The One Spa

Toll lanes coming to QEW

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Welcome to capitalism. Capitalism is based on the premise that those willing to pay more should be prioritized over those willing to pay less. The alternative you are proposing is called communism and it proved to be inefficient.
Just like the 9/11 thread . You just can't see the forest because of the trees . What else is new . LOL Communism ... Now I have heard every thing .


Jan 31, 2005
Just like the 9/11 thread . You just can't see the forest because of the trees . What else is new . LOL Communism ... Now I have heard every thing .
Go back to whatever communist shithole you come from where everything is free and people line up.

In a market economy prices rise and fall to meet demand. Economics 101.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As someone who can afford to pay the tolls I look forward to zooming past all you whiners on my next trip to Toronto. Feel free to honk as my tail lights disappear around the next bend.
I'm actually happy that you are going to pay a thousand dollars into our tax base to save a few minutes on a visit to Toronto.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm actually happy that you are going to pay a thousand dollars into our tax base to save a few minutes on a visit to Toronto.
I pay property tax to Toronto as well. But, very happy if I will be able to pay a toll on the Gardiner in order to zip past those who believe highways should be free-like-communism

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I pay property tax to Toronto as well. But, very happy if I will be able to pay a toll on the Gardiner in order to zip past those who believe highways should be free-like-communism
Again your 9/11 ideas are coming through . Those highways are not free . Daaa . They were paid for by tax dollars .


Jan 31, 2005
Again your 9/11 ideas are coming through . Those highways are not free . Daaa . They were paid for by tax dollars .
Specifically my 9/11 ideas are that I ridicule people who present crazy conspiracy theories. Are you one of those kooky 9/11 truthers as well as a commie?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Options are good, however very difficult to implement IMO, and still not a long term solution.

Flexible working hours is a good option, however not very practical. You need something to motivate workers and ensure they still perform and not skip out. So you make it performance based, but then you have union issues. Also how many companies trust their workers enough to do this without good incentives. Maybe use toll money to provide these incentives. Then workers who start 5-2 flexi hours will face less congestion, will have more satisfaction, and the guys who choose to pay for tolls will fund it.

I though they are using this variable signal technology as its slowly spreading and connecting the vehicles to each other and making them smarter. I agree this might improve things, but its not the ultimate solution.

Yes the trucking industry is a huge problem, however they are very powerful, and to have them change would probably entitle significant incentives. Self driving trucks would improve things for them. However they can still use the money from the tolls and provide these incentives.

These solutions you presented are a good short term solution, and would be nice to have. However without good incentive and planning forget about it. Not very practical.

Why not toll, reduce overall congestion and use the money to fund these programs and incentives you mentioned along with others. Then you can still have the option to not use the HOT because the congestion will be reduced, maybe encouraged alternative forms of commute such as bike or transit with incentives until the inevitable happens and the whole highway gets tolled. But still use the money to give back and invest in making it better for everyone, including building these free electric charging stations that are already in plans and giving back good incentives to the people who bike, walk, carpool or take transit to work.

This will ensure I can still hit up the MPs on my way back from work without SO noticing so we all win.
Biking is too dangerous frankly, even worse in winter. I ride motorcycles and I find riding a bicycle on the road FAR more dangerous. These are long term solutions. If you think about rush hour, its a span of about 4 hours a day, which means there is huge surplus capacity of a massively expensive asset for most of the time. Moving our culture to arrive at different times will make a huge difference and may actually allow many companies to operate longer hours for the same money. It can also allow the deferral of billions of dollars in transit investment.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Here is my question: Why are there people on terb who can't even afford to pay a road toll?
Your Donald Trump impression i.e. I'm really rich is not that good. Care to start paying for all the public services that you've already consumed up to this point?


Jan 31, 2005
Your Donald Trump impression i.e. I'm really rich is not that good. Care to start paying for all the public services that you've already consumed up to this point?
Your impression of the sort of "wealth" it takes to pay a road toll is hilarious.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Welcome to capitalism. Capitalism is based on the premise that those willing to pay more should be prioritized over those willing to pay less. The alternative you are proposing is called communism and it proved to be inefficient.
That's a discussion for another thread. I think your idea of what Capitalism is is exactly why Capitalism needs a reinvention and capitulates everything that is wrong with it. Capitalism was never supposed to be about giving those willing to pay more higher priority. It was about rewarding people who work hard. But Capitalism has morphed into a greedy, blood-sucking, plutocracy, where money is rewarded and everyone else, regardless of their work ethic, is screwed. Capitalism and democracy can, and have, worked well together, but it seems to me you give the former priority over the latter.

And that's where the problem lies, and why you can't see our perspective. So you come up with theories on why we think the way we do and assume we either can't afford the tolls (not true) or are communists (not true).


Jan 31, 2005
That's a discussion for another thread. I think your idea of what Capitalism is is exactly why Capitalism needs a reinvention and capitulates everything that is wrong with it. Capitalism was never supposed to be about giving those willing to pay more higher priority. It was about rewarding people who work hard. But Capitalism has morphed into a greedy, blood-sucking, plutocracy, where money is rewarded and everyone else, regardless of their work ethic, is screwed. Capitalism and democracy can, and have, worked well together, but it seems to me you give the former priority over the latter.

And that's where the problem lies, and why you can't see our perspective. So you come up with theories on why we think the way we do and assume we either can't afford the tolls (not true) or are communists (not true).
Yes, you can start another thread on the virtues of communism. We continue to have an economy in which you are rewarded for working harder by earning not money and thus betting able to afford things like tolls.

And yes, we do use price to device who gets the scarce resources like the bigger home, nicer car, it access to the fast lane.

And yes, if you took economics 101 you would learn that this strategy of rationing based on ability and willingness to pay for a better job than communism of making efficient use of the scarce resource.

But please do start a thread on why you think communism is better...


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
You're missing Game Boy's point. Only single passenger vehicles should be billed for their HOT usage. How will they know if you're 2 or more people, and therefore shouldn't be billed? Seems like a system that's asking for trouble.
The initial proposal is a flat fee system
So you pay once and unlimited use, regardless if you car pool some days


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Yes, you can start another thread on the virtues of communism. We continue to have an economy in which you are rewarded for working harder by earning not money and thus betting able to afford things like tolls.

And yes, we do use price to device who gets the scarce resources like the bigger home, nicer car, it access to the fast lane.

And yes, if you took economics 101 you would learn that this strategy of rationing based on ability and willingness to pay for a better job than communism of making efficient use of the scarce resource.

But please do start a thread on why you think communism is better...
Your post makes little sense grammatically, so I'm thinking you wrote it on your phone or when you were high/drunk. Let us assume the former.

If you truly believe our society rewards hard work, you're blind. Our society rewards money. And money begets money. That is what Capitalism has become in the West. I'm not an advocate for communism. In fact, I regularly rail against people who take advantage of "socialist" government programs. I 100% believe that those who work hard should be rewarded for it by being able to better afford the finer things in life. I believe those who slack off should be given a safety net, but not a boost up (I think our current social programs are too generous). Does that sound like communist thinking to you?

But believing that Capitalism is a great system, doesn't mean I think it's a perfect system. Certainly it's moving further away from perfect each day. And although I believe in Capitalism, that doesn't mean I give it precedence over democracy. Government controlled essential services, like healthcare, fire/police services, and transportation should not be subject to the same supply/demand rules. Such items are imperative to the functioning of our society and everyone should be given equal access to them.

Answer me this, do you believe people should be able to pay extra to jump the queue at a public hospital? If yes, what the fuck is wrong with you? If no, how does that really differ from what we're talking about here?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I pay property tax to Toronto as well. But, very happy if I will be able to pay a toll on the Gardiner in order to zip past those who believe highways should be free-like-communism
So if I follow what you are suggesting: Communism is the denial of a system that would allow a privileged few to pay a marginal fee to get better service on a publically funded service.

That's not what communism is about. Every society whether capitalistic or communist has one common thread to be successful - a government. People don't higher their own police, their own army nor build their own roads. Even in your non-communist dreams, you don't set your own individual rules for conduct, business, public safety etc. So let's lay off this communist bullshit that sounds like it came from a low Fox news announcer. If you aren't a commie by your reasoning .. you would not be on roads paid for by the general population - you would be on your own road that you paid for and charging whatever toll you want.


Jan 31, 2005
If you truly believe our society rewards hard work, you're blind. Our society rewards money. And money begets money.
Please start a different thread to promote communism, on this thread can we agree that Canada is a market oriented society and that the Canadian perspective is that price mechanisms are better than communism?

I 100% believe that those who work hard should be rewarded for it by being able to better afford the finer things in life. I believe those who slack off should be given a safety net, but not a boost up
Sounds like HOT lanes fit the bill. Successful people can enjoy an extra half hour of sleep and an extra half hour with the family in the evening by paying for the HOT lane, while others can at least get to work on the free but slow lane.

Businesses with a priority need for raid fast delivery can also bypass the slow lane.

Government controlled essential services, like healthcare, fire/police services, and transportation should not be subject to the same supply/demand rules.
You named life critical services, but we routinely charge money for non life critical services such as electricity and water mains which are also government funded infrastructure like roads.

You might die if the police, fire, or ambulance does not respond, you will at worst have to leave for work a little earlier if you can't afford the HOT lane. Roads are more like electricity, where we charge for usage, and even charge more for usage at peak times.


Jan 31, 2005
So if I follow what you are suggesting: Communism is the denial of a system that would allow a privileged few to pay a marginal fee to get better service on a publically funded service.

That's not what communism is about. Every society whether capitalistic or communist has one common thread to be successful - a government. People don't higher their own police, their own army nor build their own roads. Even in your non-communist dreams, you don't set your own individual rules for conduct, business, public safety etc. So let's lay off this communist bullshit that sounds like it came from a low Fox news announcer. If you aren't a commie by your reasoning .. you would not be on roads paid for by the general population - you would be on your own road that you paid for and charging whatever toll you want.
To each according to his need to drive, from each according to his ability to pay income tax to the province, is communism. Pay for your road use by the kilometer with a toll.

We could simply raise the gas tax but a HOT lane allows selectively charging more to those who are willing to pay extra for a higher level of service.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Please start a different thread to promote communism, on this thread can we agree that Canada is a market oriented society and that the Canadian perspective is that price mechanisms are better than communism?
You can't argue with someone who sees things in black and white.
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