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Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
"Originally Posted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Dogs, particularly husky dogs. If they were to escape and go feral they could destroy fauna and habitat.

Wow! I may be wrong (in fact, I hope that I'm wrong). But it appears to me that you are petty and thin-skinned.

The "Animal banned in Antarctica" question was in post #423. I correctly answered it in post #438. In #441, you give credit to Terb member 'Dr. Sanjay Gupta' as giving the correct answer.

A search of Terb records shows that 'Dr. Sanjay Gupta' does NOT exist as a member. You made this up. In fact, upon further research, you have a history of using a fictitious poster named "Dr. Sanjay Gupta" or "Sanjay Gupta" to passively-aggressively snipe at people whom you do not like and credit 'him' for answers that other people have correctly given.

Apparently, you also did the same thing to Northern Bear (a real member) in your 2015 Trivia thread:
in post #999:

also see posts #1491 & #1492.

Please prove me wrong. I would ask you to show me where in the mere 15 posts in between #423 & #438 'Dr. Sanjay Gupta' correctly answered this question. Show me any post in any threat on this board where 'Dr. Sanjay Gupta' is an actual member making an actual & original post (and not just quoted in one of your "Correct" answer posts). I would be more than happy to apologize if I'm wrong and look forward to doing so. Otherwise, you've exposed yourself in a not-to-endearing manner and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

My take is that you didn't appreciate the fact that your post regarding 'diarrhea was the greatest non-combat cause of death in the US Civil War' was proven as incorrect with my post #440 with a link to the correct answer vindicating another poster's prior answer of 'disease' was the one. Here's some advice - if you give only factually-correct answers to begin with, then no one would have to correct you and you wouldn't have to resort to making up fake Terb members to answer your questions to get back at them.
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Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001
I understood that the Secret Service was established to protect the currency from counterfeiting. Later its' duties were expanded. Hope I'm right.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I understood that the Secret Service was established to protect the currency from counterfeiting. Later its' duties were expanded. Hope I'm right.

Lincoln signed a bill to inaugurate the Secret Service on the day he was assassinated. The mandate of the Secret Service was to catch counterfeiters. The duty of protecting the President only came years later.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Sir Charles Barry, who also designed our Houses of Parliament, borrowed the radial design of the prison from the penitentiary in Philadelphia,

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

The last meal for the condemned prisoner dates back to the 13 th. century at the Tower London. The last meal was provided to the prisoner by the executioner as an apology for what he was about to do to him.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
the plastic pieces, buttstock, handgrip and foregrip, in the M-16 rifle were made by Mattel.

Stock on grips of the M-16 on early m-16 military assault rifles were made by Mattel, in later versions the name was removed to inspire confidence in the product.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Protection from aliens or bears depending on where they land :p

Russian cosmonauts when returning to earth would not splash down in the ocean, they preferred to land on ground in Siberia. The guns were in case there was a bear near by the landing site
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