The ongoing climate change debate should end for a while.
The bet moviefan and I made, over whether 2015's global temperature anomaly would hit 0.83ºC has been ended, as NASA has reported that we are now at 0.84ºC with one month to go.
Moviefan has now officially lost the bet (though the whining will never end).
The pot for the bet was that the winner would choose 2 books (I think it was two, that thread is so old now....) that the loser would have to buy, read and review.
I'd like some help here, if anyone is interested.
Right now I'm thinking:
a) "Merchants of Doubt," by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
b)"Six Degrees," by Mark Lynas
c) "Climate Wars," by Gwynne Dyer
d) This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
e) "The Sixth Extinction," by Elizabeth Kolbert (not climate change, but he should read it)
f) Greenhouse Gangsters vs. Climate Justice by CorpWatch
Though for real punishment maybe he should have to read:
James Hansen - Storms of My grandchildren: Truth about coming climate catastrophe and our last chance to save humanity.
or maybe something by Michael Mann like:
Dire Predictions, 2nd Edition: Understanding Climate Change
The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines
Any other books I should force him to read and review?
Should I give him something long and technical as real punishment?
What do you all think?
The bet ended here:
And started here:
The bet moviefan and I made, over whether 2015's global temperature anomaly would hit 0.83ºC has been ended, as NASA has reported that we are now at 0.84ºC with one month to go.
Moviefan has now officially lost the bet (though the whining will never end).
The pot for the bet was that the winner would choose 2 books (I think it was two, that thread is so old now....) that the loser would have to buy, read and review.
I'd like some help here, if anyone is interested.
Right now I'm thinking:
a) "Merchants of Doubt," by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
b)"Six Degrees," by Mark Lynas
c) "Climate Wars," by Gwynne Dyer
d) This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
e) "The Sixth Extinction," by Elizabeth Kolbert (not climate change, but he should read it)
f) Greenhouse Gangsters vs. Climate Justice by CorpWatch
Though for real punishment maybe he should have to read:
James Hansen - Storms of My grandchildren: Truth about coming climate catastrophe and our last chance to save humanity.
or maybe something by Michael Mann like:
Dire Predictions, 2nd Edition: Understanding Climate Change
The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines
Any other books I should force him to read and review?
Should I give him something long and technical as real punishment?
What do you all think?
The bet ended here:
And started here: