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Elon Musk... What a Baby!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Some people should learn to suck it up!

Elon Musk personally cancels blogger's Tesla order after 'rude' post.

A Californian venture capitalist had his Tesla Motors Model X order cancelled after he wrote about a badly run launch event.

Unimaginable wealth has brought Elon Musk a lot of benefits, from being able to build a private spaceflight company to planning a magnet-powered vacuum tube supersonic transport system between LA and San Francisco – and be taken seriously. But perhaps the best perk of being Elon Musk is the ability to be unbelievably petty.

The Californian venture capitalist Stewart Alsop learned that to his cost, he says, after he wrote an open letter to Musk about the badly run launch event for the Tesla Motors Model X (the newest car from Musk’s electric vehicle startup).

Headlined “Dear @ElonMusk: you should be ashamed of yourself”, the letter listed Alsop’s issues with the event: it started late, it focused too much on safety, and it was so packed that even people like Alsop, who had placed a $5,000 deposit on the car (which was originally supposed to ship in 2013, but had only delivered 208 cars by the end of 2015), didn’t get the chance to test drive it.

Alsop concluded that “it would still be nice if you showed some class and apologised to the people who believe in this product”.

Instead, Alsop says, Musk cancelled his pre-order.

In a follow-up post, “Banned By Tesla!”, Alsop relayed his phone conversation with Musk: “I also hear that you are not comfortable having me own a Tesla car and have cancelled my order for a Tesla Model X.”

He added “I must also admit that I am a little taken aback to be banned by Tesla. When I wrote a blog post about my BMW X1 called ‘My Car Makes Me Feel Stoopid’, the CEO of BMW didn’t take the car back.”

Musk, for his part, tweeted to indicate that he doesn’t understand what the fuss is about: "Must be a slow news day if denying service to a super rude customer gets this much attention".


New member
Sep 28, 2015
@GB27 I like your GIF but you need to understand Musk has FU money so if you don't like him FU. Get it?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
WTG for Elon. He does not need to be a people pleaser, and say and do the politically correct thing to have respect, be successful and change the world. This guy is being disrespectful and trolling so why would Elon feel bad for canceling his order and why should we give this troll sympathy. Give it to someone who will appreciate the technology and for what the company stands. We are so spoiled in the western society and Musks companies are changing the world for the better. These barriers trolls and the ones who hold back progress, innovation and inspiration need to be paved over. People feel so self centered now days and entitled.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Fuck him and his $4.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies. The many companies run by Elon Musk are excellent case studies in cronyism.

Another billionaire scumbag making self serving deals at our expense.

There have been multiple articles recently on SpaceX purchasing $165 million of SolarCity bonds. Elon Musk owns more than 20 million shares, which is 20 percent of SolarCity. Musk will personally benefit substantially if the SpaceX purchase brings other investors to SolarCity.

It is unusual for a company to utilize cash to invest in the debt of a higher risk company, because it is not a good business decision. It may be good for one man, Musk, but it is not a smart investment for everybody else.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Crony Capitalism Pays Big For Democratic Donor Elon Musk

Our friends at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) recently criticized tech entrepreneur Elon Musk for defending his taxpayer-subsidized businesses of SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity. In response to a Los Angeles Times article noting Musk’s $4.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies, Musk defended his subsidies to CNBC when he noted that, "none of the incentives are necessary, but they are all helpful."

The continued subsidies of SolarCity, TPA believes, is nothing more than corporate welfare to a failing technology. In a report released in February, TPA noted that, “American taxpayers spent an average of $39 billion a year over the past 5 years financing grants, subsidizing tax credits, guaranteeing loans, bailing out failed solar energy boondoggles.” According to one estimate by the Los Angeles Times, state and federal subsidies to SolarCity have eclipsed the $1.5 billion mark. Meanwhile, less than one percent of the electricity used by Americans comes from solar energy sources.

Another report released by TPA in April details SolarCity’s financial House of Cards, “SolarCity reported a net loss of $141 million for the 4th quarter of 2014, despite a 52 percent increase in revenue, strong demand, and clear dominance in the rooftop solar market."

But SolarCity isn’t Musk’s only corporate welfare gig.

Less than a year ago the Washington Free Beacon reported on another Musk corporate welfare enterprise – this one subsidized by the state of Texas no less.

In his revealing article “Political Clout Pays Off Big for Elon Musk’s SpaceX” the Free Beacon’s Lachlan Markay detailed how Musk used a sophisticated influence operation to secure more than $15 million in public financing to build a launch pad in Cameron County, Texas, near the Mexican border.

The subsidies came after the billionaire tech mogul and pop technologist made campaign contributions to key state lawmakers and hired lobbyists with ties to Austin.

As Texas looked to secure its place as a destination for commercial spaceflight operations Musk took notice.

A prolific political donor, especially, but not exclusively to Democrats, he began pouring money into the campaigns of key state lawmakers. On November 7, 2012, he donated $1,000 to state representative Rene Oliveira (D). Two weeks later, he gave state senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (D) $2,000.

The next month, the Associated Press reported that Lucio and Oliveira were working to secure state backing for a potential SpaceX launch pad in Brownsville.

As Lachlan Markay detailed in his article for the Washington Free Beacon this is how it all came about:

The incentives were contingent on the company actually selecting the Brownsville location. “The rider tells SpaceX that the money is waiting for you but you can’t touch any of it until you commit to set up your program here,” Lucio explained.

He later complained that few of his colleagues on the state senate’s Finance Committee helped him shepherd the rider into an annual budget bill. But one colleague who did aid the effort was the committee’s chairman, state senator Tommy Williams (R), Lucio said.

Just months earlier, Musk had donated $2,000 to Williams’ campaign.

He also donated $1,000 to state representative Jim Pitts in December 2012. Pitts chairs Texas’ House Appropriations Committee. He and his then-chief of staff, Aaron Gregg, visited a SpaceX facility in January 2013, as Oliveira pushed financing that would eventually make it into his budget rider.

On January 25, SpaceX lobbyist Demetrius McDaniel reported spending $1,000 on food and drink for Pitts and Gregg at five Los Angeles restaurants, and another $500 on “entertainment” at the Staples Center.

The Lakers beat the Utah Jazz in a home game on that date.

Lauren Dreyer, an in-house SpaceX lobbyist, paid another $464 in entertainment expenses for Pitts and Gregg’s Staples Center visit. She footed $98 in food expenses on January 25 at two of the same restaurants listed in McDaniel’s expense report, and another $200 for Pitts and Gregg at the SpaceX Restaurant in Hawthorne, CA.

The following night, Dryer took the two to Hollywood’s swanky Greystone Manor nightclub. Over the next two days she bought another two meals for each of them, then gave them each a package of SpaceX swag, including “t-shirt, track jacket, iPhone case, mission patch, rocket pen, baseball hat, and keychain flashlight/pointer.”

The lobbyists’ work paid off. Pitts “was very helpful in obtaining the commitment to spend $15 million,” Oliveira would later tell Bloomberg.

McDaniel and Dreyer were two of six in-house and external lobbyists employed by SpaceX in 2012 and 2013. The company paid between $200,000 and $445,000 for their services, according to the Texas Ethics Commission.

SpaceX’s long running government relations efforts in Austin secured them more than just financial incentives. Oliveira also authored legislation to close a public beach in Brownsville for hours at a time in order to permit SpaceX launches there. Lucio wrote its Senate companion bill.

The eventual law was considered a crucial step in attracting SpaceX to south Texas.

In addition to the $13 million SpaceX will get from the spaceport trust fund, noted Markey, it will not have to pay Cameron County taxes for 10 years, saving the company an estimated $2 million.

Even with its lobbying expenses and Musk’s campaign contributions, SpaceX will enjoy more than a 3,000 percent return on its investment in Texas’ political process if it decides to build its new launch facilities in Brownsville – not bad in an environment where beating a 6% rate of return is considered very difficult for the average small business.

“If Musk is correct and the incentives aren’t necessary, he should then give up those handouts and survive based upon private investment rather than taxpayer subsidies,” said TPA President David Williams of the Musk federal solar subsidies. “Subsidies to the solar industry are a waste of money and need to be stopped immediately.” The same could be said in our opinion for the rest of the subsidies in Elon Musk’s crony government-fed portfolio.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
Look knuckles, the idea is to get in on the action and make money. Get with the program. Check out $AXN for example and WTFU.

Fuck him and his $4.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies. The many companies run by Elon Musk are excellent case studies in cronyism.

Another billionaire scumbag making self serving deals at our expense.

There have been multiple articles recently on SpaceX purchasing $165 million of SolarCity bonds. Elon Musk owns more than 20 million shares, which is 20 percent of SolarCity. Musk will personally benefit substantially if the SpaceX purchase brings other investors to SolarCity.

It is unusual for a company to utilize cash to invest in the debt of a higher risk company, because it is not a good business decision. It may be good for one man, Musk, but it is not a smart investment for everybody else.


New member
Sep 28, 2015

i think that when there are so many other people waiting for their tesla why should this asshole who had nothing but complaints think they he is somehow special and deserves to be catered to? He only put down a deposit, like many other people. Bmws are available in much larger quantity, and no one is going to take a car purchased away from someone. But companies really shouldn't feel the need to be pc and be bullied by loud mouths on social media and cave to it. Either way the guy would have likely trashed the company and the car on his blog because of the delays, so i doubt it's much loss to them or elon. So no i don't think elon was being a baby, probably wants to focus on the other customers because he can't make this guy happy anyway.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
WTG for Elon. He does not need to be a people pleaser, and say and do the politically correct thing to have respect, be successful and change the world. This guy is being disrespectful and trolling so why would Elon feel bad for canceling his order and why should we give this troll sympathy. Give it to someone who will appreciate the technology and for what the company stands. We are so spoiled in the western society and Musks companies are changing the world for the better.
Did you even read the article? I would assume Alsop, as you say "appreciates the technology" as he intends on buying a Tesla. The guy plunked down a $5,000 deposit on a vehicle that was supposed to be delivered 3 years ago but is still waiting for it. He goes to an event which he feels was poorly run and writes a letter complaining about the experience. I'd say the guy has every right to complain. But for one letter, Musk cancels his order?

Imagine if every company had such thin skin that they'd cancel a customer's order or refuse to repair a product because a person wrote something negative on Facebook or twitter? Is that how you would like to be treated?

These barriers trolls and the ones who hold back progress, innovation and inspiration need to be paved over. People feel so self centered now days and entitled.
A guy who pays $5,000 to pre-orders a Tesla then waits 3 years beyond the delivery date can hardly be accused as a barrier troll or holding back innovation.

It's Musk who's the self centered one!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I think that when there are so many other people waiting for their TESLA why should this asshole who had nothing but complaints think they he is somehow special and deserves to be catered to? He only put down a deposit, like many other people.
There's so many people waiting for Tesla's because they're 3 years behind schedule. He then goes to an event which was over crowded, starts late and he doesn't get a chance to drive a car he put a deposit on. I'd be pissed too. But gets banned for voicing his opinion?

Certainly a new level of "customer service" and a bad PR move in my opinion.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Did you even read the article? I would assume Alsop, as you say "appreciates the technology" as he intends on buying a Tesla. The guy plunked down a $5,000 deposit on a vehicle that was supposed to be delivered 3 years ago but is still waiting for it. He goes to an event which he feels was poorly run and writes a letter complaining about the experience. I'd say the guy has every right to complain. But for one letter, Musk cancels his order?

Imagine if every company had such thin skin that they'd cancel a customer's order or refuse to repair a product because a person wrote something negative on Facebook or twitter? Is that how you would like to be treated?

A guy who pays $5,000 to pre-orders a Tesla then waits 3 years beyond the delivery date can hardly be accused as a barrier troll or holding back innovation.

It's Musk who's the self centered one!
I don't think so.

Just because you dish out $5k or $500k and drive car with high quality engineering does not mean you or they can or do appreciate it or even comprehend the complexities behind it. Majority of Musks time is spend behind engineering and small percentage of his time is spent on PR and business. He is highly focused on quality and if that means delays then so be it.

BTW planning to buy a product that is in extremely high demand vs. owning a product are two different things. Tesla provides the best quality to its customer. This guy who complained does not own the car.

Read the guys message and hidden meaning. He seems like an unstable impatient self centerd and entitled person who thinks he is entitled to be heard when thousands of others would love to have an opportunity to even attend this event even it ment waiting for it let alone to purchase the car.

Tesla does not have time and should not waste any energies on negative nancies just looking for an opportunity to be heard and their feelings restored. Good thing we have companies like Tesla with a clear vision that are changing the world for the better and uprooting these ancient technologies and ways of doing business and are imune to the plague of this negative mindset that cripples innovation. This scares a lot of people. Right now they are unstoppable, unless the start playing the PR PC bullshit and start releasing sub par product or worse allow people to stagnant their progress and control their direction.

They have an army of supporters who appreciate their vision, their engineering and their product who are silently waiting for the products. If these little sensitive troll flake types don't like it stay away simple as pie. Teslas product is in such high demand that it will not even leave a scratch.

Good on Musk for not being "What a baby" to allow himself to be trolled by this weak and pathetic loser in fear of a PR. I call that respectable and the right way to do business.


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Two rich guys comparing penis sizes.


Apr 23, 2014
Did you even read the article? I would assume Alsop, as you say "appreciates the technology" as he intends on buying a Tesla. The guy plunked down a $5,000 deposit on a vehicle that was supposed to be delivered 3 years ago but is still waiting for it. He goes to an event which he feels was poorly run and writes a letter complaining about the experience. I'd say the guy has every right to complain. But for one letter, Musk cancels his order?

Imagine if every company had such thin skin that they'd cancel a customer's order or refuse to repair a product because a person wrote something negative on Facebook or twitter? Is that how you would like to be treated?

A guy who pays $5,000 to pre-orders a Tesla then waits 3 years beyond the delivery date can hardly be accused as a barrier troll or holding back innovation.

It's Musk who's the self centered one!

I agree Game, Elon's feelings are a bit hurt though. lol


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Some people should learn to suck it up!
Californian venture capitalist Stewart Alsop wrote an open letter to Musk about the badly run launch event for the Tesla Motors Model X (the newest car from Musk’s electric vehicle startup).

Headlined “Dear @ElonMusk: you should be ashamed of yourself”, .....Alsop concluded that “it would still be nice if you showed some class and apologised to the people who believe in this product”.

He complains in an open letter suggesting Elon Musk lacks class and needs to apologise ... why an open letter ? He goes out of his way to humiliate Musk and now he feels hurt his order is cancelled ? He could have written a private letter but he is only happy mouthing off.

Great decision - I would have done the same. People are waiting for the car - why give the loudmouth a car? If there is a minor glitch with his car, I'm sure it would have been described in an open letter. Smart decision.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Did you even read the article? I would assume Alsop, as you say "appreciates the technology" as he intends on buying a Tesla. The guy plunked down a $5,000 deposit on a vehicle that was supposed to be delivered 3 years ago but is still waiting for it. He goes to an event which he feels was poorly run and writes a letter complaining about the experience. I'd say the guy has every right to complain. But for one letter, Musk cancels his order?

Imagine if every company had such thin skin that they'd cancel a customer's order or refuse to repair a product because a person wrote something negative on Facebook or twitter? Is that how you would like to be treated?

A guy who pays $5,000 to pre-orders a Tesla then waits 3 years beyond the delivery date can hardly be accused as a barrier troll or holding back innovation.

It's Musk who's the self centered one!
He did not write letter, he wrote an open letter, ie slammed Tesla and it was pretty bitchy. 5K deposit, that does not earn you the right to be so rude and humiliating. I woulda reacted much worse. I would have done a big event to deliver this guys car early, press all there to film it. and then smashed it before the MOFOs eyes lol. :cool:

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
It's one thing for Mr. Complainer to have a legitimate complaint which he could've sent directly to Elon and the Tesla people. But by publishing it to an audience on his blog, he purposely embarrassed and humiliated Elon & Tesla with his diatribe. And for Elon, that's where Mr. Complainer crossed the line (in his opinion) and responded in kind.

Perhaps if Mr. Complainer sent his letter directly only to Elon, he may have gotten a mea culpa response and perhaps even an apology. But by embarrassing Elon, what would you expect a guy with FU money to do?


Apr 23, 2014
He did not write letter, he wrote an open letter, ie slammed Tesla and it was pretty bitchy. 5K deposit, that does not earn you the right to be so rude and humiliating. I woulda reacted much worse. I would have done a big event to deliver this guys car early, press all there to film it. and then smashed it before the MOFOs eyes lol. :cool:
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