
Lesbians kissing straight guys

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In keeping with the recent post of gay guys touching vaginas, here's a similar but different take on pairing up homosexuals with heterosexuals.

In this case, pairing up lesbians with straight guys.

Now first off, most of these girls are indeed pretty cute. (Can't imagine getting too many young straight guys to volunteer to kiss an old bull dyke.) In fact, the one with the pixie cut hair style is down right very attractive. And let's be honest, what guys doesn't fantasize (at least a bit) about hooking up with lesbian, just to show her what she might be missing out on, or even make her bi instead of lesbian.) It could be my imagination, but a couple of them did seem to get into it.....


las venganza

Senior Member
Sep 21, 2007
Some of those Women seemed to be into it....

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
I'll admit that I watched to video because I was curious as to what point there might have been to the experiment. However, having now watched it, I'm still wondering what the point was. I'm hardly surprised they found it awkward. Shouldn't it be awkward to kiss a total stranger (who you might not find attractive), even if you're straight? This video had all the intellectual sophistication of a bunch of teenagers playing spin the bottle.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
In keeping with the recent post of gay guys touching vaginas, here's a similar but different take on pairing up homosexuals with heterosexuals.

In this case, pairing up lesbians with straight guys.

Now first off, most of these girls are indeed pretty cute. (Can't imagine getting too many young straight guys to volunteer to kiss an old bull dyke.) In fact, the one with the pixie cut hair style is down right very attractive. And let's be honest, what guys doesn't fantasize (at least a bit) about hooking up with lesbian, just to show her what she might be missing out on, or even make her bi instead of lesbian.) It could be my imagination, but a couple of them did seem to get into it.....
Make her bi? That's not how it works. lol But then that's a whole other topic.

Just because it says they're "lesbians", does anyone think these girls have never kissed a guy before? Maybe not in a long time, but never?

For fun, I think the next experiment should entail gay guys checking the lesbian's vaginas to see if they got turned on after kissing straight guys. :)

I'll admit that I watched to video because I was curious as to what point there might have been to the experiment. However, having now watched it, I'm still wondering what the point was. I'm hardly surprised they found it awkward. Shouldn't it be awkward to kiss a total stranger (who you might not find attractive), even if you're straight? This video had all the intellectual sophistication of a bunch of teenagers playing spin the bottle.
Pretty much...


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Is there a parallel survey, in which straight dudes kiss gay dudes? In which the straight dudes showed signs of being aroused by the experience, and some of the straight guys were converted to bi?

If there is, please don't post it. (Not that there's anything wrong with being gay.)


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I would find it more believable that those women were
hard core lesbians turned bisexual by the kissing if they
were replaced by someone as desirable as Kathleen Wynne.
While not DDG none of those so called lesbians were the
type of women whom no men wants even with their legs
wide open. They were most likely already bi before the


Active member
Feb 1, 2005
Is there a parallel survey, in which straight dudes kiss gay dudes? In which the straight dudes showed signs of being aroused by the experience, and some of the straight guys were converted to bi?

If there is, please don't post it. (Not that there's anything wrong with being gay.)
No straight guy is going to volunteer to kiss another guy. That would just be gay.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
I am not surprised, I have known 2 SPs that are lesbian. Not bi, full lesbian. Their motivation is play for pay.
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