Whats this called?


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Thanks. I read frontage or someone told me body slide. This is really awesome. Any Sp's that provide this?


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
STI is a thing sadly :/ and this is NOT a safe activity
Yes, that is true, but so is kissing and oral and hands touching and sneezing and eyes watering.

It is a matter of risk. Essentially, abstinence is the only sure way to avoid everything, so what are you suggesting?
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New member
Jan 8, 2016
Honestly, I've gotten this from alot of massage places that you go to. But I've never asked for it, it just happens. It's deffinetly amazing when it does happen


New member
Aug 20, 2006
I was hoping massage places offed it. That's why I was asking. I had this recently and UN-expectedly . It was amazing.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Charlotte, I have not had this but just asking about it as it looked interesting to me. The girl is on top and in total control so I am not sure what you are referring to. As in anything in this hobby there are risks versus rewards. Oral, dfk and so on. For me I would never visit for instance an Sp that did not do bbbj. There is nothing less satisfying than a covered BJ. Many Sp's advertise as "safe" condom only and I am sure there is a place for them. I am not looking for bare back penetration or trying to sneak one in. I hope I did not give that impression, and if I did then I am sorry. To me this has the same risks as bbbj. We all have our opinions.
Jul 28, 2006
I was hoping massage places offed it. That's why I was asking. I had this recently and UN-expectedly . It was amazing.
Charlotte, I have not had this but just asking about it as it looked interesting to me. The girl is on top and in total control so I am not sure what you are referring to. As in anything in this hobby there are risks versus rewards. Oral, dfk and so on. For me I would never visit for instance an Sp that did not do bbbj. There is nothing less satisfying than a covered BJ. Many Sp's advertise as "safe" condom only and I am sure there is a place for them. I am not looking for bare back penetration or trying to sneak one in. I hope I did not give that impression, and if I did then I am sorry. To me this has the same risks as bbbj. We all have our opinions.
ixlr82, I'm trying to follow your response here, in one breath you said you experienced this recently and unexpectedly and that it was amazing, then in the next you say that you have yet to experience it ? So which is it ?

You are correct in that we all have our own risk versus reward measuring system in that respect to each his own, but I say this without judgement that it would seem you are not very clear on the risks of non penetrative genital to genital contact. You don't have to "sneak one in " to contract something. It does look fun and it's something I've experienced in my persoanl life, not as hobbyist..

Perhaps this thread can shift focus for a bit and we can have a civil and informative while non judgemental , discussion on the possible risks of such an activity
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New member
Aug 20, 2006
Sorry, I saw this in a video. I posted the link. I did not mean to imply I had this service. Based on the Pm's I am getting looks like this is something alot are looking for.

Dont judge me, I am just looking for info.

Thanks Cowboy.


Jan 31, 2006
Interesting topic, is there evidence that this is more risky than daty or bbbj? Are there some infections that can only be passed by skin to skin contact that is genital to genital and can't be passed genital to mouth? From my research the usual suspects (HPV, HSV, Chlamydia, etc.) are easily passed through oral sex (some even from kissing) so I am curious to learn if pussy sliding brings additional risks.
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Newly Amber Meow!
Jul 26, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Interesting topic, is there evidence that this is more risky than daty or bbbj? Are there some infections that can only be passed by skin to skin contact that is genital to genital and can't be passed genital to mouth? From my research the usual suspects (HPV, HSV, Chlamydia, etc.) are easily passed through oral sex (some even from kissing) so I am curious to learn if pussy sliding brings additional risks.
From what I have read/heard STI's that are passed through contact are not "easily" passed through oral, but it can and does happen and is definitely a risk, but they are much more likely to be passed from genital contact.

I'm actually surprised(yet also not at all) at the amount of guys on here okay with this activity with SP's.
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