3 Are Dead in Colorado Springs Shootout at Planned Parenthood Center


Mar 8, 2014
Of course Fox News won't call him a terrorist, nor will any right wing media talk about the radical Christian problem in The US. Yes, it's been known for a long time that right wing groups are more of threat in North America than Islamists.

3 Are Dead in Colorado Springs Shootout at Planned Parenthood Center.


NOVEMBER 27, 2015

COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a**Planned Parenthoodcenter here on Friday when a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire at the clinic and began shooting at officers as they rushed to the scene. The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians, and nine were wounded before the suspect finally surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired.

The police did not immediately identify the suspect or describe his motives. For hours on Friday, officers traded gunfire with the gunman inside the building before they were able to shout to him and persuade him to give up, according to Lt. Catherine Buckley, a police spokeswoman.

“The perpetrator is in custody,” Mayor John Suthers said at an evening news conference. “There is a huge crime scene that has to be processed,” he said, “and we have to determine how many victims there are.”

Before the authorities announced the deaths, the police were going room to room to clear the Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday night and the conditions of those wounded were not immediately known. Lieutenant Buckley said the gunman had brought several suspicious items to the clinic, and investigators were trying to determine whether they were explosives. Later in the evening the Colorado attorney general referred to a “tragic loss of life” and the police union said that one officer had died.

The shooting came at a time when Planned Parenthood has been criticized because of surreptitious videos of officials discussing using fetal organs for research. It transformed a shopping area near the clinic into chaos as snow fell and gunshots rang through the parking lot. Black-clad tactical officers stood guard with guns in hand, ambulances lined up and dozens of shoppers and employees were ordered to lock their businesses’ doors and stay away from the windows.

The encounter could be heard in transfixing detail on the police scanner, with authorities describing how they had driven a BearCat armored vehicle into the Planned Parenthood building, smashing through two sets of doors into the lobby and rescuing some of those inside.

“We’re exchanging gunfire,” one officer said on the radio, “We are trying to keep him pinned down.”

“Put gunfire through the walls,” came a reply. “Whatever, we got to stop this guy.”

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS**00:46Colorado Suspect in Custody

Video**The Colorado Springs police took a man into custody after a shootout at a Planned Parenthood clinic that left at least 11 people injured.

The standoff, which began shortly after 11:30 a.m., was terrifying for the family members of those inside, such as Joan Motolinia, who said his sister called him from the center as the shots began.

“As soon as I heard the shots she hung up on me,” he said. “And I didn’t want to call her back and risk her life.”

The local authorities were visibly shaken as they stood in the snowy dark to announce that the suspect had been taken into custody and that the siege was over. Much remained unknown, including how many people had been inside the clinic and how the gunfire had erupted. Cathy Alderman, vice president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, said the group believed all of its staff members were safe, but was still working to confirm the status of its patients.

Officials from law enforcement and Planned Parenthood both said they did not know whether the group’s Colorado Springs center had been specifically targeted. But the attack carried echoes of other violent assaults on abortion providers, and it prompted the police in New York City to deploy units to Planned Parenthood clinics in the city.

In a statement, Vicki Cowart, president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, said the group had strong safety measures and worked closely with local law enforcement.

“We don’t yet know the full circumstances and motives behind this criminal action, and we don’t yet know if Planned Parenthood was in fact the target of this attack,” she said. “We share the concerns of many Americans that extremists are creating a poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism in this country. We will never back away from providing care in a safe, supportive environment that millions of people rely on and trust.”

The group’s Colorado Springs center was one of many locations around the county that became the site of large antiabortion protests over the summer after abortion opponents released surreptitious videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing using fetal organs for research.

Colorado Springs is an area of fast growth about 60 miles south of Denver and home to an Army base and an Air Force base. Bryan Hawke, 35, a chiropractor who was holed up with six others in his one-story brick-fronted chiropractic office that is across the parking lot from Planned Parenthood said the center is the scene of near-daily protests.

“There are protests of varying sizes outside that building probably six days a week,” he said. Sometimes the protests attract as many as 200 people, but “most days there are a dozen people there,” he added.

Mr. Hawke’s receptionist first heard gun shots this morning and started shouting. “I heard them yelling at me to grab the keys,” he said. He quickly locked the door.

Mr. Hawke spent the morning watching SWAT team members swarm the parking lot. They were clad in black, wearing helmets and shields. They spent time pulling people from their cars — people had been stranded in their vehicles when the shooting began.

Denise Speller, a manager at a Supercuts salon near the shooting scene, said she saw police cars streaming through the small shopping center and pull up by a nearby Chase bank as gunshots echoed across the parking lot. She said she saw one officer positioned by his cruiser apparently struck by a bullet.

“We just saw him go down,” Ms. Speller said in a telephone interview.

Security concerns at the clinic were high enough that the clinic had a “security room” with a supply of bulletproof vests, but, according to an officer on the scanner, some of the vests are still in the room, and one may have been worn by the gunman.

With people sheltering inside the clinic, restaurants and stores, the police ordered residents to stay away from Centennial Boulevard and were checking on the safety of those in the area. “We have put officers and detectives in the different businesses at this point,” Lieutenant Buckley said.

Paul Lambert, the owner of Steins and Vines, a liquor store nearby, said he and an employee were told by the police to lock the door to the shop. Earlier Friday morning, Mr. Lambert said some of his employees heard gunshots but did not know where they were coming from.

“They had us lock the doors and stay inside where it’s safe,” Mr. Lambert said in a telephone interview.

Looking out his front door, he said he was watching the police evacuate drivers from their cars into a nearby King Soopers supermarket.

The police said on Twitter that people inside a nearby shopping center and a nearby grocery were told to shelter in place. The police closed Centennial Boulevard in both directions.

At Fusion Nails, in the shopping complex south of the Planned Parenthood center, Quan Hoang said he was working when he saw police cars swarming in the parking lot near a bank down the street. He stepped outside and heard three gunshots, and officers told the shop’s workers and customers to go inside, lock the doors and stay away from the windows.

About two hours after the first reports of gunshots, Mr. Hoang said three officers were still posted outside his front door, one of them brandishing a shotgun.

“It’s unreal,” Mr. Hoang said.

Julie Turkewitz reported from Colorado Springs, and Jack Healy from Steamboat Springs, Colo. Noel Black contributed reporting from Colorado Springs, and Dave Philipps, Christine Hauser and Erik Eckholm from New York.




New member
Jan 19, 2006
There are some reports that he was shooting before he entered the clinic

This of course raises the question was the clinic his target, or did he take shelter in the clinic

Finally Police have not yet said anything about a motive.


Jan 31, 2005
Of course Fox News won't call him a terrorist, nor will any right wing media talk about the radical Christian problem in The US.
Then Fox News is a more responsible source than you are, since we don't yet know what the motives of the shooter were nor do we know if planned parenthood was the target. What you say is certainly possible but it is obvious that you don't know and that you are just BSing at this point.

You will look pretty dumb is this turns out to be a garden variety murderer with personal rather then political motive who was killing people he was angry with rather than political targets.

On the other hand it could well be a politically motivated attack.

But you are asinine for criticizing Fox for not spouting garbage.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I am willing to bet this was some sort of extreme Christian nut.

This is not about gun control, a person with that kind of mind set could just as easily cause a lot of pain and destruction if they put their mind to it.

The rational person though would not jump to knee jerk reactions like blaming religion or access to guns. Plenty of church going gun owners go their whole lives without shooting up an abortion clinic.

And I admit that there's the possibility that the clinic wasn't the target and the person was not motivated by some twisted interpretation of religion x.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If you read he came with an assault rifle
No those are nowhere near as easy to get up here
I could go to Cabella's and buy a 22 semi auto rifle and a magazine that hold over 100 bullets. That gun will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. And don't believe the people who tell you that a 22 is harmless.

That gun is a non restricted firearm.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I could go to Cabella's and buy a 22 semi auto rifle and a magazine that hold over 100 bullets. That gun will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. And don't believe the people who tell you that a 22 is harmless.

That gun is a non restricted firearm.
Okay there are tests and what not but let's face it they are simple enough hoops for a driven person to jump through with minimal difficulty.

Don't get me wrong, guns are dangerous but a determined person could just as easily find other ways to create harm.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I could go to Cabella's and buy a 22 semi auto rifle and a magazine that hold over 100 bullets. That gun will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. And don't believe the people who tell you that a 22 is harmless.

That gun is a non restricted firearm.
The weapon in the story is an AK which is certainly banned in Canada


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
The weapon in the story is an AK which is certainly banned in Canada
That is not the point. An insane Canadian could do just as much damage with guns available at a sporting good store.

An AK typically has 30 or less bullets. A Canadian could go to a store and buy a gun that has 120 bullets in it. Now the bullet may be smaller and the range is shorter but it is more than capable of killing a deer and range is a moot point inside a doctor's office.

Edit: if firepower is an issue for you

You can legally buy in Canada semi auto rifles that fire larger bullets than an AK and be restricted to 5 to 10 rounds in some special cases. But a person who is looking to break the law could easily remove one screw and be able to carry more rounds if they so chose to.

Or you can buy a pump shot gun which in some cases can hold more than 10 shells..... with buck shot you could spray a room or use solid slugs and punch very big holes.

What is really boils down to is that we are only marginally safer in Canada with regards to guns available to the average person.

And criminals will get a gun no matter what is available to law abiding people.


Mar 8, 2014
Then Fox News is a more responsible source than you are, since we don't yet know what the motives of the shooter were nor do we know if planned parenthood was the target. What you say is certainly possible but it is obvious that you don't know and that you are just BSing at this point.

You will look pretty dumb is this turns out to be a garden variety murderer with personal rather then political motive who was killing people he was angry with rather than political targets.

On the other hand it could well be a politically motivated attack.

But you are asinine for criticizing Fox for not spouting garbage.

Lol you're the prick who comes in here by defending Zionism and it's lack of respect for international law, then you make blanket statements like "blacks commit the most street crime." When someone points out obvious facts you bitch about anti-Semitism.
If this was an arab man shoiting nearby a Jewish nursing home for example, you'd be quick to point out that he's some sort of Islamic Extremis.

Abortion clinics have been the targets of The Radical Christian Right before and it's pretty safe to assume that the same culprits are at it again. I guess you love Fox News for their continuous deepthroatingof Far Right Extreme Zionist Rhetoric.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
you make blanket statements like "blacks commit the most street crime."

Abortion clinics have been the targets of The Radical Christian Right before and it's pretty safe to assume that the same culprits are at it again.
The first is a statement of fact. The second is an extension of fact into supposition.

Police have publicly said just this morning that they still do not know Robert L. Dear's motivation.

Further, none of those murdered was an employee of Planned Parenthood, that doesn't particularly sound like someone who was on a vendetta against Planned Parenthood.


Dec 16, 2009
frankcastle no you could not go to cabella's and buy a non restricted rifle, you would need a PAL first


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And you of course will apply the same standards to those accused of terrorism who aren't white?
Sure. It's just the fact when some scream Alluh Akbar! They are tending to give away their motivation pretty quick(as an example)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Twizz, Anon and Frankfooter the only problem is that the facts don't seem to match your beliefs.

According to the Associated Press: "Robert Dear, left behind few clues about his motive, police said, and those who knew him said he seemed to have few religious or political leanings."

While on the other hand the murdered police officer was an Elder at the evangelical Hope Chapel in Colorado Springs.
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