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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009

The Japanese did attack the US mainland. A Japanese pilot who attacked a town in Oregon during WWII returned years later to present his family's 400-year-old sword as a symbol of regret.

This was already correctly answered in post #120 way back on page 5 and not 'unanswered' as per your post #348 above.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Ballot is an Italian word for "small ball or pebble." Italian citizens once voted by casting a small pebble or ball into one of several boxes.


Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001
Navy subs do not go much lower than 200-300 feet most of the time. Depending on vintage. Canada has used Brit diesel subs, the Americans have nuclear subs that can go a dive a little lower.
I'm not sure what your source is for this. Max depths for submarines is a highly classified secret. It has been estimated that the test depth for a Seawolf class sub is 1,600 feet and the estimated crush depth is about 2,400 feet. Subs are taken to their test depth during sea trials.

Going really deep allows them to travel at high speed without much cavitation of the propeller. The greater pressure suppresses bubble formation. Cavitation is very noisy and allows the sub to be detected.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I'm not sure what your source is for this. Max depths for submarines is a highly classified secret. Being that maximum depths are kept a secret, it would be prudent to assume that what is published may not be accurate. It has been estimated that the test depth for a Seawolf class sub is 1,600 feet and the estimated crush depth is about 2,400 feet. Subs are taken to their test depth during sea trials.[/URL]
The vast majority of the time, subs cruise in the 200-300 ft. range. Especially true with the used Brit diesel subs that Canada has. A sub never goes lower than it has to. Going to test depth very rare in the life of a submarine. Crush depth is estimated.

At any rate, many more penguins go to 1,850 ft. and more often than subs do.

Quote From National Geographic article below
At sea, emperor penguins can dive to 1,850 feet (565 meters)
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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
got to be false

There have been 12 people born in the Antarctic for the purpose of asserting sovereignty over territory. Usually because of the lac of medical facilities some expedition will have severe restrictions on members going to the Antarctic. Some will require that people that go on these expeditions must have had their wisdom teeth and appendixes removes previously. Pregnant women will most likely be disqualified from going on expeditions to the Antarctic because of lac of medical facilities and sometimes these expeditions are cut off from regular transport runs due to severe prolonged winter conditions.

There is a case of a medical doctor that developed cancer and extraordinary lengths had to be taken to airlift her out of Antarctica.


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
German tourists to North America probably thought they were cute and arranged for babies to be brought into the country. Once they grew, out the door and into the woods.

The Nazi's brought them over in the early 30s for tyhe purpose of blasting the critters. After WW I hunting was a popular past time in Germany. The Nazi's imported hundreds of American racoons over so the would have game to shoot.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts