The End is Near


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Yep,... that does pretty much does capture him,,...the boy has zero credibility,...and,... his word is utterly worthless.
I find that amusing.
On what basis do you make that claim?
Reading posts #99 and #100 above, it is clear that Crybaby Frankfooter is welching on his commitment and won't be reviewing the two books I selected, as per the terms of the bet.

As FAST said, "his word is utterly worthless."


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Reading posts #99 and #100 above, it is clear that Crybaby Frankfooter is welching on his commitment and won't be reviewing the two books I selected, as per the terms of the bet.

As FAST said, "his word is utterly worthless."
My word is good, I am honouring the bet as we made it.
The bet is incredibly simple, click on the link and read the number.

So in order to win the bet, all the temperature has to do is hit 0.83ºC anomaly for the year of 2015, correct?

If that's the chart you're saying will hit 0.83 at the end of 2015, we definitely have a bet.
Click on the link above.
It now reads 0.87ºC.

Moviefan lost the bet.
As loser he must buy these two books, read them and review them here:

Its time to stop acting like a weasel.
Keep your word.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Five stages of denial

I’ve been reading a bit about denialism, in the context of the epic and ridiculous climate change bet threads that have taken way too much space on this board (yes, this is another one and yes, I am guilty of keeping it alive, but hopefully this one will be the end of it). Wik, for instance has a good page on denialism where they talk about AIDS deniers, climate change deniers, Holocaust deniers and evolution deniers and the similar tactics they use to justify their denials in the face of reality.

So its time to analyze the stages of denialism, as shown through the climate change bet threads.

First, the bet was a very simple bet, a bet on whether NASA’s global anomaly for 2015 would be 0.83ºC.

May 11, 2015
So in order to win the bet, all the temperature has to do is hit 0.83ºC anomaly for the year of 2015, correct?

If that's the chart you're saying will hit 0.83 at the end of 2015, we definitely have a bet.
What could possibly go wrong?

Stage 1 - The Conspiracy Theory

June 17, 2015
Moviefan learns that the year is an El Nino year, starts worrying, then learns that NASA has updated their charts, something they do quite regularly, this time it works in my favour but as NASA notes in the FAQ, it happens and sometimes temps go up and sometimes down.
Does data processing make temperature data warmer?
It can go either way. Almost half of NOAA's corrected data are cooler than the original records. NOAA's corrections of temperatures over the oceans —**done to compensate for changes in methods of observing the temperature of water at the surface of the ocean —**reduced the warming trend in global temperature.
Moviefan then accuses NASA and NOAA of fraud, runs the numbers through the rigorous denier math model and tries to have the bet changed to 0.86ºC instead of the agreed upon 0.83ºC.
Sorry, but Enron-style accounting doesn't qualify as an actual temperature increase.
The adjusted bet is 0.86 degrees Celsius. Take it or leave it.

You have until the end of Sunday to decide whether or not you are taking the adjusted bet.
Stage 2 - temporary acceptance

June 17, 2015
Moviefan is accused of trying to weasel out of the agreed bet by changing the terms, finally agrees to continue the bet on its original terms.
In any event, it's settled. The bet that you and I made on May 10, 2015, stands.
Stage 3 - NASA’s numbers hit 0.84ºC, Moviefan breaks his word.

Dec 20, 2015
NASA’s published numbers hit 0.84ºC for year, movefan comes up with a super convoluted attempt to go back on his word that he would honour the bet as it stood.

He tries to argue that instead of using the live and continually updated chart we bet on, we should use only the first 5 months of the year and only use old numbers he copied from some denier site. This is his first attempt to break his word. He tried to cherry pick only old data that only included half of the year.

Stage 4 - False Experts

Dec 22, 2015
Moviefan refers to a TERB poll to decide whether whether he won the bet. The bet was based off NASA’s published 2015 global anomaly, taking a poll is irrelevant as a final decision is irrelevant when you can just click on the link to the chart that Moviefan chose and read the number NASA published. This was his second attempt to break his word that he would honour the terms of the original bet.

Stage 5 - Moving the Goal Posts

Jan 23, 2016
NASA comes out with the final number for 2015, 0.87ºC. Moviefan runs the numbers through his denier math filter and comes out with a third different number, 0.89. This time he gets his new numbers by moving the goal posts. He took a bet on the change between 1995-2015 and argued that the final number should also include his interpretation of 2014’s numbers as well. This is moviefan’s third attempt to break his promise to honour the bet, and his third attempt at the math with his third different number.


Mar 12, 2004
Is there some way we can have ALL of footer's posts for EVERY thread, automatically moved to one thread,...title to be determined by a poll.



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
My word is good, I am honouring the bet as we made it.
Cybaby Frankfooter lost the bet:

Since he now claims his "word is good," here are the two books he is to review.

- Climate Change: The Facts, edited by Alan Moran
- A Disgrace to the Profession, by Mark Steyn

The test to determine whether his "word is good" or whether it is "utterly worthless" will be whether or not he posts the reviews, as he promised to do.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Stage 3 - NASA’s numbers hit 0.84ºC, Moviefan breaks his word.

Dec 20, 2015
NASA’s published numbers hit 0.84ºC for year, movefan comes up with a super convoluted attempt to go back on his word that he would honour the bet as it stood.

He tries to argue that instead of using the live and continually updated chart we bet on, we should use only the first 5 months of the year and only use old numbers he copied from some denier site. This is his first attempt to break his word. He tried to cherry pick only old data that only included half of the year.

Stage 4 - False Experts

Dec 22, 2015
Moviefan refers to a TERB poll to decide whether whether he won the bet. The bet was based off NASA’s published 2015 global anomaly, taking a poll is irrelevant as a final decision is irrelevant when you can just click on the link to the chart that Moviefan chose and read the number NASA published. This was his second attempt to break his word that he would honour the terms of the original bet.
A poll on whether 0.87 is higher then 0.83 is ridiculous.

Stage 5 - Moving the Goal Posts

Jan 23, 2016
NASA comes out with the final number for 2015, 0.87ºC. Moviefan runs the numbers through his denier math filter and comes out with a third different number, 0.89. This time he gets his new numbers by moving the goal posts. He took a bet on the change between 1995-2015 and argued that the final number should also include his interpretation of 2014’s numbers as well. This is moviefan’s third attempt to break his promise to honour the bet, and his third attempt at the math with his third different number.
As noted, trying to claim the bet needs 'adjusting' or 'pre-adjusting' means you are trying to weasel out of keeping your word.

Since he now claims his "word is good," here are the two books he is to review.
My word is good, remember this was the bet:
So in order to win the bet, all the temperature has to do is hit 0.83ºC anomaly for the year of 2015, correct?

If that's the chart you're saying will hit 0.83 at the end of 2015, we definitely have a bet.
Click on the link above.
It now reads 0.87ºC.

Moviefan lost the bet.
As loser he must buy these two books, read them and review them here:


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2011

You have ruined this interesting and fun thread with your continual pissing match with moviefan. Damn you.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Let's review the full record.

- Frankfooter (who was posting as Groggy at the time) had a temper tantrum in 2014 after he lost the first bet about whether I could name three climate researchers at publicly funded universities who don't support the IPCC.

- In May 2015, he welched on the second bet about the IPCC's 2007 predictions because he knew he was going to lose.

- Most recently, he welched on the bet we made about the 2015 temperature anomaly after he lost. Even worse, he has spent more than a month crying about it on countless threads.

The record we are discussing here is how you lost the bet yet refuse to honour your word and pay up.
Did anyone else happen to notice that the crybaby who says his "word is good" doesn't even dispute that he welched on the first two bets.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011

You have ruined this interesting and fun thread with your continual pissing match with moviefan. Damn you.
Gore's views are entirely laughable -- but I suppose we should at least acknowledge his ability to get rich by exploiting the gullible.

Crybaby Frankfooter's views are equally laughable, yet he remains stuck in Mommy's basement.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

You have ruined this interesting and fun thread with your continual pissing match with moviefan. Damn you.
It must be really disappointing to be continually shown to be wrong.
But if you want it to end all you need to do is convince moviefan that 0.87ºC is higher then 0.83ºC.
That's an easy task for most people, but with deniers you never know....


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Did anyone else happen to notice that the crybaby who says his "word is good" doesn't even dispute that he welched on the first two bets.
I note that you've totally run out of arguments and now have to keep trying change the subject.

Amazing how hard you have to twist your little head to keep denying that NASA published 0.87ºC as the 2015 global anomaly, and that you bet it wouldn't hit 0.83ºC.
You take a bet that should have been incredibly simple and work so hard to avoid admitting you are wrong.
Now that's sad.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
On January 27, 2006, Senator Al Gore announced that, unless we spend all of our assets to combat Global Warming and of course, to line his greedy pockets, the world would end in ten years.
I don't even have to do any research to guarantee that's not actually what he said, which means you're either deliberately misrepresenting him or you are simply ignorant. I'm guessing that what he actually said was that if we didn't act in ten years, the world would eventually succumb to the effects of global warming.

He may still be wrong, but don't act like a dimwit and expect us to buy into it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't even have to do any research to guarantee that's not actually what he said, which means you're either deliberately misrepresenting him or you are simply ignorant. I'm guessing that what he actually said was that if we didn't act in ten years, the world would eventually succumb to the effects of global warming.

He may still be wrong, but don't act like a dimwit and expect us to buy into it.
FAST tried to pull a similar stunt, claimed he was quoting Gore, wouldn't provide a source. The real quotes did not say what he claimed.
Its a pattern here, moviefan was also caught lying about the results of a couple of studies he quoted.


Mar 12, 2004
FAST tried to pull a similar stunt, claimed he was quoting Gore, wouldn't provide a source. The real quotes did not say what he claimed.
I did provide the source,...of his exact words,...keep up with the lies,...your reputation will always proceed you,...and that, NOT a good thing.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I did provide the source,...of his exact words,...keep up with the lies,...your reputation will always proceed you,...and that, NOT a good thing.


You provided two partial sentences, claimed Gore said one thing, wouldn't provide a source. I found a source and lo and behold it didn't say what you claimed it did.
Seems your credibility is about as high as moviefan's.


Mar 12, 2004

You provided two partial sentences, claimed Gore said one thing, wouldn't provide a source. I found a source and lo and behold it didn't say what you claimed it did.
Seems your credibility is about as high as moviefan's.
So whats that,...a new record for ya,...two sentences,...and two lies,...won't have believed it,...but you are actually getting better at something.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So whats that,...a new record for ya,...two sentences,...and two lies,...won't have believed it,...but you are actually getting better at something.

Yes, you posted two sentences and then lied about what the full sentences stated. You claimed that Gore himself predicted the end of Arctic ice, when Gore was only mentioning that two studies thought it was possible. Big difference.
As discussed here:


Mar 12, 2004


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Including the subject lie,...FAT AL also stated,...among numerous other lies,...that "the Arctic would be free of ice by 2014",..."polar bears would cease to exist",...but the population has actually increased,..."the increase in severe weather",...which is actually,... down, could write a book, it,..."How to make money in Climate Gate"

How many lies does it take to convince you,... that the spokesmen for the Climate Gate clubs is a perfect example of how they sustain their existence.

No,...that is NOT what he said, ...he said exactly what I quoted.

And when footer comes up out of his mothers basement,...I will provide the VERY credible source.

I do sorta agree with you about who should be making statements as these,...considering he was NOT a politician at the time,...but a business man.
And climate gate was his business.

I appreciate the fact that you managed two typos in naming the Nobel awards, up to your usual standards of excellence I see.

That's how you quote and include a source, its really not that hard. Well not for most people....

Anyways, that quote doesn't say what you claimed, Gore says two studies suggested those times for summer Arctic ice, which is an entirely different thing from saying that Gore himself predicted the end of Arctic ice. That may be too subtle a difference for you, I'm afraid.

Well done,...three sentences and three lies this time,...still getting better,...congrats.

There you go.
From most people I'd expect an apology, but you deniers just keep denying, don't you?


Mar 12, 2004
footer,...come up from your mothers basement,...

My response to your request for a source,...
The source is the Noble Prize organization's transcript of Fat Al's Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 2007,...I know,...sounds kind of ridiculous,...maybe it was for the most lies stated in 15 minutes.

And your useless reply to that post,...
Still no source?
Why am I not surprised.
If you don't even know what a "source" means, have no business on this thread,...or any other thread that involves adult debating, your done,...until you grow up.

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