesson from K douglas also... please read his below quote!!
Co2 represents 0.04% of the earth's atmosphere.
This was covered in the other thread, which is mostly about moviefan cheating a bet.
From Skeptical science:
He wasn't driving drunk, he just had a trace of blood alcohol; 800 ppm (0.08%) is the limit in all 50 US states, and limits are lower in most other countries).

Don't worry about your iron deficiency, iron is only 4.4 ppm of your body's atoms (Sterner and Eiser, 2002).

Ireland isn't important; it's only 660 ppm (0.066%) of the world population.

That ibuprofen pill can't do you any good; it's only 3 ppm of your body weight (200 mg in 60 kg person).

The Earth is insignificant, it's only 3 ppm of the mass of the solar system.

Your children can drink that water, it only contains a trace of arsenic (0.01 ppm is the WHO and US EPA limit).

Ozone is only a trace gas: 0.1 ppm is the exposure limit established by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends an ozone limit of 0.051 ppm.

A few parts per million of ink can turn a bucket of water blue. The color is caused by the absorption of the yellow/red colors from sunlight, leaving the blue. Twice as much ink causes a much stronger color, even though the total amount is still only a trace relative to water.

The argument that CO2 is a trace gas and can't effect the climate is nonsense. Kdouglas' head may implode, thinking is hard for him, but if he doesn't believe in the greenhouse effect or the power of trace elements I suggest he wait until summer, take a few shots of cheap booze, drive his car and park in the sun with the windows closed. There he can prove to the police that trace elements can't effect a system while he roasts in his car. At the very least it may stop his temper tantrum.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
ROTFL! Two decades of propaganda, school indoctrination and they still can't pull it off. As Dubya would ask:"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Oh here we go again, moviefan claiming he knows the results better then the researchers or the CBC.
Try taking another look at the headline for the thread and the original post. The thread is about the number who said it is "mostly" caused by human activity, which came in at 44%.

The ones who said it is only "partly" caused by human activity -- and are attributing natural factors as the main cause -- are at odds with the IPCC and Al Gore.
Last edited:

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Most Canadians believe the weather man even though he gets it wrong and changes it from one day to the next. It's a reflection of our education system and people's inability to think. Does anybody remember acid rain ? Or in 1986 how Iran was going to have a nuclear bomb within a year ?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Try taking another look at the headline for the thread and the original post. The thread is about the number who said it is "mostly" caused by human activity, which came in at 44%.

The ones who said it is only "partly" caused by human activity -- and are attributing natural factors as the main cause -- are at odds with the IPCC and Al Gore.
In your mind.

From the article:
A study co-authored by University of Montreal researchers suggests that while 79 per cent of Canadians do not doubt the reality of climate change, 39 per cent don't believe it is caused by human activity.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hey Canada-man, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with those images. I'll assume you are trying to point out that there have been higher and more extreme temp/CO2 levels in prehistoric times.
That's very true, however, its also worth noting that those extremes are also noted as being mass extinctions as well, and the only ones as rapid as this one were possibly through massive volcanic activity or meteor crashes, leading to mass extinctions.

I also took a look at where those graphs came from. The first graph you posted comes from a site called iceagetheatre.ca, first paragraph on it claims this:
The New Ice Age before us might begin in 30 years with a 70% dimmer Sun. It poses enormous challenges for our civilization. The greatest of these is that we find the spiritual, scientific, and technological power to meet the coming Ice Age with a rich renaissance in culture, self-perception, creativity, and prosperity second to none.

That guy is a total kook:
All this means that electrodynamics determine our climate instead of mechanistic dynamics.
This means we need to relocate all agriculture from above the 40 degree latitudes into the tropics, to make use of the stronger solar exposure there, and put much of it afloat onto the oceans for the lack of available free land.
And he wants to power this move using aurora borealis.
There is enough energy in the aurora regions that is visible as a background luminance in the sky, even without the spectacular aurora events. Canada is ideally situated to tap into this energy belt that coincides with the polar electrojets
And he thinks lower output of the sun will then cause earthquakes.
As the solar system becomes electrically weaker, the solar mass ejections will increase, and with it the earthquakes that result from the Earth absorbing some of the ejected plasma mass that causes electric stress in the Earth's surface layers.
This guy is priceless, where do you find kooks like that?
Its really fricking hilarious, you should read his whole site. Wait, judging by your posts, you probably have.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Thus, it's only 44% that think the dominant cause of warming is human activity. That means 56% don't think human activity is the dominant cause.
Which cause came out ahead of human activity?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Climate warming chart absoutely torn apart.. This video show how they trick & lied & misled you . You can see what they did to the global warming chart!!
Yes, yes, I'm well aware that stats/charts can be presented in such a way to promote the author's POV. It's been done many times on both sides of the issue.

Both you rhuarc and glamphtographer need a good science lesson from K douglas also... please read his below quote!!
Actually, I'm well aware of the science. And yes, humans are responsible for relatively little of the greenhouse gas effect. But consider this: many systems have a delicate equilibrium. There are certainly chemicals in your body that would have dire effects for you if they increased by 4%. Fortunately, your body is very good at homeostasis. I believe the planet is as well. However, neither are omnipotent in this regard. And considering the stakes, we should at least be concerned about our contributions to the atmosphere.

Consider, if climate change proponents are wrong, then we created unnecessary financial hardship on our society. On the other hand, if climate change deniers are wrong, we may just annihilate our species and countless other species.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Toronto Escorts