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Trump Mob Attacks Black Man, Chants "All Lives Matter"


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I don't see any "fascism" in the video. What's with the alarmist language?

Some idiots go to rallies attempting to disrupt a speech - oh, sorry, "protest" - and are escorted out in the middle of a crowd because they don't voluntarily leave. I didn't see any beating in the videos.

Sorry dude, this is more for PC drama queens trying to create a problem where there is none.


Mar 8, 2014
I don't see any "fascism" in the video. What's with the alarmist language?

Some idiots go to rallies attempting to disrupt a speech - oh, sorry, "protest" - and are escorted out in the middle of a crowd because they don't voluntarily leave. I didn't see any beating in the videos.

Sorry dude, this is more for PC drama queens trying to create a problem where there is none.
He was assaulted by non-security personnel, that's a crime.

The fascism is when Trump brags about his "fans" doing this, and condones it on top of the fact that nobody was punished by law. This indicates violently crushing dissent is okay, which would be terrifying under his presidency.

Also the double standard, if this was "black lives matter" doing this king of stuff they would be called criminals and thugs.

It's sad that you people can't understand common sense.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Moral of the story is don't be a moron. Heckling is not protesting.

Let's not get started on double standards of the "black lives matter" movement and the people that have found themselves on the losing end of it.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, all of your alarmist political posts belong in the political forum. Why do you insist on plastering every thread in the lounge? Are you hoping to gain sympathy from a wider audience?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
He was assaulted by non-security personnel, that's a crime.

The fascism is when Trump brags about his "fans" doing this, and condones it on top of the fact that nobody was punished by law. This indicates violently crushing dissent is okay, which would be terrifying under his presidency.

Also the double standard, if this was "black lives matter" doing this king of stuff they would be called criminals and thugs.

It's sad that you people can't understand common sense.
where was your Anger when BLM bums invaded a college ibrary disrupting students studying and assaulting white students calling them racial slurs?
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