JAMES,...what you are saying is absolutely true,...and makes total sense,....but your NEVER going to get any thing but the same blinkered response,...including from the religious apologists here.The only problem with that, or I should say just one of the many problems, is that if a child is not taught (or brainwashed, whatever you want to call it) about Jesus and Christianity, he would never know about it. A kid living in a remote African village that was brought up being an animist will never know about Jesus, or some kid living in a remote arctic igloo will never know about Jesus either. It's too bad that those kids who were never taught that Jesus is the lord will burn in hell for eternity, if only Jesus revealed himself to them, I feel bad for those poor kids. Religion can only survive through hearsay and not direct experience, which just shows it's a manmade invention. Your parents, your grandparents, and your great-grandparents never spoke with God (unless they were schizophrenic), and God never told them that Jesus is their lord, the only reason they believe it was because their parents, priests and teachers told them to believe it, that's how they were raised.
So it looks like 8 years later and you're still looking. I am curious, when you're lying on your death bed still without ever experiencing intimacy with a woman. Will you call your god a liar then? Or is there a Plan B, your woman is waiting for you on the other side maybe?It is by the grace of God I have not lost my virginity with an escort. God knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation. It says so in 2 Pet 2:9. The last attempt to use an escort was last year in June 26, 2012. I called up a few escorts but they didn't pick up the phone and then I called a girl and ended up having a relationship with her (no sex) until we broke up because she was divorced and I didn't buy her explanation for the divorce. (relationship was between July 1, 2012-Nov 18, 2012)
It was an exciting and passionate relationship and we planned to marry each other. But, Jesus said, if you date or marry a divorced woman then you are committing adultery with her. Therefore I broke up with her since it was adultery to see her. So, God delivered me from that too as I got the truth about her from her ex-husband who is a pastor from a church that was still hung up on her and waiting for her to go back to him.
Since then this has given me hope that there is still a right woman out there for me and I've been dissuaded of potentially catching any STDs or having a past that includes this, especially if I'm looking for a Christian wife. So, for the moment, I don't see that happening. To use an escort would be to call God a liar and claim He has no woman for me. So, yeah, I'm VirginJohn still.
Sorry to hear about your dilemma. Like you I've refrained myself from seeingIt is by the grace of God I have not lost my virginity with an escort. God knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation. It says so in 2 Pet 2:9. The last attempt to use an escort was last year in June 26, 2012. I called up a few escorts ..................
Since then this has given me hope that there is still a right woman out there for me and I've been dissuaded of potentially catching any STDs or having a past that includes this, especially if I'm looking for a Christian wife. So, for the moment, I don't see that happening. To use an escort would be to call God a liar and claim He has no woman for me. So, yeah, I'm VirginJohn still.
I guess she was still too high and missed Leviticus 19:28 while reading the bible, along with all the prostitution stuff. A classic hypocrite.I don't know if this story has been referenced but here is our local religious escort:
She is a wild one!
I already understand your position, selective following of the Bible. And my point to that why the fuck have a holy book, word of God, or religion at all? Seems like all the Christians lately want just the good stuff, with no repercussions whatsoever.Azprint, So?
I've had Crab and Lobster dishes at church functions (Leviticus 11:10) I've also had Veal Scaloppini (Exodus 23:19 and 34:26; also Deuteronomy 14:21). Further I've know clergy to wear suits that were wool - linen blends, likewise cotton - polyester blend shirts (Leviticus 19:19).
Of course, it tends to be only the militant non-Christians who seem to insist that Christians should interpret their holy book in a literalist, non-biblical way.Azprint, So?
I've had Crab and Lobster dishes at church functions (Leviticus 11:10) I've also had Veal Scaloppini (Exodus 23:19 and 34:26; also Deuteronomy 14:21). Further I've know clergy to wear suits that were wool - linen blends, likewise cotton - polyester blend shirts (Leviticus 19:19).
Which is still true,...today,...not to mention any one particular religion,...More people have died in the name of Religion than have ever died of cancer.
And yet we spend billions trying to cure cancer.
Not trying to start a war with you Blue,...but could you please explain how one can state,... "I do not go to church or practice religion",...and then go on to state,..."the gifts I believe God has given me".I was raised a Christian , I do not go to church or practice religion however I have faith and consider myself spiritual .
I would rather be the person sitting in my boat in the middle of a beautiful lake surrounded by nature and appreciating the gifts I believe God has given me then sitting in church thinking about how much I'd rather be sitting in my boat !
Churches aren't just about worship. They are are about a particular doctrine of worship. And ritual. And about community.Not trying to start a war with you Blue,...but could you please explain how one can state,... "I do not go to church or practice religion",...and then go on to state,..."the gifts I believe God has given me".
Bearing in mind,...I am a none believer.
Agree with what you are saying, my corundum is, when someone states they are Christian, which I would think means they believe in GOD, but then go on to say they a do not practice a religion.FAST, I don't mean to speak for BlueBiu but I think
his kind of religious orientation is not uncommon in a
secular society that is still rooted in Christian traditions
in many ways. Majority of people in the west with church
affiliation are at most nominal Christians. Many people
who don't attend the church could still believe in a God
of their own choosing. It will take many decades or centuries before the influence of Christian faith is completely undone.
Until then those people who figure out there is no God
will remain a minority.