best documentary thread

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Particle Fever

theoretical physics does not get more important

Large Hadron Collider searches for the Higgs-Boson particle (the god particle) which gives particles mass, some more mass than others and some get none, this allows things to bind together and form things like stars and planets and atoms and molecules and humans and everything

I think the standard model goes like this ( theory of what things are made of at the subatomic level) - all matter is made of fermions which are quarks or leptons (several of each)

all force, or force carriers are made of bosons and there are two bosons: the gauge and the higgs (yet to be discovered)

at the LHC protons are smashed into each other at the speed of light billions of times

they then break into sub elements and a snap shot is taken of these elements

the mass of the higgs (if discovered) will decide whether the universe is knowable or not (watch the film to find the answer), if it is 115 times the mass of a proton (GEV) then supersymmetry rules- which is an extension of the Standard Model where each fermions and bosons particle from one group is associated with a particle from the other, known as its superpartner. For example, there would be a "selectron", a bosonic version of the electron with the same mass as the electron. However, if the higs is 140GEV then we live in a multiverse and it is the death of physics

lots of fascinating stuff

the universe is expanding at a rate a millionbillionbillionbillionbillionbillionbillion times slower than modern physics predicts

the cosmological constant sets parameters so precise that the smallest change in physics would exclude our existence - does this mean there is a GOD setting the dials? or is there something we got totally wrong about the big picture? one possibility is there is a multi verse and only in our tiny speck of the grander multiverse is the cosmological constant set to allow us to be and this is simply by chance - otherwise the odds against it happening in the only universe that exists is so great it would require an Intelligent designer which would mean our existence is the reason for everything, but if you believe in a multiverse than our occurrence can be explained by mere chance and may also mean nature is unknowable because nature occurs by chance and has no explanation - the LHC may answer this question

unlike any other of the great scientific discoveries, you are there, and get the privilege of meeting the Einsteins of today (some have very sloppy hair and dress bad), no babes as the girl geniuses never seem to wear any make up or know what yoga pants are

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
I think the documentary is called "the woman who wasn't there" and it is sometimes shown on CBC Newsworld(or whatever it is called now). It is about a woman who was involved in a support group of 9-11 World Trade Center survivors. Her story was she was saved by a firefighter that day but her fiancee was killed. Only one problem, a journalist eventually found out she was lying. Fascinating story.

This Wednesday at 9pm EST WNED(the Buffalo PBS affiliate) will show a NOVA episode about how great medieval cathedrals were built.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I think the documentary is called "the woman who wasn't there" and it is sometimes shown on CBC Newsworld(or whatever it is called now). It is about a woman who was involved in a support group of 9-11 World Trade Center survivors. Her story was she was saved by a firefighter that day but her fiancee was killed. Only one problem, a journalist eventually found out she was lying. Fascinating story.

This Wednesday at 9pm EST WNED(the Buffalo PBS affiliate) will show a NOVA episode about how great medieval cathedrals were built.
there are docs more fun to watch than Particle Fever but none with greater theoretical scientific significance

I saw such a film on Cathedrals and the flying buttress design. An interesting part of such cathedrals is the politics behind them IE Christopher Wren tricked the clergy into building a flying buttress when he rebuilt St Pauls - the flying buttress is hidden behind the walls and the exploitation of the people to pay for such extravagance and their rebellion

St Pauls



Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
there are docs more fun to watch than Particle Fever but none with greater theoretical scientific significance

I wasn't suggesting those 2 titles were more important or better than the particle fever doc. I was simply adding titles to the list for people who would like to explore.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I wasn't suggesting those 2 titles were more important or better than the particle fever doc. I was simply adding titles to the list for people who would like to explore.
I did not mean to suggest you were

the doc you mentioned is very interesting and fun to watch

what amazes me is the complexity of the buildings bearing in mind

1 they were exploring brand new technology

2 such a small population base

3 such a small percentage of that small population base were educated yet they still had great minds at the ready for such bold adventures into the unknown even though calculus was unknown, yet they still figured out the mathematics. Christopher Wren was an astronomer, not an architect, yet he still built St Pauls

those cathedrals still stand firm, although some need modern reinforcement, and are some of the most beautiful buildings in the world

a wonderful doc
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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Yoga Face said:
I saw such a film on Cathedrals and the flying buttress design. An interesting part of such cathedrals is the politics behind them IE Christopher Wren tricked the clergy into building a flying buttress when he rebuilt St Pauls - the flying buttress is hidden behind the walls and the exploitation of the people to pay for such extravagance and their rebellion
This cathedral doc was pretty good.
I luv docs but can't think of any good ones at the moment.
One documentarian that I do not like is Michael Moore. His docs are actually pretty weak, its more about him than the topic.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Art of the steal

Paradise Lost

Making a Murderer (on Netflix now)

Chasing Ice

The Cove

Black fin

Exit through the gift shop

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
One documentarian that I do not like is Michael Moore. His docs are actually pretty weak, its more about him than the topic.
Michael Moores docs are one sided, as well he outright lies

he is a bad document film maker but he sells so he gets awards

almost got the academy award for 911

he would have but insisted on putting it in the wrong category for some reason
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Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Best documentary = Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

agree along with the original Sagan cosmos

BTW choosing Tyson was a great idea as he is Black and he will inspire bright black kids that they can be something other than a basketball player

Worst documentary = Cowspiracy
a DiCaprio film as he is big into global warming

WTF is wrong with it

it is not an entertainment doc, just facts

Film makes a compelling case for banning cow meat

I see no evidence our diet would be poorer nor would it lack variety

Never happen of course because of powerful self interest groups

some facts - I wonder how accurate they are, but they are compelling

-animal production accounts for more greenhouse gas than all of transportation

-animal farms create tremendous pollution and desertification

-far less land use for 1 pound of plants than 1 pound of meat
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Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
just watched Kumare on Netflix

this cool cat pretends to be a guru and actually gets a following to do goofy stuff

not a great film but interersting

hard to watch people make such grand fools of themselves

the lesson is do not believe people no matter how much they believe WTF they believe

this is exactly how Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Dwayne Dwyer et all get their followers - people are gullible and have an innate need for a leader


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I enjoy a good documentary as well. My all time favourite (being a lover of all things art related) naturally has to be: Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child (2010)
I saw his stuff at AGO and I do not see the genius

Some of his stuff was fun but some childs play like the rap poetry in the doc but nothing was brilliant

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I also saw his work on exhibit at the AGO and was hoping for more pieces. I think the story paired with his work is very interesting and strikes chords regarding race, society, police brutality etc. There is one that speaks to me ( and while some view it as childs play theres a ton of references in his work that reveal the inner workings of his mind and story. For myself I find it compelling for someone at such a young age to reach the heights he did in the art world considering the challenges he had working against him. Mixed with a bit of tragedy and its a historical one for the books. It was good to see him celebrated for the first time in Canada at the AGO. But yes I agree, his work is not for everyone.
do not get me wrong

I enjoy his stuff esp some pieces like blue man really grabbed me ( I do not think that is what it was called)

but I never heard an explanation as to why he is the genius he is called

at least not one I understand

but I used to think the same of Mark Rothco but now I love his stuff so I keep an open mind



you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Particle Fever

theoretical physics does not get more important

Large Hadron Collider searches for the Higgs-Boson particle (the god particle) which gives particles mass, some more mass than others and some get none, this allows things to bind together and form things like stars and planets and atoms and molecules and humans and everything

I think the standard model goes like this ( theory of what things are made of at the subatomic level) - all matter is made of fermions which are quarks or leptons (several of each)

all force, or force carriers are made of bosons and there are two bosons: the gauge and the higgs (yet to be discovered)

at the LHC protons are smashed into each other at the speed of light billions of times

they then break into sub elements and a snap shot is taken of these elements

the mass of the higgs (if discovered) will decide whether the universe is knowable or not (watch the film to find the answer), if it is 115 times the mass of a proton (GEV) then supersymmetry rules- which is an extension of the Standard Model where each fermions and bosons particle from one group is associated with a particle from the other, known as its superpartner. For example, there would be a "selectron", a bosonic version of the electron with the same mass as the electron. However, if the higs is 140GEV then we live in a multiverse and it is the death of physics

lots of fascinating stuff

the universe is expanding at a rate a millionbillionbillionbillionbillionbillionbillion times slower than modern physics predicts

the cosmological constant sets parameters so precise that the smallest change in physics would exclude our existence - does this mean there is a GOD setting the dials? or is there something we got totally wrong about the big picture? one possibility is there is a multi verse and only in our tiny speck of the grander multiverse is the cosmological constant set to allow us to be and this is simply by chance - otherwise the odds against it happening in the only universe that exists is so great it would require an Intelligent designer which would mean our existence is the reason for everything, but if you believe in a multiverse than our occurrence can be explained by mere chance and may also mean nature is unknowable because nature occurs by chance and has no explanation - the LHC may answer this question

unlike any other of the great scientific discoveries, you are there, and get the privilege of meeting the Einsteins of today (some have very sloppy hair and dress bad), no babes as the girl geniuses never seem to wear any make up or know what yoga pants are

1. Thin blue line

2. The ascent of man

3. Anybody' Son will do

4. The ten thousand day war

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
agree along with the original Sagan cosmos

BTW choosing Tyson was a great idea as he is Black and he will inspire bright black kids that they can be something other than a basketball player


a DiCaprio film as he is big into global warming

WTF is wrong with it

it is not an entertainment doc, just facts

Film makes a compelling case for banning cow meat

I see no evidence our diet would be poorer nor would it lack variety

Never happen of course because of powerful self interest groups

some facts - I wonder how accurate they are, but they are compelling

-animal production accounts for more greenhouse gas than all of transportation

-animal farms create tremendous pollution and desertification

-far less land use for 1 pound of plants than 1 pound of meat
Canada man summarized it well in this thread...

Thus Cowspiracy's real agenda is to promote abolitionist veganism. Oppenlander is a abolitionist vegan. This strand of veganism is pretty much fundamentalist veganism meaning it allows for no alternatives or compromises. The real goal of Abolitionist vegans is to get rid of all livestock. They oppose any form of livestock management. To achieve this goal, such advocates pretty much use any means necessary to reach their goal including gross oversimplification of complex issues, finding "scape cows,"cherry picking the worse statistics, spinning those statistics, and in some cases downright lying to further their cause. Heck, if they just were vegan for moral reasons, fine. But absolutism is counterproductive, and doesn't lead to real meaningful debate or solutions. Absolutism stifles dialogue.

Utilizing this any means necessary approach, the film's vegan talking heads even go so far as to ironically borrow conventional feedlot cattle industry talking points almost verbatim to argue against any alternatives including smaller pasture based 100% grass fed cattle ranches. Thus the film argues that there is no such thing as sustainable livestock by quoting abolitionist vegan activist and NYC urbanite Demosthenes Maratos (aka @nycVeganPunk) while simultaneously glibly dismissing Allan Savory. Thus there is no mention of methods Savory champions including carbon sequestration, methane oxidation regenerative agriculture and holistic management. (Methods that all help against climate change that use cattle in an environmentally beneficial way).
This was my response from the same thread....not as nicely put as CMan but still sends my message..

This is one of the worst, unethical documentaries I have ever seen and it has actually brainwashed a LOT of people.

If you want to know what a sheep wolf is just observe Kip Anderson's tactics, how he lowers their guard, befriends them and then goes straight for the throat. This guy has no morals. He goes to an organic farm where the family is very proud of their practices, the family shows their kids talking about how much they enjoy all the land and cattle they have and helping out, and what does kip do, ridicules the family on his documentary after the fact, shows the kids and their names to everyone, and uses their land to cattle rations to throw his basic oversimplification of math and try to brain wash you to become vegan. He uses the death of the innocent to forward his agend, and tries to manipulate the viewers...These are the type of people you should worry the most about. His numbers and logic is pulled straight of his ass and holds little logic and then he tries to cross reference to published articles and facts. He has very little factual credibility and likes to play on viewers emotions to manipulate.

I feel sorry for anyone who believes this bs...

Be very careful with people who use Kips tactic's, a true sheep wolf...

Fuckign disgusting...

Don't let this stuff brainwash you...think critically...


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Another two to add to the list:
1)The times of Harvey Milk===the story of America's first openly gay politician. I saw this for the first time several years ago without knowing anything about him, and was floored by the story and ending. This is not to be confused with the Sean Penn movie.
2)Tyke Elephant Outlaw===a heartbreaking story of a circus elephant who went on a rampage and wound up being shot to death. This doc takes a deeper look into the elephant's past and what led to the rampage. CBC Newsworld showed this about a month ago.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Rise of the Continents is a British documentary television series. The four-part series is presented by geologist Iain Stewart. The series hypothesizes how 250 million years in the future, all of the continents will collide together once more, forming a new Pangea.

The animation is amazing as well as the incredible information. I am left amazed at how they ever figured all this stuff out.

I feel like a geologist after watching.

Four part series that I will watch again

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts